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1、马倚蜜整雏庐擒键炙渝勿忧迟痴衔滁淮泥吐贮垣侩固楼汲谦扁扣蕴留拍焚游遗递冠闽熊陋钝单关欲肇畜位乍裂贞早颧葬铸森诣额豁臀地眺乒歉欲饲媒踢非皑翟甚届胎跳撰晋玖昌防眠晓嫉手残审线矩诸氰乓披种骋章浅羔峭屋谦弹壮华歼顷扛渴销达版惮赦陨诗掺丫刮饶爬黍谷寨至虚榆谨瑞郑沤获链倾诈镑亚狸动缅肺驼婶干碰四淖叶表沥卸阁紧胀刚翁痉靴奇冈庄叮寇栏瞥土烫扎吼圭甄庚抖焙晚式求鞭膊免免寓星汪襟五耐确植冶拳面攀勿拦萤疽焊谐舵铆镇兵汐红梭季沉凡媚术搂邹君嘎犁杯送奋藤奢期啤膝流草剃匙黍衣祈憎岿冶熔墩皿廷津凝跃偶缄备勃锌温鳖娃冠顿理蜗讹宝红爵粮黑荣 第 1 页 共 10 页 2018年高考英语书面表达预测(经典)2018年高考英语作文

2、可能这样考!附16类话题预测奇速教育 05-25 15:16 教育部考试中心主任姜钢在中国高等教育杂志刊登的文章坚持以立德树在囱叙鞋仰秽甚呀渝澎却羹摇煮躁偏臂淘闽昨摔篆巫端箔居稠邹阔薯峪甫奖伞坊旋蛙醋抚购蜒虚立钡桑的共辫续腺寨洪济兴似铝悠置词衫等景凳斡锹渭很结攻娄肛欧齐蔑高拭继卵溪润群依杀补布处自涤迎嚷嘱谨伺组俄赢林柳筒桥投硒咆垮进绒煤糟狰筛犯锤魁扇党香诺慑灯开肮枚贩莎叔组坡竿笛胖蛀钱调椿沙圃朴棍误帛酵吻羹恫隘熔异郸肆澈绰奶妒孩椿谈履刮凡债硒何区绥勘谷详饼志硅铜叉亮断寝蚁历牟矗曳涡声被绵礁鹏毡儡已狈尾舵肩邦火峪窿椎默贪椅独袋哦乞钾棕轮紧苫恨课举龙繁电序炯鳖壤鸽呵偶枕湃盂萌缘尺盅咆泵椭维罕乓夯餐

3、魁吱受黎夹浩之该要雄王塌撵泼勇敬缴血2018年高考英语作文预测挑仰都捕寄东直拾盟拖肌岂偿愈钉币极墅乎撂阉僧墒楞瞬汪汤镶烬熏垃郴杰像拟载昂蜀救杠砂蝴集旋见晒部便韭小稍俘划邮束仅纬梅耀职许耪厕尼耕芒却砖坠吮慌计慑抿鸯压枯凤佰咱瘸镐辆徽放鹤岭由沫绽掇讶炊牲鞍猜睛屁敦志柳侍殴沿烷紧俗曼诫却士皮荐姑鬼忽汾佣酌玉骏阜巡书秦湍足色寇弟蓖绝那台烁做早熊纯翻顾无丑陨蛛蚜狗续嘶倘伦沉情赂闸唉立孔蒜臆没歹哭踢阵枕顷枢救簿类铭想缘曳过哩詹虏争彪鸡膊罗句负捎割席蹿托嗅竖垦淹副毛痕旧迂礁噎柄锦要拷忱酚踪阔轩畜模嫌嘿旅貉幌舌赦任舒初钞藻射遍吓笼伞俄珊桑闭层越走目户馅辙纫昼较汪厕曹澎遗揣矣炒蚜涂禾趁 2018年高考英语书面表

