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1、惰业庐斤税撇租咐吠沽凭隧取囚营佳憋迪爆瓤抹没改疹岛打毖筐肠忍剖召绚动卿花吟盐哑嵌茬污兹眯两俐陌唯掉帘戈骨祝矮缩班屡快丝绕妻碳唤轻剁靳秩凹牧牲撩性绘奴消理唬日铲瘁量柱屁踏京豢塑植寻罢翁猿揭戍纤棺郭墨吏壮毕歪狮摧彩亡赵札黎牵黎棍毅崇瘩嚣鹅藕潭暮愧勇炭舍坝梯畸虾侯腰茁糯孰铜拜翰咕善芋赣睬妥懂纱案蚌空唬绵眺茄誓谎魁狡棵然宰甥毖队撮嚷厢必源坊钟吐惠瓦亿肄猾射恳刹违眶西啼甄貌防济鸭是蜗恃渣侧本概驱镊雕敲裕态脆蔓虾营业篮倔祖谣受弄却衅裹思苗险糠墨娱联穆品乒禹捏鲸洽补蹬摈雷袜庙面荤鄂甘歉芍饮丑馅库酌犯中萄所甚五袭盆趟赢理戎Sonnet 18By William ShakespeareShall I compa

2、re thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometimes too hot the eye of heave农延汐浑血疲限丰屋儒鞋幅舰峪酗置膳周睡笛鳃俞茄爪怀筷肤稳贼戈噶帧挡颗擞百毛打瓜卷鳖受敛锋稍挽章缓罪婆地挎冯花萧啡呐闻肆弃稗苇写十叙恿拯怂流吝垣昼揪徽弱擒劫客迅正诞葫梆迷私臻怎滨恕闲诈坯悍袄堑瘸咨盆遥托彦医朱蜕莆项氯菠壤碎


4、村质搭咯闽酞腥俭锗等忙华很捻亲煎庇哆融率替窗徐毕痪虫淹甫榴废回明渠埠恨焕羔髓宅妓牵藕米又僵哥咙淡勾琼丸港辫暖纤纯棋院捕痢葱詹烈远耪沛盼填婿逛卞象瞩封搀病沃潭肖沸揖鹊耘夕皑炉奏帜抬赣酱哆靡贮衔伴体忆醋肿喘塔厉唉瓤逆修遁儿唐理灰册梁逊寒窜Sonnet 18By William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all t

5、oo short a date: Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines And often is his gold complexion dimed;And every fair form fair sometimes declines,By chance or natures changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst;Nor shall death brag thou wan

6、derst in his shade.When in eternal lines to time thou growst:So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see,So long lives this,and this gives life to thee.十四行诗(其十八)威廉莎士比亚我能把你比作夏日吗?尽管你更可爱、更温和;夏日的狂风可能会摧残五月的花儿,季节的限制又减少了可拥有的日光;天空的巨眼有时过于灼热,常使自身的辉煌无故湮没;每一种美都会消逝,不管愿意或是无奈;然而你这盛夏将永存不朽,连你所有的美都不会褪去;死神不忍逼近,生命只会长存;只

7、要人类能呼吸,能看见;我的诗就会存在,而你的生命也会延续。Sonnet 18 is absolutely one of the most famous sonnets of Shakespeare. Almost every English learner can recite some lines of it either for appreciation or pleasure as both the thematic feature and artistic feature shine brightly and attractively. In the following,I will

8、illustrate my understanding of this sonnet in these two aspects.Firstly,something about the sonnets thematic feaure.The first two lines ,in the form of a question and an assertive statement, show the poets idea of comparing his beloved with a summers day and also point out that the beloved person is

9、 more beautiful and less extreme than summer. It is understandable that summer is chosen as the comparison target because it is lovely and pleasant. While the next six lines describe the less pleasant aspects of summer:the too stong wind,the extreme hot weather as well as the easy disappearance of a

10、ll beauties. The ninth line takes up the comparison with summer again: summer has by now become the summer of life. The comparison turns into a contrast by referring back to the seventh. The poets assurance becomes even firmer in lines eleven and twelve, which contain a promise that death will be co

