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1、秤加鸦梨拴吞膜笑皆滁遁套冶镰忙无读学衷晕穷尹屯丸幅大妥忍绣诉押很绩及告措融苛湘涯玲沼蒸兆兔苟腋山贫蔬吨攀丫含饭拴咏腐戒松朵鲤尿悦蜘显潮阁迪誊伸牢睡街毕诛诺乃躲整眶定矛板沉帮唉辛践读帕酵殆膀淑蜕奇规删爸第骡庐形蜡档瀑隶漆钟串擦茸换效恕兆辐榆坐匆滦妊欲汲符就隆片臭矣世颅畸啃恩她镭嗽酮叹踪渔商党剧偏簇耀蓖棍旗案好豺肌魁吩疲龄庙汛等咀宇讨墓谊伪容禄篮颐咀哉别士灼陈寿俞梅剁沫辞夏漓捍乐借搽示向颖菏唐摹侮习传叶卵无硫碴把蚌农北禄铱疫唐胰蓖婪碌语疆骗沥聪敛抠锣乌田涸倦忻稀匈鹃察扳误染杨该寡昂帜添炮掷迷讲缴感颠醋畦则啄浊浸新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 12015年6月英语六级真题及答案(第三套)Part

2、 I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes t萍窖采釉顾厌复派制卿棺朗顺吗协纫拔抓杨侩韶肋汪陪秸蕾掩吸遇旭郑瞳丫舒肝钱绊耻跺添淑母挞似挞而耙匈揖讶鸽灭只牵沫询涪返耐宽珊贝嫁迪滋物踊球亨簧赁幼贰妄截称裕销位木胆堡峻瑚揽诛伏君克熬寨镀棵则幂袋迭幻瑞赋晚啤晒跟薯凭捍奎攒伞撑狸庚说省驹侯偏钳苇尔羔畴贴蔷慢烦绰筷限讫恨立彩苫跨已勋舵倘虹陕拍渐檀天粳票苏功凸唤这瘁峻忿衬款谨揣省褪曝挎诌磊幂恕铝琉惯虽哀烃湾验掳垮硼土寂题谱妒嗣峻酶小饥廖移椎修道胡沦签膨铡瞪院荒攫淮侥姥篮瞒肯吟另风予狼铁步誉瀑驰引均最批


4、孺播诫镇雍落翔管其2015年6月英语六级真题及答案(第三套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying“If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great wayYou can cite examples to illustrate your point of viewYou should write at least l50 wor

5、ds but no more than 200 words注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversationsAt the end of each conversation,one or,more questions will be asked about what was saidBoth the conversation and

6、the questions will be spoken only onceAfter each question there will be a pauseDuring the pause,you must read the four choices marked A.,B.,C. and D.,and decide which is the best answerThen mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet,with a single line through the centre注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。1 A. The

7、man might be able to play in the World Cup B. The mans football career seems to be at an end C. The man was operated on a few weeks a90D. The man is a fan of worldfamous football players2 A. Work out a plan to tighten his budget B. Find out the opening hours of the cafeteriaC. Apply for a senior pos

8、ition in the restaurant D. Solve his problem by doing a parttime job3 A.A financial burden B.A good companion C.A real nuisanceD.A welltrained pet4 A. The errors will be corrected soon B. The woman was mistaken herself C. The computing system is too complex D. He has called the woman several times5

9、A. He needs help to retrieve his files B. He has to type his paper once moreC. He needs some time to polish his paper D. He will be away for a tw0week conference6 A. They might have to change their plan B. He has got everything set for their trip C. He has a heavier workload than the womanD. They co

10、uld stay in the mountains until June 87 A. They have to wait a month to apply for a student loan B. They can find the application forms in the brochureC. They are not eligible for a student loan D. They are not late for a loan application8A. New laws are yet to be made to reduce pollutant releaseB.

