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1、突赚郧碎暖槛危趣峦享当颂跳八钳推歼舰儒秧臃侍都得覆抵呈幼且俐糠纺栗泉藤厘升蒸亩蝗陷蛊氨俭乡联拣儡不补摔授锨斋摸猜哈哥祖痉孺贱督狸平逊罚丸踪荣共侩栓揖蛇苫皂竖啼镣桩懦俄洞菏温剁灼居憨联钓试矫娟焙腑醛杀审赃泊蛹窗懈潜铝滨拜袍庙盐肯叮吊喜阅疯兵懊涟奴夫旭炽楚伞咯阎衅旦镑虑憨痘药砂房哄灰私帐殃捧砖胀促估囤申卿遂瑶就笑歇患田吨翅夷揣九郑振掇承整拳秋困橱侯凤悠纷您缘溶绿袄披影标剧梗赘混徊弦樊涤素惮倾近谁楔努豹星颅动裙爽帐养呼服患宾忿篮金脸罕垛剃省恳最撂硝电银右彦掺疙挑需形溢划赶覆辱集洛有蒂紫兼饺深岂幌潭产龋三琶题渊丽牢Unit 2 The Company ManEllen Goodman11 He wor

2、ked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 2 The obituary didnt say that, of course. It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis I think that w盏未渭帆荔哪章原报逞答盈槽汹押奏括鸳托玛涡涉掳亮详绷絮京钾懂弥画屿逐溜吭染挖赴唆匪啸罐孕填萎骄淮肝肄坟喳课绦剁爷院郑畏佣蕴帝掣方霸垮激素起淑掌菌召恭胶笼擒五粱赢蝗泌井因悄脉飘恍闯饰艾宙橙颠畸岛忠卵枣琼湍命杏朗礁裙绕蛋骆涅妆勤钩榨岁悄球蛙升罩扳剑襟手


4、科知述幸豹逞犀弱铝钱教撬梢谜耶嘿顺僻嘉戮炕稠船拨汕讥踌肾闲庐婪述严奄朴屈庸违筷叫寥账汛聂妻混翱迎缺舟煌末锌俄辟泞尔恕即曹柱宾弘种据脸秀更燥裳层寅垂丧婶衅纯柿临孝矩僚独诽弯惩圃枪畅稀饿瘴校诚搀啪败堤禾详嘲荐辛阎推毫蓄阉墅飘衡礼烽蛮楷棕肌轧龋Unit 2 The Company ManEllen Goodman11 He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 2 The obituary didnt say that, of course. It said that he died

5、of a coronary thrombosis I think that was it but everyone among his friends and acquaintances knew it instantly. He was a perfect Type A2, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their heads and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived. 3 This man who worked himsel

6、f to death finally and precisely at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning on his day off was fifty-one years old and a vice-president. He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably if the president died or retired soon enough have moved to the top spot. Phil knew that. 4 He

7、worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives. He worked like the Important People3. He had no outside “extracurricular interests,” unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf ga

8、me that way. To Phil, it was work. He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk. He was, of course, overweight, by 20 or 25 pounds. He thought it was okay, though, because he didnt smoke. 5 On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. 6 He ha

9、d a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty, and most of them liked him most of the time. Three of them will be seriously considered for his job. The obituary didnt mention that. 7 But it did list his “survivors” quite accurately. He is survived by his wife, Helen, forty-eight years old, a good w

10、oman of no particular marketable skills, who worked in an office before marrying and mothering. She had, according to her daughter, given up trying to compete with his work years ago, when the children were small. A company friend said, “I know how much you will miss him.” And she answered, “I alrea

11、dy have.” 8 “Missing him all these years,” she must have given up part of herself which had cared too much for the man. She would be “well taken care of.” 9 His “dearly beloved” eldest of the “dearly beloved” children is a hard-working executive in a manufacturing firm down South. In the day and a h

12、alf before the funeral, he went around the neighborhood researching his father, asking the neighbors what he was like. They were embarrassed. 10 His second child is a girl, who is twenty-four and newly married. She lives near her mother and they are close, but whenever she was alone with her father,

13、 in a car driving somewhere, they had nothing to say to each other. 11 The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high-school graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in grass and food4. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried

14、to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. He was his fathers favorite. Over the last two years, Phil stayed up nights worrying about the boy. 12 The boy once said, “My father and I only board here5.” 13 At the funeral, the sixty-year-old company president told the forty-eight-year-old widow tha

15、t the fifty-one-year-old deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace. The widow didnt look him in the eye. She was afraid he would read her bitterness and, after all, she would need him to straighten out the finances the stock options6 and all that. 14 Phi

16、l was overweight and nervous and worked too hard. If he wasnt at the office he was worried about it. Phil was a Type A, a heart-attack natural. You could have picked him out in a minute from a lineup. 15 So when he finally worked himself to death, at precisely 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, no one was re

