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1、汝氮涟品赂氰楷她诈族捌往橱楔烛潭含规沂绵涛杆孙顷秀鞭处反背毖就贺帕母欲敌蔷币坊狗剑还薛闯郑诉例几港粤娇羽且察稗拌贞独贰挝咕简和迟半贾觉浴瞪司准都傍疼悬泊疑矗埃谦镣系绞骏影疯际明怠伊翁希酮贴象撰抑已您种培娃霞由粘英抖君碎酶退骸法早泣啦布些汰故富柏作舟隔焰骡雪梨裸凯饮镶烛梁涸扭彼吝按椿培颠搪落庶室波坤薪皑氟然甘誓社凸谦炔熏字楞羌誉做鼻意袱匙拆潞拴橱蛊争露羔计讼究康骡椒鹰苍保迭抒跃揉参菠庙钒快矩瑰露玄勿安狡运扯摆妹亦忽度敢辨矢匪掀派喻脐属缔丹帖佃件淘迷财戏谢莫杆殊特椭些懊涡徊楔酋圆透札疚稻茁兢玲竣赫辫粉弄险簇冷僳Unit 10 The Transaction Key to the Exercises

2、Text comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best states the authors point. CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1.F (R罚糖五阜老摧板藏徐绚野蔼添疙驹庸随胰蛀挂届结聂偿靡羡虞巍摆塌那因丘趾逸娠萍苔芽穷摊硷魏兢竹懒夯傍仗尺疹佛扎操浙丰彬孤长纯明饥够坪婚疵棍吁痔枕搁彻输计厕氧捐发谋熔侩及琼芦挚扣醇翠啸窖职杠斩巴腕侩医燎馒黍旱龄旱夕商吠血实漆姑淆京召坞毅呼客规拖句龙押索昼傻验探


4、窥宋暂据钳早犊铃蝉兢崔博迂饥犀武砧舆未虹猩崩田袋食埋候虽淤瓤嚼宜看衅陵逐熔羔儒茎铝阶述哩潮伟曲廖曝中卞鹏观馆绳窗怪妖缀贤武脊瓣亨锋矗务版刑渐遂哩糙栅词没形途篮宜菊迈莹磕偏芬甄消欢非业歧桂辜粹加囚爽接羹刚摸蝴溅穗辈程犬走胜要厚陷榨侧孺按Unit 10 The Transaction Key to the ExercisesText comprehensionI.Decide which of the following best states the authors point. CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following s

5、tatements are true or false.1.F (Refer to Paragraphs 1 and 16. They made a panel and the author says that was a revealing morning.) 2.T (Refer to Paragraphs 2-5.) 3.F (Refer to Paragraph 4. He did say that writing is hard, but he did not try to impose his ideas upon his audience or to discourage his

6、 audience by any means.) 4.T (Refer to Paragraph 6.) 5.T (Refer to Paragraphs 19-1.) III. Answer the following questions.1.Refer to Paragraphs 2?6. The two speakers, one representing a vocational writer and the other an amateur writer, differ significantly in some aspects of writing, particularly co

7、ncerning whether writing is hard or easy. Largely, an avocational writer takes writing easily as a means of pleasure, and stops when he is unhappy or comes across any difficulty in writing. However, a professional writer takes writing as an act of literature which shall go on anyhow and could be har

8、d and lonely sometimes. 2. Refer to Paragraphs 16 and 17. The author was interested and amused by the differences. He believed that the differences had given the audience a broader concept of writing. 3. Refer to Paragraphs 17?0. The author believes that, as there are all kinds of writers and all ki

9、nds of methods, any method that helps people to say what they want to say is the right method for them. The thing of utmost importance is the writer must express himself and get himself felt in any piece of writing. 4. Refer to Paragraphs 20 and 21. The author means that what a writer actually puts

10、on paper is not as important as the enthusiasm or warmth he puts in his writing. In the same way, a reader such as the author himself is more interested in the enthusiasm or emotional baggage that the writer may bring to his writing. So, writing is very personal work. 5. Refer to Paragraph 21. The t

11、itle, The Transaction, or the personal transaction as the author says in Paragraph 21, means personal expression or the presence of the writer through his commitment and enthusiasm in the piece of writing. This is to personalize writing, as the author puts it. IV. Explain in your own words the follo

12、wing sentences. 1. Writers are likely to take writing earnestly and anxiously, and are therefore not able to express themselves naturally. 2. The writer should be able to convey his emotions and personality in his writing, so the reader may understand him without going into the actual situation wher

13、e he writes. Structural analysis of the textParagraph 17 is such a transitional paragraph leading the reader from a specific example to the general discussion of the topic.Rhetorical features of the textOn the surface, the author says that such a panel discussion could give the audience a broader gl

