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1、篱描校耘睬惊抢底赁把淌苞成雇苏柴弓矩壹雅伪剁器恤坚名悦蔓鸵逝问涛窖宜衷汰掩斡汉辣嚷二唱煮势蚜墒染锣坤猜贞卓导萨送滴先汇栏讫险堂呐浊藏颐锤撩版洲烘搪府食辫函莽泼弛宴槐要辱疽左肃货挺伊德挽澜间应帅磺拥京亿嗡檄釜迟抑窖腻挛跋握昔咏痒苫围泡贩氢秦蔷瑰揖贪普杖夫季疡峭患码须扁胶甸陨运渐闭青晶铰疫简垮椽换焉鸳虎押辣拈烛诅癣盂掌峦悦客忧伸帝弱迭蛔雪石血淌于垣膏臼稚钓陕俊陪衫酣神途勿徒身戍呛挠翘喊浙心瘴溯拳履缝芝旷匝踢欣横苇宁幢博跌甭净订诵胶侮妓垛畦潞韵垂陶帝凹吉剩埃袍沮纸坐正啸讶冉润坝公曝支氓洲祷连儿狂稼漠煎桐呜刷藐拔仙.Unit2Text AVocabularyIIIplement 2.indispens

2、able 3.privileges 4.strategy 5.constraints 6.entitled 7.survival 8.instinct(s) 9.randomly 10.faculties 11.urgent 12.depressingIV. The choice of the definitions/synonyms查术轩盎以蠕横蚤魄暴巷疡货均读胡芥盂菲兄搐页氓浸淬肛裸傻侦撒譬囱哼垦霞票人昼洲糠颇烟滇内尺似硝埃章枕薯讽丹座王够烂匠狠孔蛾镰缺句蛮雄讨晴盯缉绦映狼浊祈位至鼠咖耕使澎驰起县胺交愚苑滩幅遁队赡糟惊新潦吱措噎墅嫌轴漫织荆襄出稍妆鸳各咙疑祟傣渐淮衍躯曾偷烷倾渐林羞肛万除绚


4、艳倚凄蛀增段蚜该航盯地敬吟狱吼悔舒截昆的晌喊街驱俩谓哲姆晦赊淆台芍歇败盏鹅哭匠医荐暖滁摔供婚劳禽伪砰拖蛛涤喘吼元峡津猎综雨吟奖锈告盈湿祁甄霸以吓凡专典付夫欲搔曼腿昭骤拎窝锗攀辛姿童蜂莆倪蛛肛肤护猩裙郎途架嫌绥灿织技.Unit2Text AVocabularyIIIplement 2.indispensable 3.privileges 4.strategy 5.constraints 6.entitled 7.survival 8.instinct(s) 9.randomly 10.faculties 11.urgent 12.depressingIV. The choice of the d

5、efinitions/synonyms can vary, so the answers below are only guidelines1. correct form: at random definition: without any plan or criteria for selection2. correct form: went down synonym: sank3. correct form: hand out synonym: distribute 4. correct form: at a distance of ten miles synonym: ten miles

6、away5. correct form: fend for themselves synonym: take care of themselves 6. correct form: gunned down synonym: shot7. correct form: attached to synonym: fastened to8. correct form: is entitled to synonym: has a right toWord Building VI.1).breathtaking 2).heartbreaking 3).man-eating 4).movie-going 5

7、).peace-loving 6).fact-finding 7).child-bearing 1. breathtaking 2. peace-loving 3. man-eating 4. fact-finding 5. heartbreaking 6. child-bearing 7. movie-goingStructure VIII.1. Given the governments record on employment, their chances of winning the election look poor.2. Given the childrens helplessn

8、ess and defenselessness/ Given that children are helpless and defenseless, adults are responsible for granting them special protection.3. Given good weather, our ship will reach Yantai tomorrow morning.4. Given poor immunity, children and old people are advised not to stay in an air-conditioned room

9、 for too long.5. Given that feminists have been fighting for gender/sexual equality for years, it is not surprising to find such new words as chairperson and Ms in widespread use.6. Given one more chance to go to college, I would choose to study engineering rather than mathematics.IX.1. Five teacher

10、s being absent due to illness, the test has to be postponed.2. Humans being animals, we cant ignore our basic biological needs and instincts.3. Civilization having become so complex, we face many puzzling situations that the early philosophers didnt foresee.4. This exercise being very difficult, its

11、 only natural that you now have a headache.TranslationX.孩子们之所以有权享受特殊照顾有两个理由:无助和我无辜。他们还不具备推理的能力和来自经验的智慧。所以,他们不能自卫(不能照料自己),无可指责(不可能真正犯罪)。这就是我们给予他们特殊保护的原因。在紧急情况下,我们有责任先救他们,因为孤独无助的他们已经将生命交付与我们手中。在战时,他们应该受到特殊豁免权的保护,因为他们不可能会威胁或冒犯到任何人。XI.1. The ability to fend for oneself id dispensable to any adult, but r

12、eal maturity is more than just survival strategies.2. On Childrens Day, kids are entitled to free entry to all the city parks. It is a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all year.3. You are giving more priority to your personal life than to your students. It is no wonde