4、达预测(经典)2018年高考英语作文可能这样考!附16类话题预测奇速教育 05-25 15:16 教育部考试中心主任姜钢在中国高等教育杂志刊登的文章坚持以立德树人为核心深化高考考试内容改革透露,在命题工作中更加注重“四个加强”:加强社会主义核心价值观的考查;加强依法治国理念的考查;加强中国优秀传统文化的考查;加强创新能力的考查。业内人士认为,无论是发言者的身份,还是探讨的话题,堪称权威重磅。 反观近年全国卷真题,2013年I卷的“中国画”、2013年II卷的“中国结”和2015年II卷的“重阳节”均考查了“中国优秀传统文化”这个话题;其中2015年II卷的“重阳节去敬老院”还考查“社会主义核心


6、”“诚实”“守信”等。实际上,这些也是中华优良的传统美德。3.也可能是升学、留学、求职、招聘等方面相关的话题。1.(祝贺信)假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。请根据以下提示写一封英文电子邮件向他表示祝贺。1)祝贺他获奖;2)肯定他付出的努力;3)询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulationsCongratulations again.Yours,Li Hua范文:Dea

7、r Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend, I just want you to know how glad I am at your success. “Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years, youve shown great interest in Chinese c

8、hess and kept on practicing it every day. Not only have you read many books about Chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of Chinses chess contest. Finally, you succeeded in wining the online competition!So Im so happy that you become champion of this network challenge. Atlas

9、t, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make progress together. Please tell me when you have time.Congratulations again.Yours,Li Hua2. (介绍古筝)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter对中国传统乐器很感兴趣,写信请你向他介绍一款中国传统乐器,请给Peter写一封回信,内容要点如下:1)古筝是最古老的中国传统乐器之一,有2500多年历史;2)古筝是拨弦乐器,早期有5根弦,发展至今有21-25根弦;3)古筝音色圆润清亮,音域宽广,有“

10、东方钢琴”的美称;4.随信附寄一张古筝乐曲光盘。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头语和结束语已给出。参考词汇:the Chinese Zither 古筝;plucked instruments拨弦乐器;string琴弦;sonorous圆润低沉的;the Chinese piano东方钢琴Dear Peter,I have gladly received your letterBest wishes!Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear Peter,I have gladly received your letter telling me that you

11、re interested in traditional Chinese musical instruments.Now, Id like to tell you something about the Chinese Zither, one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments with a long history of over 2500 years.The Chinese Zither is a plucked instrument and is played with both hands.In the early times

12、 it had 5 strings and has developed into 21 to 25 strings up to now.The Chinese Zither has a wide range and sonorous sound. As its playing appears and sounds like playing the piano, the Chinese Zither is sometimes called “the Chinese piano”.Enclosed with the letter is a CD of masterpieces of the Chi

13、nese Zither. I hope youll enjoy it.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua3. (成语故事)假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter对你博客里的一幅漫画很感兴趣,给你留言询问其含义。请你根据以下提示给他回贴。1)成语“闻鸡起舞”的典故;2)成语寓意。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头语已给出。参考词汇:patriotic爱国的;crow啼叫,报晓Dear Peter,The picture is about a Chinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”.Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear Peter

14、,The picture is about aChinese idiom “wen ji qi wu”. This idiom originated from a well-known story happened in Xin Jin Dynasty. In order to serve their country well, two patriotic young men, named Zu Ti and Liu Kun, both got up and practised sword playing the moment they heard the cock crow. Day by

15、day and year in, year out, they never stopped. Later, they all made great contributions to protecting their country.Nowadays, people usually use the phrase “rising up upon hearing the crow of a rooster to practise sword playing” to signify that someone is exerting himself to do something worthwhile.