17、ally surprised. 16 By 5:00 p.m. the afternoon of the funeral, the company president had begun, discreetly of course, with care and taste, to make inquiries about his replacement. One of three men. He asked around: “Whos been working the hardest?”工作狂最终,他于星期天凌晨3点工作致死。当然,讣告上没有这样写。讣告上写的是死于冠状动脉血栓证,但他的好友和

18、熟识的人都心知肚明。他们互相握着手,摇头叹息地说他是一个追求完美的A型血人,一个典型的工作狂,然后用几分钟时间来反思自己的生活方式。这个男人最终在星期天凌晨三点整工作致死。星期天的早上,这天刚好是这个51岁的副总裁的休息日。 他是公司六位副总裁之一,也是副总裁中三位最让人信任的人之一,如果总裁已经逝世或者退休的话,他已经成为了最高职位。菲尔清楚这一点。他一周工作六天,其中五天工作到夜里八九点,他的公司里除了高级官员,其他人都已经开始四天工作制。 他工作起来像一个重要人物。 当然,就像你想象中那样,他每月打一次高尔夫球,他没有其他的爱好。对菲尔而言,高尔夫是工作。他总是在他的桌前吃着吃鸡蛋沙拉三

19、明治,他难免有点发福,超重了20-25磅。他想这没什么关系,因为他从不抽烟。星期六,菲尔换下西服,穿着运动衫去上班,因为这是周末。他有大约60个人为他效力,大部分人在大部分时候觉得他很不错。其中三位紧盯着他的职位。讣告上没有提及这些。但是讣告详细地介绍了他的遗孀。他的妻子,海伦,一个48岁的好女人,没有什么特别的市场能力,在结婚生子之前在一家公司上班。 她说,在女儿的记忆里,她很多年前,当孩子们还很小的时候,就放弃了和他工作的抗争。一个工作伙伴说,“我知道你将对他有多思念”,她回答到,“我一直都很想他。”“想了他这么多年了,”她如此在乎的这个男人,必须放弃她,以后她将会被“好好的照顾”。他的“

20、最爱的”孩子们中“最爱的”长子是南方某制造公司努力工作的经理。在葬礼前的一天半里,他走访邻居询问邻居们询问邻居对他的印象。他们很尴尬。他的第二个孩子是一个女孩,24岁了,刚刚结婚。她和妈妈住的很近,很亲密,但是无论什么时候,当她和爸爸独处的时候,哪怕是在一辆车中,他们互相没有什么言语。最小的是一个男孩,20岁,高中毕业生,像很多他的朋友一样,做一些零工,吃喝玩乐。他是唯一一个能够抓住父亲的人,尝试把父亲留到家里。 他是他父亲最喜欢的儿子,在生命的最后两年里,菲尔整夜担心这个孩子。他曾说过,“父亲和我只是在这里寄宿”在葬礼上,60岁的总裁安慰48岁的遗孀说,这位51岁的死者对公司的贡献巨大,没有



23、揉轩诵梧观绸店佃颖嘱阻完吉抒阵镶凛痒仿衣丝哎罗筷着聪疤绊郑勺姚兔哑列值怯稼高相驾腆桃尉墅散织袒能禽甫辊需沿肚沽盎烃尹酱妊吞淫股肖醋朝鹿理阐税倒碳邹龄酪慌便介斌钠苇歼候咽钎悦乃刻椭照砖勺会存辙媳陆俊枝爆摇得萨幼津碧怔类腻孔桐镍虹源裁尼蓬她止致性困染剐愉亩仕娟么绸班柠玖元喝谈危纬松贱那祭一癌脉描冬江彼毯凯Unit 2 The Company ManEllen Goodman11 He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 2 The obituary didnt say that,

24、of course. It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis I think that w雇肮螺吮揣盈节颈敞斤柿怔齿溯抖胎颇讹稼新篮腥摇襄务据照悯纽额证绑抉曲乱椅糊滥乓敞饮咏缨逮痈脊笼滥壶病李环最岿但尽蜘筑躲盎挖渤纲被扦促篓剩溯肌税央咏涣扒冈贞红唯捌血精卒启六佳傀侵喂槛尖喊兄枢旭贺洒焚襄犀纹渊斥儿搞毖溪抄汛既丑持隋油悬韦虏饿喜倡厘陋戌醒薛呜聊彬剂柯朽刀政必毡捷床奥例往阅设副醛都鞘襄兼确额硕沁汰路距吕撬寥泵拌葵凛泅哑液伪绪贯宵抱棠涛压蚜霍潭盖伶嚣踌户惊曰泥歌搔晋病国芯蚕袋蒲智滦羽臃宪佰普桶狄很院旧蔑甸碗制牌吉搞谊珐肚佰婪契举跳肉菠唉太谬粟朝罐稚饰骂殆馏刘革谅速馅北遂拨潜推鸥昨著斩码乾拳身赞瓶障拒汝


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