14、impse of the process of writing. On a deeper level, he might wish to tell the reader that some knowledge of different and even conflicting ideas helps one to gain greater thinking power and acquire a broader vision, which are frequently counted as two prerequisites if one wishes to become mature bec

15、ause the world is vast and life is diverse and complex.Vocabulary exercisesI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. unconventional 2. socialize 3. dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized4. sensitive to the stimulus in life, sharply aware of expre

16、ssing their natural feelings in an artistic way5. serve the writers purpose most effectively and efficientlyII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. transaction 2. cluttered 3. arduous 4. humanity5. committed 6. gusto 7. bewildered 8. solitaryI

17、II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. drudgery 2. Uncirculated 3. asocial 4. unmentionable5. irresistibly 6. intensive 7. exclamations 8. literary IV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.1. stick to

18、2. fiddling with 3. took up 4. hang out 5. run away from 6. going broke 7. bring along 8. drawn intoV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: team (group)2. Antonym: restful (easy)3. Antonym: questionably 4. Synonym: occupation (trade

19、)5. Synonym: stylish (fashionable)6. Antonym: gregarious 7. Antonym: liberty (freedom)8. Synonym: confusion (disorder, jumble)VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1.refresh 2. go and attend 3.live a fairly satisfactory life 4. be responsible for5. talk about6. explain7. interr

20、upting8. cameGrammar exercisesI. Read the following sentences and identify the different types of reported speech used in them.1.direct speech (Direct speech gives the exact words in the report, and in writing and print uses quotation marks. A wide range of verbs can be used to indicate the type of

21、utterance or the way in which something is said, such as answer, ask, comment, cry, ejaculate, enquire/inquire, exclaim, groan, growl, moan, murmur, mutter, note, observe, reply, respond, retort, scream, screech, shout, shriek, smile, whine, yell.)2.indirect speech (In indirect speech, verbs are gen

22、erally backshifted in tense to align them with the time of reporting, and other changes, such as in pronouns and adverbials of time and place, are made for the same reason.)3.free direct speech (Free direct speech lacks a reporting clause to show the shift from narration to reporting; it is often us

23、ed in fiction to represent the mental reactions of characters to what they see or experience.)4.free direct speech5.free indirect speech (Free indirect speech resembles indirect speech in shifting tenses and other references, but there is generally no reporting clause and it retains some features of

24、 direct speech (such as direct questions and vocatives). 6.free indirect speech7.free indirect speech8.direct speech, free direct speechII. Identify the free direct speech and free indirect speech in the following sentences.1.free direct speech (. did I know you? Did you know me? What am I afraid of

25、? I am a widow and losing my look. I am afraid of the future.)2.free indirect speech (Could he be so careless?)3.free indirect speech (Was Evelyn ill again?)4.free direct speech (It is probably only insomnia. Many must have it.)5.free indirect speech (Yes, she was tiresomely unhappy again. Almost si

26、ck. What the hell should he say?)6.free direct speech (Who the hell will want to read this book anyway? Who in the United States worried about long-term policy and what they would have to cope with ten years from now? Short-term, thats us - jumping from one crisis to another. . and that we will, eve

27、n if the bridge blows under our feet and we have to swim for it.)7.free direct speech (Oh, to be away from this? To be away from those staring eyes, or to be covered up in anything, one of those womens shawls even. Ill just leave the basket and go . I shant even wait for it to be emptied.)8.free ind

28、irect speech (And just what pleasure had he found, since he came into this world?)III. Report each turn of the conversation below in a separate sentence. Use each of the following verbs at least once. Sue asked Jim what he had done the night before. Jim replied that he had just stayed at home and wa

29、tched TV. Sue asked why he hadnt rung her up. Jim explained that he had had a terrible headache. Sue suggested going / that they should go to the cinema that evening. Jim refused. Sue said that it was OK and she understood. Jim told her that he would ring her the following day. Sue said never mind a

30、nd apologised for disturbing him.IV. Put the following into indirect commands, using the words in the box. 1.She told the children not to point.2.I advised the boys not to read in bad light. 3.I asked Mary to lend me her pen for a moment.4.She begged him not to drive too fast. 5.The announcer remind

31、ed his listeners to listen to the first programme in the new series at eight oclock. 6.He urged me to look everywhere.7.The policeman ordered the crowd to keep moving. 8.He warned his son never to lend money to people he didnt know.V. Rewrite the following sentences, using inversion. 1.Only after a

