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1、go,to,bed,early教案篇一:10Unit 1 Go to bed early. Unit 1 Go to bed early. 单元总目标: 本单元教学共分为四课时。第一课时以词汇教学为主,主要是对时间的复习并学习有关活动的词汇,“词不离句”是本课时教学要遵循的原则。第二课时为会话教学,要求学生在学习重点词汇的基础上能够理解和运用对话What time is it? Its.学习怎样用英语回答。第三课时以Part B中的Lets learn more为主,让学生拓展学习更多有关时间的表达,理解和运用句型I get up at.表达几点起床。第四课时在综合复习本单元重难点的基础上,通

2、过练习检测学生的学习效果。 单元知识目标: 一、 复习单词: go to school, go to bed, get up 二、 能听、说、读、写有关时间的单词: clock, wall, come in, sit down, be late, play computer games 三、能听懂、会说、会读、会用询问时间的交际用语: 1.-What time do you get up? -I get up at eight five. 2.-What time is it? -Its seven.篇二:六年级下册unit2教案 Unit 2Good habits 一、教材分析: 本单元的话

3、题是生活习惯和学习习惯。这一话题与学生的生活实际密切相关,教师在教学中要引导学生多联系自己的实际情况,分析和判断什么是好习惯、什么是坏习惯,帮助他们在今后的学习和生活中形成好习惯、摈弃坏习惯,更有效地学习、更健康地生活。教师可以结合学生用书四年级下册Unit 3 (My day)的相关内容设计教学活动,导入本单元的话题。 二、教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇habit, never, late, finish, tidy, fast。 2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型He gets up early in the morning. He never goes to bed lat

4、e. He also does well at home. 3、能听懂、会说、会读词汇put.in order, bad, sleepy, last night, go into, slowly, badly。 4、了解并掌握字母组合“or”的发音。 5、能准确演唱歌曲This is the way。 三、教学重难点: 1.教学重点 句型:He gets up early in the morning. He never goes to bed late. 词汇: late, tidy, fast, early, well, never等词的用法 语音:字母组合or在单词中的读音 2.教学难点

5、 词汇:副词的用法 四、课时安排: Period1:Story time Period2:Grammar time Fun time & Song time Period3:Cartoon time Period4:Sound time Checkout time & Ticking time Period5:完成本单元反馈性练习 Period6:讲评本单元反馈性练习Unit 2Good habits 第 一 课 时 一、教学内容: Story time 二、教学目标: 1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, mess

6、y, habits, in order, finish always sleepy bedtime. 3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。 4. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。 5. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。 三、教学重点: 1. 能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: tidy, messy, habits, in order, finish, always, sleepy, bedtime. 3. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自己的习惯。 四、教学难点: 1. 能尝试根据所学短语和句型来描述自

7、己的习惯。 2. 能初步根据提示写出好的习惯。 3. 能分清好坏习惯,并知道以好的习惯来要求自己,让自己拥有更多好的习惯。 五、教学准备: 板书准备: Unit 2 教具准备:单词卡片,课文图片,PPT 六、教学过程: Step1 Warming-up 1. T: Lets look what do we learn today. Show the learning aims. 2. T: Do you want to know me well? 3. Listen to my chant carefully. (初步感知新的短语词汇) Chant:Im Judy,I am twenty-se

8、ven.I get up early, never go to bed late. I keep my room clean and tidy. I often put my things in order. I finish my work before nine o clock. Step2 Presentation 1. T: You know in my chant, I say, I get up early, never go to bed late. Think about: never go to bed late, means A or B?(show the picture

9、s)-Read the new word并板书。 T: Do you get up early and go to bed early? I think we should go to bed early. T: And I often put my things in order. I want to know do you often put your things in order? S: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. T: Good .Because I often put my things in order, so I can keep my room clean

10、 and tidy. Teach: clean and tidy. = not messy T: In my chant, do you remember when do I finish my work? S: You finish your work before nine oclock. (Show the sentence) Teach the new phrase. T: When do you always finish your homework? S: I finish my homework at 2. Look at the four sentences. What are

11、 they about? They are about my habits. So today well learn a new lesson: Good habits. (揭示并带读课题) 出示图片录音引导学生问答。 3. T: You know a lot about my habits. Look, here comes Liu Tao and Wang Bing. What habits do they have? (请学生讨论) T: First lets read the choices together. S: . T: Now, lets listen to the tape

12、and try to find the answer. Listen and answer:What habits do they have? Lets discuss in groups. Then you can write the answer in the balloons. Who can answer? S: Liu Tao does his homework late at night 4. T: You did a very job. But I think there are more habits in the story. Please read the test aga

13、in and try to find them out. S: Wang Bing brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. T: Here bedtime means brushes teeth S: He brushes teeth before he goes to bed. S: Liu Tao listens to his teachers and keeps his room clean and tidy 5. T: Good. They have a lot of habits here. But what are

14、the good habits? And what are the bad habits? S: Talk about in groups. Then say the answer. T: We know Liu Tao often does his homework late at night and goes to bed late, so he often feels in the morning. S: So he often feels sleepy in the morning. 5. Reading time: Lets read the test please. Look at

15、 the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感叹句要用降调来读) 6. Listen to the tape, read it one by one. 7. Read it together. 8. Retell the story T: Time to retell the story. First, lets retell it together. T: You can choose one student to describe. Maybe you can say it one by one, or you can say it together. Plea

16、se pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ask some groups to retell it. Step3 Consolidation a. Think and talk: Hello, class. We know Liu Tao has three good habits, and two bad habits. He wants to do better. Can you help him to change the bad habits? T: Now lets talk about some good habit

17、s. What good habits do you know? Lets discuss in groups. S: I know is a good habit. (小组讨论然后介绍你知道的好的习惯)b. Try to write: You say a lot of things about good habits. Now lets make a video to let all of us have more good habits. First, lets open your envelope. Then, write the good habits on the card. At

18、last, share your cards in class. Enjoy the video. Step 4 Homework 1. Review story time and retell the story. 2 .Make a poster(海报)of the good habits. 3. Copy some important phrases and sentences. 七、板书设计: Unit 2 Good habits Wang Bing:Liu Tao: get up early, never listen to the teachers brush teeth keep the room put things in order do homework late finish the homeworkfeel sleepy篇三:译林版6B Unit 2教案 1 2 345 go,to,bed,early教案


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