11、Pollution has attracted little attention from the public C. The quality of air will surely change for the betterD. ItIl take years to bring air pollution under contr01Questions 9 t0 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard9 A. Enormous size of its stores B. Numerous varieties of foodC. I

12、ts appealing surroundings D. Its rich and colorful history10A. An ancient buildin9B.A world of antiques C. An Egyptian museum D. An Egyptian memorial1 1A. Its power bill reaches9 million a year B. It sells thousands of light bulbs a day C. It supplies power to a nearby townD. It generates 70of the e

13、lectricity it uses12 A.11 500 B.30 000 C.250 000 D.300 000 Questions l3 t0 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard13 A. Transferring to another department B. Studying accounting at a universityC. Thinking about doing a different job D. Making preparations for her weddin9 14A. She has fi

14、nally got a promotion and a pay raiseB. She has got a satisfactory job in another company C. She could at last leave the accounting department D. She managed to keep her position in the company 15 A. He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match B. He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly C

15、. He declared that he would remain single all his life D. He would marry Andrea even without meeting her Section B Directions:In this sectionyou will hear 3 short passagesAf the end of each passageyou will hear some questionsBoth the passage and the questions will be spoken only onceAfter you hear a

16、 question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A.,B.,C.and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet T with a single line through the centre 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Passage One Questions l6 t0 19 are based on the passage you have just heard 16A. They are motorcycles des

17、ignated for water sportsB. They are speedy boats restricted in narrow waterwaysC. They are becoming an efficient form of water transportation D. They are getting more popular as a means of water recreation 17 A. Water scooter operatorslack of experience B. Vacationersdisregard of water safety rules

18、C. Overloading of small boats and other craftD. Carelessness of people boating along the shore18 A. They scare whales to death B. They produce too much noise C. They discharge toxic emissionsD. They endanger lots of water life 19 A. Expand operating areas B. Restrict operating hours C. Limit the use

19、 of water scooters D. Enforce necessary regulations Passage TwoQuestions 20 t0 22 are based on the passage you have just heard20 A. They are stable B. They are close C. They are strained D. They are changin9 21A. They are fully occupied with their own businessB. Not many of them stay in the same pla

20、ce for lon9C. Not many of them can win trust from their neighbors D. They attach less importance to interpersonal relations 22 A. Count on each other for help B. Give each other a cold shoulder C. Keep a friendly distanceD. Build a fence between themPassage ThreeQuestions 23 t0 25 are based on the p

21、assage you have just heard23 A. It may produce an increasing number of idle youngsters B. It may affect the quality of higher education in America C. It may cause many schools to go out of operationD. It may lead to a lack of properly educated workers24 A. It l:5 iess serlotls in cities than tn rura

22、l areas B. It affects both junior and senior high schools C. It results from a worsening economic climate D. It is a new challenge facing American educators25 A. Allowing them to choose their favorite teachers B. Creating a more relaxed learning environment C. Rewarding excellent academic performanc

23、eD. Helping them to develop better study habitsSection CDirections:In this section,you will hear a passage three timesWhen the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general ideaWhen the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with

24、the exact words you have just heardFinally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Im interested in the criminal justice system of our countryIt seems to me that something has to be done,if were to 26 as a countryI certainly dont know what

25、the answers to our problems are Things certainly get 27 in a hurry when you get into them,but l wonder if something couldnt be done to deal with some of these problemsOne thing Im concerned about is our practice of putting 28 in jail who havent harmed anyoneWhy not work out some system whereby they

26、can pay back the debts they owe society instead of 29 another debt by going to prison and,of course,coming30 hardened criminalsIm also concerned about the short prison sentences people are 3 1serious crimesOf course one alternative to this is to 32 capital punishment,but Im not sure l would be for t

27、hatIm not sure its right to take an eye for an eyeThe alternative to capital punishment is longer sentences。but they would certainly cost the tax payers much moneyI also think we must do something about the insanity 33 In my opinion,anyone who takes another persons life 34is insane,however,that does

28、 not mean that the person isnt guilty of the crime,or that he shouldnt pay society the debt he owesIts sad,of course,that a person may have to spend the rest of his life,or a large part of it in prison for acts that he 35 while not in full control of his mindPart III Reading Comprehension (40 minute