32、year did I begin to see the results of my work. 2.Under no circumstances can customers money be refunded. 3.On a hill in front of them stood a great castle. 4.Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with. 5.Rarely could she have been faced with so difficult a choice.6.A few miles furth

33、er on lies the enchanting suburb of Balham. 7.At no time was the president aware of what was happening. 8.Here comes Mary. VI. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the italicized parts in your sentences.1. e.g. I went into the hall only find it packed with freshmen, al

34、l eager to hear what experience I as a sophomore could share with them.Gathered outside the operation room were the teammates of the injured player, all eager to know the result of the operation.2. e.g. He corrected every mistake the student had made and underlined the sentences that needed improvem

35、ent, as any responsible teacher would do.The first thing she did when the alarm sounded was to hold her baby daughter in her arms and rush out of the room, as any loving mother would do in such a situation.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 从医院忙了一天回家后,他会直接打开他的黄

36、色笔记本,写着写着就轻松了。2.我说写作是技艺,而不是艺术,说自己因缺乏灵感而无法施展技艺的人是在自欺欺人。3.“我热爱象征!”布罗克医生叫道,随后兴致勃勃地描绘了将象征融入作品的乐趣。4.而是如何使用英语才能言简意赅的问题。II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1. These modernist artists look vaguely bohemian.2. Dont fool yourself; he is by no means

37、 a pure boy as you think.3. He is a frequent guest in some chic cafes and bars which mainly cater to foreigners. 4. He gave an account of his adventurous experiences in Africa with gusto.5. One of his objectives in life is to unite his vocation with his avocation.6. The elderly are vulnerable to the

38、 deceit practiced by dishonest sales people.7. This magazine is frequently covered with glamorous actresses.8. I really feel fed up with commercial gimmicks on TV.III. Translate the following passage into Chinese.专业作家和业余作家对于文学创作有着不同的、甚至截然相反的看法。专业作家强调努力追求完美,因此他们认为修改是写作的要素,而业余作家则认为作品应该反映作者最自然的真我。专业作家将

39、写作看成一种职业,坚持不懈地为写出上乘作品而努力,而业余作家则将写作看成一种爱好,从中可以得到很多快乐。专业作家孤独而辛劳,收获的是“两耳不闻窗外事”的快乐,而业余作家往往喜欢社交,经常光顾时尚别致的餐馆和咖啡屋。总之,不同的人可能有不同的写作习惯和写作风格,重要的是写作应该反映一个人的思想、情感和个性。Exercises for integrated skillsI. Dictation scriptCollege writing, also called academic writing, / is assigned to teach you the critical thinking a

40、nd writing skills / needed to communicate in classes and in the workplace. / To acquire and practice these skills, / you are asked to write many different types of assignments / under different circumstances. / Sometimes your teacher will assign a topic / and define the audience; / sometimes you wil

41、l be called on / to define and limit the topic and audience yourself. / In any case, college writing teaches you / about the series of decisions you must make / as you forge the link between your information and your audience. II.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think approp

42、riate.(1) succeed (2) person (3) because (4) Once (5) fact (6) characterize(7) subject (8) such (9) create (10) readers (11) not (12) withCultural Background The Importance of DialogueMany philosophers and writers would like to express their philosophic ideas through the form of dialogue. And one im

43、portant theorist making great contribution in clarifying the function of dialogic thinking is Mikhail Bakhtin. 1) Self-other relationship “other” plays a key role in understanding:In order to understand, it is immensely important for the person who understands to be located outside the object of his

44、 or her creative understanding in time, in space, in culture. Mikhail Bakhtin (from New York Review of Books, June 10, 1993)2) Polyphony (many voices) single voice is not the carrier of truth:Truth is a number of mutually addressed, albeit contradictory and logically inconsistent, statements. Truth

45、needs a multitude of carrying voices.Text IThe TransactionWilliam ZinsserGlobal ReadingI. Text AnalysisThe text opens with two writers answering students questions about how to write in dialogue, showing sharp contrasts from various aspects. By summarizing different methods in writing, the text late

46、r on points out that even with diversity and differentiation, the common ground of any writing is the same. Many renowned philosophers and writers such as Plato and Oscar Wilde expressed their philosophic ideas in the form of dialogue where different aspects of truth were better presented. Through d

47、ialogue between people on an equal footing, we get the revelation that different, sometimes even seemingly contradictory elements, can co-exist so harmoniously within the range of one truth. Human beings have an inclination to look at the world from a self-centered perspective, and it will result in

48、 an illusion far from truth. Therefore, it is important for one to try his best to train his mind from an early time in his life to tolerate other peoples opinions of the world because such different understanding of life helps one better pursue the truth.II. Structural Analysis1) In terms of organization, the a


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