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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语表达的连读现象及规则 摘要: 很多同学在口语课上跟我抱怨在托福考试的听力材料中,总会出现几个词连在一起,速度特别快,发音又特别怪,稍微一愣神,材料后面的内容就会分心,到答题环节就不知所云了,那么遇到这样的问题该怎么办呢? 托福 口语考试想要正确的回答问题,首先要听懂题目内容才能够回答问题,但是在 托福口语 题目中有很多连读现象会让考生听不清题目,那么应该怎样解决这个问题呢? 同学们经常抱怨的这些连在一起,速度快,发音怪的现象就是口语表达中的单词连读(Linking)。比如,国外人见面时,通常会寒暄How are you? 对方会回应道Good,and you?

2、当然,看着文本,同学们理解起来没有任何问题。然而在听力中,“Good,and you”的读音听起来却是“goodenju”,对于很多同学来说,理解起来自然压力山大,甚至认为这根本就不是在说英语。 还有,在FriendsSeason 1中,当Ross与Rachel首次见面时,两人就客厅桌子上最后一块饼干产生了下面的对话: Rachel: Sorry. Ross: no, no, no, go Rachel: No, you have it, really, I don want it. Ross: Split it? Rachel: Okay. Ross:Okay. You know you p

3、robably didnt know this, but back in high school, I had a,um, major crush on you. Rachel: I knew. 上面我们听到的havit,wantit, splitit, backin, hada, crushon等等,都是口语中单词连读现象的体现,加上Rachel的语速过快,同学们在盲听的过程中,有些地方可能听不太清楚。 再来看我们常见的材料,在TPO27 Task 3听力中Man: “Yeah, why? Yon dont like the idea?” Woman: “Not at all.” 在这里,女

4、生的回答就是同学熟悉的“闹太套 notatall”。在TPO 30 Task 3听力中Man: “So, Jane, what do you think of Erics proposal?” Woman: “I amall for it.” 在课堂上,很少有同学能准确地复述此处表示同意态度的句子,因为他们还在使劲地猜测“forit”到底是什么鬼。 可见,单词连读(Linking)的现象在英语口语表达中非常普遍,既出现在日常问候语和影视作品中,又常见于同学们备考的 托福听力 材料中,其重要性自然不言而喻。因此,掌握英语单词的连读规则,不仅有助于听懂听力材料中的内容,也有利于提升口语表达的连贯度

5、。 那么,我们就详细地聊一聊英语单词在口语表达中的连读规则: (1). Consonants+ Vowels 这种连读现象在口语表达中最为常见,规则即为:相邻两个单词中,前一个单词的末尾音标为辅音,后一个单词的首个音标为元音,即可发生连读现象。 示例:And an officer said the snow was blowingaround so badly. And/nd/的末尾音标为辅音/d/, an/n/的首个音标为/, 发生连读/d/;an/n/的末尾音标为辅音/n/,officer/fis/的首个音标为元音/,发生连读/n/。因此,And an officer应该读成Andanof

6、ficer. 练习例句: a. Now President Obama and Congress canavoid this cliff by coming up with a compromise, a plan tolower the countrys debt. b. Are youve heard us talk a lotabout the fiscal cliff? c. The storm also made driving prettydangerous as you might expect in some areas. (2). Sameor Similar Sound 当

7、相邻单词的前后音标相同或相似,则发生连读。换句话说,若前后单词相邻音标完全相同,则只发后一个音标,且将该音拉长;若相似,需要省略前面的音标,发出后一个音标。 示例:Predictions said another foot could beon the way. Predictions的最后一个音标为辅音/s/,紧跟着的said的第一个音标也是辅音/s/,所以这两个单词的发音应为Predictionsaid只发一个/s/,且音长要拉长。 The song ascended to the top of theAdult Contemporary list. Ascended的末尾音标为/d/,t

8、o的首个音标为/t/,属于相似音标,需省略前面的/d/,只发后一个音标/t/, 所以发音为ascendeto。 练习例句: a. But the weather was not looking atthe calendar. b. They also made sure she did not tryto take off her leg braces. c. When she was six years old, shebegan to wear metal leg braces because she could not use that leg. (3). Flap“t”, “d” :V

9、owel + “t”,“d” + Vowel 这里所说的辅音/t/,/d/,当其前后均为元音时,美国人在发音时会选择跳过该辅音,/t/的音听起来像/d/。可能这样说,同学们难以理解,那我们来看以下的例子: 示例:A lot of guys wouldnt even notice, but I am not alot of guys. 这句话里面A lot of,/t/的前面为元音/a/, 后为元音/,所以发音时需要跳过/t/, 听起来实际上是/ladv/;notice这个单词中,/t/前面是元音/o/,后为元音/i/,所以听起来像是/nodis/;but I am中的/t/前面为/,后面为双元

10、音/ai/,所以应读成/bdai/;再如not a, /t/前面为/a/,后面为/,听起来像是/nad/。 练习例句: a. I would never, never give up, no matterwhat else happened. b. Wilma Rudolph received a lotof attention from the press and the public. c. She supported the civil rightsmovement - the struggle for equality between white and black people. (

