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1、20122013学年度第一学期六年级英语期中试卷一、找出划线部分发音不同的一项,并将其序号填入题前括号内。5分( )1. A face B grade C have D cake ( )2.A he B we C red D she ( )3. A give B bike C nice D find( )4.A close B love C nose D go( )5.A put B cup C cut D bus二、 按要求写单词。101.1.this(复数 )- 2.America(形容词)-3.big(反义词)- 4.me(主格)-5. hear(同音词)- 6.send(现在分词)-7

2、.can not(缩略式)- 8.ride(现在分词)-9.please(形容词)- 10.woman(复数)-三、用所给动词的适当形式填空101. Daming (visit) America now.2. Can you (tell) me more about the Great Wall. 3.China and Japan (be) in the east and Mexico (be) in the south.4. you (miss) China? Sometimes.5.Lets (go) to Chinatown now.6.There is (be) a pen and

3、two pencils in the pencils- box.7.My father (有)a new T-shirt, (但是)he doesnt like it.四、短语互译201. 长城 2.一张中国地图 3. 一顿特殊的饭 4.发一封电子邮件 5.集邮 6. eight millon people 4. six thousand seven hundred kilometres 6.Changjiang River 8 . famous men and women 10. speak English 五、单项选择20( )1. Do you like collecting _. A.

4、a stamp B.stamps C. stamp ( ) 2.Can you tell _more about American festivals? A. me B. my C. I ( ) 3.I _a television programme about last night. A. watch B. watched C. watching ( ) 4. There _ lots of shops and restaurants there. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 5.Is there a letter for me? _ A. Yes, there is .

5、B. Yes ,it is C. No, there is ( ) 6. Ive got _picture books from Japan. A. a B. some C. any ( )7. Have you got any America stamps? Yes, _ A. I have B.I do C.I did ( )8. Can I write _ your friends? A. of B. to C.for ( )9.Laura is _ England. A.from B. in C.at ( )10. We can _pen friend. A. is B.are C.b

6、e 六、按要求写句子101.Where is New York? (写出答语 ) 2. map ,a What, of, America ,big (连词成句 ) 3.We carry flags and we sing songs on Flag Day. (翻译汉语 ) 4.I can speak English . (改为一般疑问句并做出肯定回答 ) 5. to, you, meet, Pleased . (连词成句) 七读一读,把下列对应的序号写在提前的括号内。5 ( )Dragon Boat Festival A: 感恩节( ) Lantern Festival B: 中秋节( )T

7、hanksgiving Day C: 春节( )Spring Festival D: 元宵节( ) Mid-Autumn Festival E: 端午节 八、根据汉语意思 ,完成下列句子51. _(我们的)classroom is big. _(你们的)is small.2.These _(明信片)are great.3.Whats your _(最喜欢的 )festival?4.Its about six_(千)seven hundred kilometers.5.We always have a _(特殊的) meal. 九、选择合适的答语。5 ( )How long is the Gre

8、at Wall?( )How big is Beijing?( )Are you a teacher?( )Who can be your friend?( )Have you got any stamps from China?A.Its got about 14 million people.B.Jim can.C.Its about 6700 kilometres.D.Yes,I have.This stamp is from China .E.Yes,I am.十、阅读理解. 10 This is an English boy.His name is Tom.He is eleven.

9、He is in No.1 Guangming School.Hes in Class 3,Grade 6.He is Number 2 . Miss Wu is his Chinese teacher.She is a nice woman.Li Ping is Toms friend. Li Ping is not here.she is at home.1.The boys name is _.A.Sam B. Tom C. Mike2.He is in No. _ Guangming School.A.1 B. 2 C. 33. Miss Wu is a _ teacher. A.dancing B. English C. Chinese4.Li Ping is the boys _.A.teacher B.friend C. classmate5.-Where is Li Ping? -He is _.A.at home B.at school C. outside the classroom


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