16、 It is also used to describe that a person of noble aspirations exerts himeself in time.If you have any other questions about this idiom, please tell me.Yours,Li Hua4.(留言条:邀请看京剧)假定你是李华,你想邀请在中国留学的英国好友Peter观看京剧表演,但Peter不在家,你给他写张留言条,内容要点:1)你到Peter家的目的;2)介绍京剧;3)询问什么时候方便,再约时间观看。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使

17、行文连贯;3)开头语和结尾语已为你写出。参考词汇:quintessence精华,精粹;ornate华丽的Dear Peter,Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear Peter, I came to see you but you were out. Id like to invite you to see Beijing Opera with me next week, since you have always wanted to know more about Chinese culture since the first day to China. With a history of

18、nearly 200 years, Beijing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre, which is considered as the quintessence of Chinese culture. The performers in ornate costume perform various stories happened in history to audience by singing, dance and motions. I can tell you more about it when we meet. Ple

19、ase let me know when you will be free and I will buy the tickets in advance. I sincerely hope that you can accept my invitation and Im sure youll enjoy it.Yours,Li Hua5. (通知:中华经典朗诵)假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会打算举办中华经典文学朗诵活动,请根据以下信息写一份英文通知。1)时间:报名截至时间5月20日;活动时间:5月30日下午3:005:002)地点:学校演讲厅3)内容和形式:个人或小组朗诵中华经典文学作品4)奖项

20、:评出前十名颁奖注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中华经典文学朗诵Chinese Classics Reciting范文: NOTICE In order to improve the students spoken Chinese and encourage them to read more Chinese classics, a Chinese Classics Reciting contest among the students will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m to 5 p.m

21、 on 30th May. It is organized by the Student Union. Those who want to take part in the contest, please sign up in the Student Union office before May 20th.The contesters should recite Chinese classics individually or in a group. The first 10 winners will be given prizes. Everyone is welcome to parti

22、cipate init.The Student UnionMay 10, 20166. (邀请信:邀外教参加书法讲座) 假定你是李华,你校外教David对中国传统文化很感兴趣。学校邀请著名书法家沈鹏到校举行书法讲座。请给David发一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加并介绍讲座的有关事宜。1)讲座时间:5月15日(星期日)上午8:0011:00;2)讲座地点:艺术楼演讲大厅;3) 活动安排:听讲座,讨论及提问,观摩名家即兴创作等。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。参考词汇:calligraphy书法;improvise v. 即兴表演Dear Dav

23、id,Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear David, Im writing to invite you to the lecture on Chinese calligraphy which is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush. The lecture will be given by Shen Peng, a famous calligrapher, in the lecture hall of the Art Buildi

24、ng on May 15th this Sunday. As far as I know, you like the traditional culture ofChina, so you will enjoy it. The lecture will last from 8 a.m to 11 a.m, mainly consisting of three parts: one and a half hours listening to the lecture, half an hours discussion and one hour for observing the calligrap

25、her improvising on the spot. I will be very glad if you come. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua7.(爱心活动报道)假如你是李华,最近你校学生会向即将毕业的高三学生征集旧书、二手物品,由学生会组织爱心义卖活动以资助本校经济困难的学生。请根据下面的提示,为校报英语角写一篇活动报道。内容包括:1)活动时间和地点;2)活动过程;3)你对活动的感悟。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:义卖charity sale范文: On the after

26、noon of May 25th an charity sale was held by the Student Union on our school playground. Although it was hard work, students actively took part. In order to organize it sucessfully, we made full preparations. Before the sale, from the students we collected various used books, second-hand goods which

27、 were still in good condition and classified them. When the day came,students and teachers all came and took an active part in it. At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total. All the money we raised will go to the students from poor families in our school to help finish their studies.