11、4). UnreleasedPlosive Consonants 在英语中,Plosiveconsonants意为塞音,主要有/t/&/d/,/p/&/b/,/k/&/g/. 当这些音标出现在单词的末尾,且紧跟着的单词首音亦为辅音音标,则不发出塞音音标。 示例:I just dont want my kids to make the same mistake Imade. 在这句话中,我们正确的读法应该是I jus don wan my kids to ma the same mistake I made。因此,我们需要将相邻的塞音和辅音结构中的塞音省去,这样读起来是不是会快很多? 练习例句:

12、 a. She also had polio, which damagedher left leg. b. My doctors told me I wouldnever walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed mymother. c. The coach, Ed Temple, worked veryhard for the girls on the team. (5). ConsonantCluster:Consonant + “t”,“d” + Consonant 前面我们已经探讨过了Vowel+ t, d + Vowel的发音

13、规则,这里我们再来说一说Consonant + t, d + Consonant的发音特征。当这种现象出现时,我们可以省略辅音之间的/t/和/d/音标。 示例:For example, he would make the members of the team run oneextra time around the track for every minute they were late to practice. 我们可以发现,would make中/d/前为辅音/l/,后为辅音/m/,所以/d/音可以省略;around the中/d/前为辅音/n/,后为辅音/,则/d/音可以省略。 练习

14、例句: a. Taylor Swift closes 2011 with oneof the fastest-rising chart hits of her career, Ours. b. The seasons first blizzard hitthe middle western U.S. earlier this week. c. She refused me without eventhinking. (6). GlottalStop Glottalstop的意思是,当/t/和/n/音标出现在一块时,/t/音需要快发,同时要立即移向/n/音,最直观的例子是单词button, 其音

15、标为/btn/,/t/要发半音,然后迅速移向/n/音。 示例:Thats not important right now. 同学们可以发现这里的important单词后半部分tant的音标为/tnt/,出现了/t/和/n/音相连,那么,我们在发音时需要快发/t/音,迅速转向/n/音。 练习词组: a. cute kitten b. Bill Clinton c. have forgotten (7). “n,s or z sound” + “th” 当th字母组合(音标为/和/)出现在”n”, s或者z音标之后,则th的音标可以在发音中省略,产生连读现象。 示例:Yes, I guess th

16、at works for me. 在这句话中,guess that相邻部分应该读成/sat/,因为th字母组合音标为/,出现在/s/的后面,可以省略,发生连读。 练习例句: a. Today is December 21st, its thefirst official day of winter. b. She did very well on the newtrack team. c. She was the youngest member ofthe United States team. (8). Vowels+ nt + Vowels 在单词中或者单词间”nt”字母组合的前后为元音的

17、话,那么其/t/的音标可在发音中省略。在单词sentimental中出现了两次nt”组合,且前后均为元音,其省略后的音标可以读成senimenal”。 示例:How on earth can you get to the international airport in anhour? International单词中的”nt”字母组合的前后音标为/i/,后面音标为/,均为元音,因此,international音标中前两个音节可以读成/in/。 练习例句: a. She was also voted into theNational Track and Field Hall of Fame.

18、b. This moment is worthy ofremembering. c. The drivers could only see about fivefeet in front of their cars. (9). Schwa rule 1 Schwa的意思是元音弱读,即为在多音节的单词中,元音部分的弱读现象,常见于多音节单词的词首。 示例:And an officer said the snow was blowing around sobadly. 此句中的officer和around的单词均为多音节词,其中o 和 a均为元音,可以弱读。 练习例句: a. I knew tha

19、t was something nobody couldever take away from me, ever. b. She also appeared ontelevision many times. c. Today is December 21st, its the first officialday of winter. (10). Schwa rule 2 弱读现象还发生一些特定的词类上,这些词通常在句子中不承载主要意思,属于非实意词汇。主要包括:代词如you, her, his等; 限定词如some, any, the等;助动词如am, were, can等;介词如at, in

20、, on, from等;以及连词如and, if, or等。 示例:He gave her the nicknameSkeeter. 此句中he, her, the均不承载主要意思,所以其在句子中的发音可以弱读。 练习例句: a. Wilma Rudolph was a fine example formany people inside and outside the world of sports. b. She won a bronze medal, orthird place, in the sprint relay event. c. These victories made peo

21、ple callher the worlds fastest woman. 那么,当同学们能够真正地掌握英语中上述连读规则时,想必大家也将能够轻松听懂听力材料中那些所谓的速度快,发音怪的词群了吧。与此同时,当你在平时的口语练习过程中,充分注意这些连读现象出现的地方,加以跟读和模仿,久而久之,你的口语表达中也能自然地体现出连读哦,到时候你还怕口语说不顺?语速不够快?内容答不完吗?还在等什么,赶紧练起来! 附CNN Student News跟读练习材料一篇 Today is December 21st, its the firstofficial day of winter. But the weather was not looking at the calendar. The seasons first blizzard hit the middlewestern U.S. earlier this week. 以上就是本次为大家带来的托福口语表达的连读现象及规则全部内容,在备考托福口语的过程中,同学们可能会遇到各种各样的问题,如果你不知道怎样解决,那么可以登陆 小马 资料频道免费获取相关问题的解决建议。 相关推荐: 托福口语下载 托福口语真题答题模板【电子版】 托福考试冲刺试题口语电子书 相关字搜索: 托福口语表达


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