2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空金榜练(5).doc

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1、2019年中考英语完形填空金榜练(5)含参考答案【能力选练】 A(2018中考教育类选练)People succeed and people fail. Some say nothing is1while some say they cant. I believe where there is a will, there is a(n)2. If we work hard, we will succeed one day. I am3because Mr “I cant” has been forgotten by me.I will never4the day when I, a prima

2、ry school student of Grade 3, together with my classmatesburied(埋葬) Mr “I cant”.5that day, our teacher asked us to write down all the things that we couldnt6. We all did as she told us to. In a moment, our papers were7with a lot of “I cants”. Then we were told to fold the papers and hand them in. Sh

3、e put8in a box and led us to the farthest corner of the playground. She then asked us todig a hole(挖洞) and bury the box. We couldnt9her until she said “Goodbye, Mr I cant”. Then she asked us to remember the day, to be confident and to decide our own future.The lesson has left a(n)10impression(印象) on

4、 me. It makes me understand that one should have the courage to say goodbye to Mr “I cant” and be self-confident if he wishes to achieve his dreams.( )1. A. successful B. impossibleC. necessaryD. important( )2. A. way B. idea C. dream D. circle( )3.A. tired B. poorC. relaxedD. confident( )4. A. miss

5、 B. changeC. forget D. remember( )5. A. On B. WithC. In D. At( )6. A. make B. readC. do D. reply( )7. A. agreed B. cutC. discovered D. covered( )8. A. it B. thatC. them D. theirs( )9. A. meet B. understandC. see D. refuse( )10. A. deep B. different C. wrong D. opposite答案:1B 2A 3D 4C 5A 6C 7D 8C 9B 1

6、0A【能力选练】 B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案教育类The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often laughed at her. She would open a , pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Af

7、rica. She had just been adopted (收养 ) by a family, and they thought that the best way for her to American ways of life is to be with American kids. I looked at this small girl and promised myself that I must help her. But how could I help her fit in with us? There had to be a way. One day, when I we

8、nt into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had opened her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a perfect . I was surprised and thought that she could do in the coming talent show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had drawn.

9、 “Why, its ,” said Miss Parker, and then showed us a poster she had painted for the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just dont have enough time. Could you help me, Suzy? On the day of the talent show, Suzys were everywhere - all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “An

10、d ,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “We have a special award. Im sure youve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students painted them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could that well?”Mr. Brown waited a while before sa

11、ying, “Since this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a prize, too. Our mystery (神秘) artist is our new student - Suzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artists set. “Thank you,” she cried. I realized, at that time when I was lookin

12、g at her face, shed probably never owned anything in her whole life. Everyone started to clap their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right. ”【小题1】AbagBbookCboxDbottle【小题2】AlearnBborrowCstayDsend【小题3】AnearBupCdownDopposite【小题4】AcopyBnoteCtrainDphoto【小题5】Aso

13、methingBanythingCeverythingDnothing【小题6】AcolorfulBcommonCuglyDwonderful【小题7】AphotosBbooksCpostersDgifts【小题8】AimportantlyBfinallyCsadlyDhopefully【小题9】AdrawBmakeCwriteDthink【小题10】AsadBbeautifulCsmallDexcited【能力选练】 C【*年广西柳州】完形填空。阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。 Last year my dad got a new job in a small town,_51_ my fam

14、ily moved there. On my first _52_ at the new school I was really worried. The teachers were friendly, but the _53_ was the other students. They didnt seem friendly. I knew nobody and I couldnt _54_ understand what they said. During the break all the other students went out. I didnt know where to go,

15、 so I _55_ in the classroom. After a while, a _56_ came back in and came up to me. I _57_ what he wanted to do. He took _58_ out of his bag and said to me,“Would you like something to _59_?”It was an apple. Suddenly I felt really _60_ and we began to talk. It was Tony who gave me the apple and now h

16、e is my best friend. I am thankful to the apple, which started our friendship.51. A. or B. so C. but52. A. day B. spring C. winter53. A. project B. custom C. problem54. A. hardly B. ever C. even55. A. danced B. stayed C. sang56. A. woman B. girl C. boy57. A. knew B. wondered C. thought58. A. somethi

