2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 11 Clothes around the World练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 2 Colours and ClothesLesson 11Clothes around the World单词闯关1.世界wld _2报告rpt _3传统的;惯例的trdnl _ 4.印度nd _5漂亮的;可爱的prt _6制服junfm _短语互译1.一个关于的报告 _ 2.世界各地 _3.in black and white _4look so pretty _句型在线1.他们的服装色彩那么鲜艳。Their clothes _ so _2他们看起来怎么样?_ _ they look?3.这位穿着莎丽的妇女看起来很漂亮。This woman _ _ _ her Sari.课文初探

2、根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.Li Mings report is only about Sari.()2.Men also wear skirts in some places.()3.A Sari is a traditional skirt from India.()4.People all wear uniforms for work.()5.Blue and white are the colours of Li Mings school uniform.1report n. & v. 报告观察 Li Ming writes a report about clothes

3、 around the world. 李明写了一篇关于世界各地服装的报告。I want to report to you. 我要向你汇报。探究 (1)report作名词,意为“_”,是可数名词。常用短语:write a report写报告;make a report做报告;a report about关于的报告(2)report作动词,常用短语:report to sb.向某人报告。活学活用1请写一份关于你们学校的报告。Please _ _ _ _ your school.2pretty adj. 漂亮的;可爱的观察 These women look so pretty in black an

4、d white. 这些身穿黑白相间的衣服的女士看上去很漂亮。 She is a pretty girl. 她是一个漂亮的女孩。探究 pretty 作形容词,意为“漂亮的;可爱的”,多指人的温柔性格和文雅举止给人愉快的感觉,也含有“小巧玲珑”之意,多修饰小孩、女子或小巧的东西。拓展 (1)nice作“漂亮的”讲时,常用于口语。nice还可以指“天气好、心地好、教养好”。(2)beautiful意为“美丽的”,强调给人以美感,既可以修饰人(多指女子),也可以修饰物。pretty程度不及beautiful。活学活用2(1)多么好的天气!What a _ day!(2)这个女孩看起来如此可爱。The

5、girl looks _ _(3)我们的英语老师很漂亮。Our English teacher is _ _1Their clothes are so colourful. 他们的服装色彩那么鲜艳。探究 (1)clothes为名词,统指“各种服装”,包括上衣、裤子等,不与不定冠词连用。clothes表示复数概念,为集体名词。作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。 (2)colourful是由“名词colour后缀ful”构成的形容词。类似的词:help(帮助)helpful(adj._);use(用法,用途)useful(adj.有用的);care(小心)careful(adj.仔细的;小心的)拓展

6、 cloth指做衣服用的“面料”时,为不可数名词。例如:I need some cloth to make a skirt. 我需要一些布来做一条短裙。活学活用1(1)The clothes _ (be) beautiful. I like _(it)(2)She doesnt like _ (colour) dresses.2How do they look?他们看起来怎么样?探究 how在此处译为“怎样;如何”,用于询问他人的观点或建议。本句的答语常用“They are pretty.”或“They look beautiful.”等。例如:How does your mother loo

7、k?你妈妈看起来怎么样?She looks beautiful.她看起来很漂亮。拓展 特殊疑问词how还可以用来询问身体、感觉、天气、做事的方法等。活学活用2对画线部分提问(1)My grandpa is fine_ _ your grandpa?(2)Jenny looks so_pretty_ does Jenny look?详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1world2.report3.traditional4.India5pretty6.uniform短语互译1a report about2.around the world3身穿黑白相间的衣服4.看上去如此漂亮句型在线1are; colourful2.How do3looks beautiful in课文初探15FTFFT【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 报告write a report about2 (1)nice(2)so pretty(3)very beautiful句型透视1 有帮助的(1)are; them(2)colourful2 (1)How is(2)How课文回顾1report2.traditional3.skirts4.Sari5uniforms6.school6


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