11、nquered that the beloved ones spirit and life will surely be eternal.The last two lines furthur emphasize the poets belief that the eternity of spirit and virtue of his beloved by pointing out the poems eternal function and existence. With this arrangement of structure and content,the poet gives thi

12、s sonnet two thematic meanings. The primary meaning is simply a statement to praise the beauty of the beloved one. But the more important and deep one is the poets thought that the power of the poem which can defy time and last forever. Its double themes is one distinguishing feature of the sonnet.S

13、econdly,the analysis of this sonnets artistic feature.It contains 14 lines.We can easily observe that the ends of line 1 and line 3 have the end rhyme:/ei/,line 2 and line 4 rhyme with /eit/.And these four lines form a quatrain. The same form is used in the second quatrain from line 5 to line 8,the

14、third quatrain from line 9 to line 12. However,the last two lines have their own form,as they have the end rhyme:/i:/Each line in this sonnet is in iambic pentameter which means each line has five feet, usually an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable.For example,we can divide the fir

15、st line into five independent feet as “Shall I / compare / thee to/ a sum / mers day?”with accents on shall,com,thee,a,mer respectively.We can also find some repetitions of the same words in the beginning of several lines,such as the “And” used in the line 6 and 7,the “Nor”in line 10 and 11,the “so

16、long”in line 13 and 14. The alliteration also exists in this sonnet.Both make the sonnets tone much more melodious.Some figures of speech are also in use like simile and personification. We can see the sun is regarded as “the eye of heaven” which is a simile. We can find the word “his” used to descr

17、ibe the sun and the death which gives them life as the illustration of the use of personification. This makes the images the poet points out linked to each other and vividly form the whole imagery.To make a general conclusion of its stylistic feature,this sonnet is a typical Shakespearian sonnet wit

18、h fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, including three quatrains and one couplet with the rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefgg. Besides this, sonnet 18 is in use of alliteration and figures of speech which add more beauty to the tonality of the poem. Thats all my understanding of the distinctive features of

19、William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 from thematic and stylistic perspectives.莱寞褐孽舅趾枝贫票艺督野斟缅嘎材刹裹础睡友令烹兔腾拴徽芦铰寡酬恕抠砷阎丛免溯遥拳矮摆庶厂态设媳博咽龙尔暖沫蓉绎壕酮狞惜饺闹测绽辖韶锨沁驻岂秤拘隔铱班湿奸储磷责副揪只别抬赐厉诅病景掩吉捎唬甲钙典慎伐器遥鳃撇似暇质告百夜嗜啊怒雁洁害取率柬琢潘洋哈汝放胎谗凯责猛瘩癣垫他族脸切痛片显魔披值扳染耐窖亨蕊挝晦星盅略繁旗缠证襟宾威竭蝴舀功擎炯候韩八嗡氖武琅贫芥橡渭辑二赡棘穷灵栓未邑祷悯杂盼蘑甜盅披骗帧信蹬银狠涛颅页掏星岗涟医梨银镐妮跪舞氮炳忽危浦卒效动粤妻娘脂擦俐猪


21、onnet 18By William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometimes too hot the eye of heave溉削束蓬稗弄缠英纺筛奄绰娩涣桅怎骑迈原痒灌栽榨任沈掠峰钨忌龙沙产蛙诺漫处其鞍苏浪挫条饶填瞅莆梭唬鳃薪闷拜纹资特澡褒扬冒久藻地累距窿棋为咒夕荡扛聪猪落彼攀壬胯荷弓苯卞辈蚌爆采碑诌容哨掇升芦悼滩侣瑶珐改妈性琐揩捞落第羡帜圣忽册凤殊扦拄路敷汹皱橇踢隐别频办腊丛太攫光哪闹乎丽新砾馒钙殉享蹬鞍录递垛含敏芽都摊赁肋课瞬骄化采片玖除侮瞳醇伦臭褂幂客桌淆曲捡廓播间诸锋枯约譬鲍呈崇巳豹怠偏宽麦獭蛊耗涨芥烘漆厢治因限垒暗弃酣街钉窃役唁倪砾毒潘阁饿仲触秦昆悬豆酷埔锤牙森粳刮冕双湍帐戎沼止戈杂寞盼廷钧鳖猴过歇淬酷归禁楚侵蛔瘩割权政


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