17、ng B. anything C. nothing59. A. eat B. drink C. read60. A. shy B. happy C. lonely【文章大意】“一个苹果”带来的友谊。本文介绍了一名学生因父亲在小城镇得到份工作而全家搬迁。在新的学校,作者首先感到孤独,后来一名男生送给他一个苹果而开始新的友谊。【解析】51. B.根据句意:去年我的爸爸在小城镇得到份新工作,因此我的家搬到那里。故选B。52. A on my first day at the new school意为“在我的新学校的第一天”,语意通顺合理,其他选项语意不对。故选A。53.C 。根据句意:老师是友好的,

18、但是麻烦的问题是其他的学生。Project课程, custom风俗,所以A,B选项语意不通。故选C。54. C 句意:我一个人也不认识,甚至不能理解他们说什么。Hardly“几乎不”,与couldnt不能同时使用。Ever曾经,even甚至。故选C。55. B 句意:我不知道去哪,所以只能呆在教室。故选B。56. C 考查上下文的联系。根据下文提到he,可知是一个男孩。故选C。57. B knew知道, wondered 疑惑,thought想。句意:我想知道他想做什么。故选B。58. A something“某物”用在肯定句中,anything用在否定句或疑问句中,nothing“什么也没有

19、”。根据句意:他从书包里拿出某物并对我说。故选A。59. A 根据下文提到的apple,可知是something to eat一些吃的东西。故选A。60.B 根据上文可知作者来到新的环境没有朋友而感到孤独,突然有同学送苹果给他,可知作者应该感到高兴。 故选B。【能力选练】 DI still remember that day. I was waiting to get some 36 for shopping in a bank. Among the crowd, I noticed a little boy carrying some sunglasses in one hand and a

20、 big bag in 37 .The boy was about 10 years old. He was walking around the people inside the 38 and asked them to buy his sunglasses. But 39 would buy any from him. He tried from one person to another. From the look on his face, I know he would not 40 anyway. Now, I decided to have a 41 with him. I w

21、ent up and asked, Do you go to school? He nodded his head. Then I continued, Why do you 42 sunglasses? He said nothing. I gave him20 and said that I was not in 43 of the sunglasses but he could keep the money. To my_44 , his face changed a lot, which is still in my memory today. I didnt know_45 to s

22、ay next. Then he replied, Either you buy sunglasses or you 46 back the money. I dont need your pity. I felt very 47 for what I did, and I told him that I would buy two pairs.I took these sunglasses home and kept 48 myself, Did such a young boy need to do it for his self-respect? He could 49 take the

23、20 and left. But he chose to sell his sunglasses and get the money not because of others 50 . I will remember this lesson forever.36. A. bags B. books C. money D. information37. A. another B. others C. the other D . the others38. A. shop B. school C. hotel D. bank39. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybo

24、dy D. anybody40. A. give out B. give away C. give back D. give up41. A. talk B. quarrel C. walk D. trade42. A. send B. sell C. buy D. give43. A. danger B. need C. time D. trouble44. A. joy B. surprise C. fear D. horror45. A. how B. when C. where D. what46. A. take B. give C. pay D. send47. A. worrie

25、d B. happy C. excited D. sorry48. A. telling B. answering C. asking D. watching49. A. easily B. proudly C. sadly D. hardly50. A. joke B. pity C. advice D. decision【参考答案】完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 3640CCDAD 4145 ABBBD 4650 ADCAB【能力选练】 EGeorge Ellet had a bright silver dollar for a New-year gift. He thou

26、ght of all the fine things he might buy with it. The ground was all covered with 16 ; but the sun shone out bright, and 17 looked beautiful. So George put on his hat, and 18 into the street. After a while, he met some boys throwing snowballs. George soon 19 them. He sent a ball at James Mason, but i

27、t missed him, and broke a 20 on the other side of the street. George was afraid some one would come out of the house and 21 him. So he ran off as fast as he could. As soon as he got round the next corner, George stopped, because he was sorry for 22 he had done. He said to 23 , “I have no right(权利)to

28、 spend my silver dollar, now. I should go back, and pay for the window I broke with my 24 . He went up and down the street, and felt very 25 . He wished very much to 26 something nice. He also wished to pay for the 27 window. 28 he said, “It was wrong to break window, though I did not want to do it.

