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1、Lesson Plan InterpretationTeaching material: NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4 EarthquakeHello! Ladies and gentlemen. Today my topic is Unit 4 reading. Now allow me to introduce the first part: . Analysis of the teaching materials:1. The importance of this lessonThis lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very i

2、mportant role in English teaching of this unitbecause we should lay particular emphasis on the students reading ability in senior English teaching.2. What to teach teaching contents1.)get some basis knowledge about Tangshan earthquake2.)get the students to comprehend the passage better3.)do some lis

3、tening, speaking and writing4.)moral educationIn this passage we should help the students get some knowledge about the Tangshan earthquake. At the same time we ought to get the student to comprehend the passage better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the

4、students should receive some moral education.3. The important and difficult points in this lesson:Important points:1.)some knowledge about earthquakes2.)to improve the students reading abilityDifficult points:using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to express one s ideas . Teaching aims:My t

5、eaching aims includes 3 parts: knowledge aim, ability aims and moral education aims1. Knowledge aim: by the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of the meaning and structure of the text.2. Ability aims:1.)use what we have learned to describe what would happen beforeduring aft

6、er theearthquake2.)improve the read ing skill and use English to express one s ideas3. Moral education aims: learn the bravery of facing the natural calamity from people inTangshan and we should always hold an optimistic attitude . Analysis of the teaching theories and methods:That s all for my teac

7、hing aims. Now let s focus on the third part, Analysis of the teachingtheories and methods. When I deal with this lesson.I ll do my best to carry out some teachingtheories of the new curriculum: taking the students as the host and the teacher subordinate .Carryout task-based learning and cooperative

8、 learning. Let the students receive some moral educationwhile they are learning the English language.1.Teaching theories: The new curriculum( “ takingthe students as the host and the teachersubordinate ” ,“ Cooperative learning-based”, learning“Take” ,“ Communicative learning”)2.Teaching methods:“ C

9、ommunicative Language Teaching-based”, Activity“Take”3.Learning methods:“ Discovering learning” ,“ Cooperative learning第 1页4. Teaching aids: A tape recorder, the blackboard and PPTSince it is a reading passage, it is very important to develop the students reading abiuse some reading methods such as

10、preparation for reading, (lead-in) scanning, skimmingandintensive reading (in-depth reading or study reading). In class, I lltry to use encouraging andpolite remarks such as “ Doyou want a go? ”“ volunteers “ ”Welldone! ”“ You did a good job!”“ Thanks! ” and so on. I ll get the students to have a co

11、mpetition to develop their quick response. I llmake full use of modern equipment such as the multi-media and tape recorder to make theclass more lively and interesting. . Analysis of the students:The students are in Grade 1. They are still at an age that would like to have competition with others. T

12、hey have known something about the earthquakes. Some long sentences are difficult for them to understand. So I will help the students in different levels to learn English. . Analysis of the teaching process: Now came to the most important part Step1. Lead-in:1.) show some pictures of Tangshan (befor

13、e the earthquake)2.) let the students to imagine what would happen after the earthquake (ask some students to speak out their ideas)My purpose here is to let the Ss know what we are going to look at Step2. While reading: in this step I will let the students read the text twice1. fast reading: scanni

14、ng & skimming1.)first tell the students this passage can be divided into three parts and tell them the clueof the story : time order (tell them to pay attention to the first sentences of each para.)2.)read silently to get the structure (after several mins I will discuss the structure with thestudent

15、s)Part 1 (para 1) Strange things were happening before the earthquake, bot no one took any notice of themPart 2 (para 2-3) The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very muchPart 3 (para 4) The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life2. careful reading

16、: intensive readingdo the exercise in students book in P27 1,2 (a competition: divide the Ss i nto four group, and then the one who stand up fast and give the right answer can get ten marks for his group, the group which gets the highest mark will get a present)Step3. Consolidation:1. listen to the

17、tape and read the passage aloud (Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and then ask them to read it aloud. Tell them to pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation while listening. At the same time they can enjoythe beauty of the English language. And it can prepare t

18、he students for the retelling in next step.)2. fill in the blank with proper words3. retell the story in your wordsSince the students in the class are in different levels, so first I willlet them to fill in theblank to get an expression of the general idea of the textStep4. Post reading discussion第

19、2页1. a short video about the 5 12 Wenchuan earthquake2. pictures of Tangshan and Wenchuan (on the screen)3. discuss: What can we do for the rebuilding of Wenchuan and how can we protect ourselves if an earthquake happens?4. volunteersoptional: show them some pictures of Wenchuan people and tell the

20、Ss:Where thereis a life, there is hopeStep5. Homework1. read the text again after class and figure out the meaning of the following complexsentences (so these in class if time allow)2.write a short paragraph to describe what had happened before during after the earthquake using your own words3. surf

21、 the Internet to learn more about how to protect yourself and people if an earthquake happen . Contents on the blackboardUnit 4EarthquakeA Night the Earth didn t SleepStructure of the whole passage:Clue of the story: Time orderBefore during afterthe earthquakePart 1 (para 1) Strange things were happ

22、ening before the earthquake, but no one took any notice of themPart 2 (para 2-3) The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very muchPart 3 (para 4) The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new lifeHomework for today: . My teaching dailyIn this lesson, I lea

23、d the students understand the passage step by step, and help them to retell the story and hold a discussion. But there are some new language points in the passage, so I will explain them for the students next period.Ok, that s all for my interpretation. For the time is limited, there must be some mistakes in my interpretation; I hope you can give me some suggestions.第 3页


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