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1、Merry Christmas 教材依据人民教育出版社九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书第三册第八单元第三十课。教学设计教学过程课堂实录:(After warming up activity,the teacher shows some downloaded pictures to introduce the following new words:chimney,fireplace,generosity,relative,hug.)Teacher:Look at these sentences and tell true or false according to the text(with

2、some slides shown):1During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs.(T)2On Christmas Eve,children put stockings under their beds before going to sleep.(F)3He fills the stocking with money.(F)4.Father Christmas is a very kindhearted man.(T)5Father C

3、hristmas is based on a real person in history.(T)6Christmas Day always begins after breakfast.(F)Teacher:Read the text and then answer these questions(showing some slides):What do the friends bring to the people in each house?Student:The spirit of Christmas.Teacher:Where does Father Christmas land?S

4、tudent:On top of the house.Teacher:How do Father Christmas come into each house?Student:He climbed down the chimney.Teacher:Why didnt Father Christmas want them to know that the money came from him?Student:He was a shy person.Teacher:How do they spend the whole day?Student:Playing with the new toys

5、and visiting their relatives and friends.Act .Christmas preparation (including decorating the Christmas tree,singing Christmas songs)Act .Christmas Eve (including telling the story of Father Christmas,putting stockings at the end of the beds and Father Christmas giving presents)Act .Christmas Day (i

6、ncluding Christmas greetings,opening the presents,having breakfast)Students fill in the following form while completing Task 3.Teacher:What do you know about Spring Festival?Can you tell us how Chinese people celebrate the festival?Here are some new words to help you:firecrackers,couplet,lucky money

7、,happiness.Student:Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China.When Spring Festival comes,Families get together教学流程教学反思本课是一篇综合活动课,共设计了三个任务,从理解到表演再到表述,体现了由浅入深,由已知到未知,由感知到领悟再到运用,由知识向能力迁移的循序渐进的过程。教师在这一过程中,不仅向学生传授知识,而且起了主导作用,即导趣、导向、导疑、导法、导馈的作用。学生的学习方式既有自主学习,又有合作学习和研究性学习,增加了参与意识,给学生提供了充分表现和自我发展的空间,体现了 “以学生为中心”的教学原则。在本课的课堂设计上,采用了把阅读材料立体化的方法,使一篇叙述性文章变成了生动的课堂剧,同时,使用了网上信息搜索,学生在有限的时间里了解了更多的信息。本课教学设计仍有待完善之处,比如,在课堂一开始可采用Brainstorming的方式,用幻灯片引导学生了解背景内容,发挥想象力,预测课文中可能会谈到的内容,对课文进行大胆推测和预测,这样更会激发学生的阅读兴趣。


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