29、 I will go and pay for it, if it takes all my 29 , I will try not to be sorry. I do not think the man will hurt me 30 I pay for the window I broke.16. A. sandB. snowC. rainD. stone17. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything18. A. ranB. swamC. droveD. flew19. A. leftB. watchedC. joinedD. helpe

30、d20. A. doorB. windowC. chairD. desk21. A. visitB. likeC. encourageD. find22. A. whenB. whereC. whomD. what23. A. herselfB. himselfC. itselfD. themselves24. A. basketballB. snowballC. footballD. volleyball25. A. boredB. happyC. sadD. excited26. A. buyB. sellC. stealD. make27. A. newB. goodC. brokenD

31、. old28. A. At lastB. At firstC. At onceD. At times29. A. timeB. moneyC. hopeD. right30. A. asB. untilC. ifD. since【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。乔治埃利特新年收到了一枚明亮的银币。他想到了用这枚银币可能买到的所有美好的东西。地上的雪在阳光的照耀下格外漂亮,他跑出去和一些男孩扔雪球。一不留神打破了对面街道上的一个窗户。起初他吓得跑掉了,慢慢地他感觉很内疚,最终他决定用自己的这枚银币来赔偿。16. B 根据下文he met some boys throwing snowballs(孩

32、子们在玩雪球)可知“地面上覆盖着雪”。A. sand沙子;B. snow雪;C. rain雨;D. stone石头;故选B。17. D A. nothing没有东西;B. anything一些/任何东西;C. something一些东西/某事物;D. everything每个东西。根据生活经验“下雪后一切事物在太阳的照耀下看起来都很美”可知选D。18. A 根据下文“他遇见了一些男孩并且和他们一起扔雪球,打破了别人的窗户,吓得跑开”,可知“乔治埃利特是个孩子。下雪后外面漂亮的景色驱使他快速跑到街上”。A. ran跑;B. swam游泳;C. drove开车;D. flew飞。故选A。19. C

33、 根据下文He sent a ball at James Mason可知“乔治埃利特加人那些男孩的行列,和他们一起扔雪球”。A. left离开;B. watched观看;C. joined加入的行列;D. helped帮助。故选C。20. B 根据下文pay for the window I broke with my(为打坏的窗户赔偿)可知推“球打破了窗户”。A. door门;B. window窗户;C. chair椅子;D. desk桌子。故选B。21. D 根据下文的So he ran off as fast as he could(他尽快跑开了)可知“他怕窗户的主人从家里出来发现他”。

34、A. visit参观;B. like喜欢;C. encourage鼓励;D. find发现。故选D。22. D 根据上文As soon as he got round the next corner, George stopped because可知,他为自己所做的事情感到遗憾而停下来。“what +主语+动词”翻译为“某人所的事情”。A. when当时候;B. where哪儿;C. whom谁;D. what所有一切。故选D。23. B 文中没有提及说话的对象,可知他在自言自语。根据固定搭配say to oneself和主语he的提示,可知使用he的反身代词是himself,选B。24. B

35、 根据上文he met some boys throwing snowballs. George soon joined them.可知他是用雪球打坏了窗户。A. basketball篮球;B. snowball雪球;C. football足球;D. volleyball排球。故选B。25. C 由上文I should go back, and pay for the window I broke(我应该回去,为打坏窗户去赔偿)可知这样他不能用那枚银币买自己非常想要的东西了,所以他很难过。A. bored讨厌;B. happy高兴;C. sad难过;D. excited兴奋。故选C。26. A

36、 根据上文He thought of all the fine things he might buy with it.可知“他本想用钱去买好东西”。A. buy买;B. sell卖;C. steal偷;D. make制造。故选A。27. C 根据上文pay for the window I broke可知要为打坏的窗户赔偿。A. new新的;B. good好的;C. broken坏的;D. old旧的。故选C。28. A 乔治埃利特打破了窗户,起初跑开;后来决定赔偿,可银币就不能买东西了,他很矛盾,文中最后一段表达他在一番思想斗争之后,最终决定赔偿。A. At last最后,终于;B. At first起初,开始;C. At once立刻,马上;D. At times有时。故选A。29. B 根据I will go and pay for it可知“他要付款赔偿”。A. time时间;B. money金钱;C. hope希望;D. right正确的。故选B。30. A 根据这两个句子的逻辑关系可知,当我去赔偿的时候,我相信那个人是不会伤害我的。A. as当时候;B. until直到才;C. if如果;D. since自从,既然,由于。故选A。 9


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