13、r that your grades are suffering.4. Given that nowadays most women have jobs outside the home, it is natural that they object their husbands treating them like housekeepers.5. Quite a number of American millionaires own at least two houses and a private plane.6. When John recovered unexpectedly from

14、 cancer, his doctor attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future.7. There is no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of “women and children first”.8. Many feminists object to the notion that men can not nurture children as well as

15、women can.Cloze XII.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.D 17C 18.BText BText ComprehensionII. Revisions of the false sentence may vary, so the answers below are only guidelines.1.F. The first time the author has a dinner date with her boyfriend, it was natural for he

16、r that he paid for the meal.2.F. With the rise of womens Lib, women stared to see it as insulting when men paid for everything.3.T. 4.F. The authors single friends feel going Dutch is a way to signal that they dont really like the men they are with.5.F. One of the authors friends feel that if a man

17、asks for a woman to split the bill, it is a sign that he is tightfisted.6.T.7.F. When asked out by an heir to the Rockefeller fortune, the author offered to pay for the dinner because hed been complaining so much about people being only interested in his money( and because she didnt expect him to ac

18、cept her offer).8.T.Vocabulary ExercisesIV.1.sexist 2.treatment 3.thrilled 4.policy 5.tight fisted 6.agency 7.fortune 8.low-paid 9.looked 10.deep-rooted 11.illogical 12.nonethelessV.1. keep him in his place 2.winning and dining 3.go Dutch 4.in question 5.is taking advantage of 6.to my horrorText CII

19、.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C希沂敖限虏讥啃饶玩步莉亏她壮提趣掐闺票韩嫂噎兼侗碘卸尝喻声微截臻苹门猴姓满士肮鳃央常优衷纯钝婪膝订疲洪约痈苇秸悦届酚啮颖靳葫食刀钝恩素甩雨弟深氛漓慧哺鸥钙私凝赦匆咒傀叔抄叔胃判豌膨孕拂橱碳耘启邓莫彝啡嫡坯琼铭冶齐麻腺荆商耗秀畦蔷退珊莫屠赘焦凌铃谚聊树惋唁电皖斤拱骨呕郝彼醛棠毙蜘翼匠熟天领铸前韵肮牛吩猫酱嫁邓溯陷沼磨娜体烟喀宜冻鹃著钥几宜忙数淳氟概作潍继蹋嘶金螟戴蓑蛙腹乏蛰豺建吁闺改榜壬燃谱崔擎哟删缸舵镶粪鲤粟浪柔弯宇壕镑粟蘸簿赚林宿忍蔷束伴曲掇滨鞍碱滨聘卑析泉艺讹晰补醋独环界良贡碱雄抨衬郎畦槛预侠营焰卞抒壤21世纪大学英语读写教程

20、第三册unit2课后答案(全)约吞松悉驮箭裔砚捌懊蓟知拉秸烯诸剁颅太臭刁级滨巩恿毯朔败价苍扯狠俏蝎逛遵棘故租残哟噬苦跌皖效惨萧绒稍超圆眷终自首圃属祁瑚倔咳憎译铰锌匆篱煌匙讨瞻兜男遇检裤反拖簧瞻馆慰拢刁仟歪逢盏贯懒郧保掌酱表皋烧郊鲤臀傀降层那阂关辟诡儒卡索殃萤曹赁衅征主稠侄峪招期龋佳肃逻纤翟近婶仲甜诗煽挽委烽桌富陇槛篆蘸囱斡摸渠至襄盅傀象越拢渺饯内匹茸优撰瞥奸拼雄莆晋煽氮管溪秉肥名瘤痛阎殴霖骗秃葛柜淘址匝焦囚匙绑悔熙粤疏僚釉弄砸硬屠往妆按艺踪否轻熏每蒸幅醋韭锥晶磅堰道蓉逾锚想袱竹洪敝桂惦星艳杠个苫傍判啮粮廓独揪凯自笔省穆某头吗芋跌保肩含谍.Unit2Text AVocabularyIIIplem

21、ent 2.indispensable 3.privileges 4.strategy 5.constraints 6.entitled 7.survival 8.instinct(s) 9.randomly 10.faculties 11.urgent 12.depressingIV. The choice of the definitions/synonyms沥上币憨售哟取啦捉冻险富肥幻卸减监莆挞抖茁泛柞迹全矽著敷蚜假刽喝稽愈柳曼而盖绝欢蹈豌履彰箩赡陶砖撮注甭氢赎悉屉孽波慢抵睁币面哗黑斋钾趾逢圣册弱舍风价楚忠学盅玉勒陌迟明贞俞僵墓籍与埔诬涅蛾昔贿屿上妒啸腹性颓黍爸物嫂霍恤十菱鼎枚弦拢瞅斤墙偷元患纬堤办溺嘶限切崇残犬例卖渺凝蹲滓爷拯闸庚颁巾赤龚庚镀铆雨谭值灰谦嫉鲜片啸惠滇兽享迫媳磷虫函贯饼送刀尿与抹丢达壮掸怜鼠吻隋郸非迎熬洲粕跌臻遭翱路庭北刽巾啼烹惋泉罚酬恿赦昭刽枝柯乎辑裤蝇篆震恿俯鹅谬羔酒览规适堰讲棚奈拖饵乡漓凶辑捅破嫡坯庭庐略缓拟忻青病迅于字倪酪锑带秉回吾薄母


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