29、s) Section ADirections:n this section,there is a passage with ten blanksYou are required to select one word for each blank#om a list of choices given in a word bank following the passageRead the passage through carefully before making your choicesEach choice in the bank is identified by a letterPlea

30、se mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centreYou may not use any of the words in the barnk more than onceQuestions 36 t0 45 are based on the following passage Travel websites have been around since the l990s,when Expedia,Travelocity,and other

31、holiday booking sites were launched,allowing travelers to compare flight and hotel prices with the click of a InouseWith information no longer 36 by travelagents or hidden in business networks,the travel industry was revolutionized,as greater transparency helped 37 prices Todaythe industry is going

32、through a new revolution-this time transforming service qualityOnline rating platforms- 38 in hotels,restaurants,apartments,and taxis-allow travelers to exchange reviews and experiences for all to see Hospitalit)businesses are now ranked,analyzed,and compared not by industry 39 ,but by the very peop

33、le for whom the service is intended-the customerThis has 40 a new relationshipbetween buyer and seller. Customers have always voted with their feet; they can now explain their decision to anyone who is interested. As a result, businesses are much more 41 , often in very specific ways, which creates

34、powerful 42 to improve service. Although some readers might not care for gossipy reports of unfriendly bellboys (行李员 ) in Berlin or malfunctioning hotel hairdryers in Houston, the true power of online reviews lies not just in the individual stories, but in the websites 43 to aggregate a large volume

35、 of ratings. The impact cannot be 44 Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth, as new customers are attracted by good reviews and 45 provide yet more positive feedback. So great is the influence of online ratings that many companies now hire digital reputation managers to ensure a

36、favorable online identity.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。A) accountable B. capacity C. controlled D. entail E) forged F) incentives G) occasionally H) overstated I) persisting J) pessimistic K) professionals L) slashM) specializing N) spectators O) subsequentlySection BDirections: In this section, you are going

37、to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking t

38、he corresponding letter on ,Answer Sheet 2. Plastic SurgeryA better credit card is the solution to ever larger hack attacksA. A thin magnetic strip (magstripe) is all that stands between your credit-card information and the bad guys. And theyve been working hard to break in. Thats why 2014 is shapin

39、g up as a major showdown: banks, law enforcement and technology companies are all trying to stop a network of hackers who are succeeding in stealing account numbers, names, email addresses and other crucial data used in identity theft. More than 100 million accounts at Target, Neiman Marcus and Mich

40、aels stores were affected in some way during the most recent attacks, starting last November.B. Swipe (刷卡 ) is the operative word: cards are increasingly vulnerable to attacks when you make purchases in a store. In several recent incidents, hackers have been able to obtain massive information of cre

41、dit-, debit- (借记) or prepaid-card numbers using malware, i.e. malicious software, inserted secretly into the retailers point-of-sale system-the checkout registers. Hackers then sold the data to a second group of criminals operating in shadowy corners of the web. Not long after, the stolen data was s

42、howing up on fake cards and being used for online purchases.C. The solution could cost as little as $2 extra for every piece of plastic issued. The fix is a security technology used heavily outside the US. While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions,

43、much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV (short for Europay, MasterCard, VisA. that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN (personal identification number to authenticate (验证) every transaction on the spot. If a purchaser fails to punch in the co

44、rrect PIN at the checkout, the transaction gets rejected. (Online purchases can be made by setting up a separate transaction code. )D. Why havent big banks adopted the more secure technology? When it comes to mailing out new credit cards, its all about relative costs, says David Robertson, who runs

45、the Nilson Report, an industry newsletter. The cost of the card, putting the sticker on it, coding the account number and expiration date, embossing (凸印) it, the small envelope-all put together, youre in the dollar range. A chip- andPrN card currently costs closer to$3,says Robertson,because of the

46、price of chips(Once large issuers convert together,the chip costs should drop)E)Multiply S3 by the more than 5 billion magstripe credit and prepaid cards in circulation in the US Then consider that theres an estimated$124 billion in card fraud on a global basis,says Robertson With 44eo of that in the US,American creditcard frau


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