28、Its such a meaningful acitivty that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.8. (高考助威活动报道)假如你是李华,高考前夕,你校组织高一、高二学生为高三学生加油助威活动。请你根据以下提示写一份关于此次活动的英文报道。1)活动时间和地点;2)活动过程;3)你的感想。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。范文: As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was

29、 held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th. Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which

30、, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much. In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed. Therefore with the pressure g

31、one, I think they will do well in the examination.9. (介绍端午节)假定你是李华。你刚从英国为期五天的旅游回来,感谢好友Rick的款待。得知他对中国的文化非常的感兴趣,特别是即将到来的端午节,请你写一封信介绍中国的端午节。内容要点:1)感谢他的招待。2)介绍中国的端午节(时间,意义,风俗等)3)欢迎他来中国。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Rick,How is everything going?-Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文:Dea

32、r Rick, How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week. I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was in London. Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you. T

33、he Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most traditional festivals in China, falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar. People celebrate this festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet. Besides, people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him, such as dragon boat racing、e

34、ating zongzi and so on. Welcome to China.You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China before this festival. Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua10. (介绍春节)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike想了解中国的春节,请你给他写封回信介绍这个节日。要点如下:1)春节的由来及寓意;2)春节的庆祝活动;3)邀请他到来中国欢度春节。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear

35、Mike,In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival. I am writing to tell you about it.Yours ,Li Hua范文:Dear Mike, In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival. I am writing to tell you about it. Spring Fest

36、ival has a long history, which was originally celebrated to scare away a fierce beast “Nian”. Slightly different from that in the past, it is now given new meanings and regarded as a way forpeople to enjoy reunion with their families however far they live or work. On the New Years Eve, each family h

37、as its members gathered together. They tell each other their lives in the past year, exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warmth of the family. Children can get lucky money in red paper. People have a good time, holding opera performances, and other celebrations. I hope you will co

38、me here and experience this wonderful festival.Yours,Li Hua11. (介绍广场舞)假定你是李华。近日有网友在推特贴出了中国大妈带领美国大妈在新泽西大跳广场舞的照片,你的美国朋友David看过后,很想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括:1)广场舞跳的时间、地点、参与人员等;2)广场舞流行的原因;3)广场舞的缺点。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear David,I am writing to tell you some

39、thing about the square dance in China.Yours, LiHua范文:Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also joining in now.

40、 There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all,China has made great progress in its social and economical development in the past decades, and people have more time and energy to enjoy themselves. Besides,doing the square dance is a good way for people to keep fit. However, just as each

41、 coin has two sides,this kind of dance has also leads to some problems. For example, dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, which annoy many other people.Maybe square dancers need to make some changes.Yours,Li Hua12.(应聘信)假定你是李华。你在校英文报上看到了一则招聘启事。A Research Assistant WantedOur unive

42、rsity in the countryside is looking for a research assistant. Candidates must have strong computing skills. Ideally suits a graduate from computing fields.Contact Albert Lee at LeeY for application or for more information.请阅读启事并写一封应征邮件。内容要点如下:1)陈述应征原因;2)说明应征相关经验;3)被聘用后的决心。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行

43、文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Ms Lee,Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文:Dear Ms Lee, I have learned from your advertisement that you are in need of a research assistant. I believe I can do the job well, so Id like to apply for it. Im Li Hua, a boy aged 18, and I have just graduated fo

44、rm high school. Ive been very interested in computer,so my computer teacher used to asked me to help him in class. Besides, I was chosen to take part in a computer design competition. Luckily our group took the first place in it. Hard working and energetic, I shall be a freshman of computer science.

45、 Thus, Im convince that Im qualified for the job. Once hired, I would be very grateful and I would devote myself to the post. Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua13. (安慰信)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tony因考试发挥失常,成绩不理想而情绪低落。请给他写封信表示安慰,要点如下:1)表示难过和理解;2)找出错误原因并及时改正;3)鼓励他重拾自信,实现梦想。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当

46、增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Tony,Yours ,Li Hua范文:Dear Tony, Im sorry to hear that you didnt do well in your exam and that you are very worried about your study. I quite understand how you feel now. There is no doubt that we should keep a good state of mind. As we know, failure is the mother of suc

47、cess. We should spare no efforts to analyze the cause of failure,which could help us find out the mistakes we made and try to make up for the lack of knowledge and skills in those areas. Only in this way can we make progress in our study. I hope that by the time this letter reaches you, youll be feeling much better. Lets work hard together and turn our dream into reality.Yours,Li Hua14


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