2019年中考英语二轮复习 阅读理精题(3).doc

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1、2019年中考英语阅读理精题(3)(附答案)第一篇(2019中考科普环保类选练)There are many wetlands in China and some of them have become internationally important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are one example. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are the ideal home for many different kinds of birds and animals. Th

2、e worlds largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is there. More than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-Crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands. The temperature in the wetlands is usually not too

3、 high or too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. They offer food and home for some special kinds of animals and birds. It is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent floods. But some peo

4、ple want to change the wetlands to make space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife. Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year on February 2nd, the World Wetlands Day, many activities are he

5、ld to tell people more about wetlands.1. Which of the following is the ideal home for birds and animals?A. The Yellow River. B. The wetlands.C. North China. D. Cities in China.2. Whats the weather like in the wetlands?A. Its very hot. B. Its too cold.C. Theres a lot of snow. D. It rains a lot there.

6、3. Why are the wetlands good places for wildlife?A. Wildlife can find food and home there.B. All wildlife can live freely there.C. There re enough friends for them.D. There is enough room for them.4. Whats the use of the wetlands?A. To raise(饲养) more wildlife. B. To prevent floods.C. To offer lots o

7、f food for human beings. D. A and B.5. Which of the following is Not true?A. More than 700 milu deer live freely because of the wetlands.B. We cant see red-crowned cranes in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.C. February 2nd is the World Wetlands Day.D. People are beginning to realize the importance of wetland

8、s.参考答案BDADB第二篇【*贵阳市】 At 18,many American young people go off on their own. They go away to college or find full-time jobs,and they often rent their own apartments. Some get married and start families. This independence(独立性)is learned from childhood.From an early age,American children learn responsib

9、ility(责任感).Children as young as 2 begin to put away their toys and dress themselves. At 3,many children do simple chores like setting the table.Using money wisely is also taught early. As soon as a child understands the value of money,he or she receives a weekly allowance. This is used for things th

10、e child wants,like toys or treats. The child can spend or save it,usually with little guidance(指导)from parents. If the child wants money besides his or her allowance,it must be made by doing extra chores.Children are taught early in life to think for themselves. They are allowed to make some decisio

11、ns-and make mistakes. Failure(失败)often teaches more than success.41、Many American young people begin to live on themselves . A.at eighteen years old B.from childhood C.after they get married D.from an early age42、An American child learns to at the age of 2. A.find a full-time job B.rent an apartment

12、 C.put on his or her own clothes D.do lots of chores43、The word“allowance”(in paragraph 3)means in Chinese. A.奖品 B.零花钱 C.财产 D.礼物44、A child can get some more money by .A.understanding the value of money B.helping the rich C.reading many books D.doing extra chores45、The passage is mainly about . A.the

13、 independence of American children B.the value of money C.the guidance from parents D.failure and success of American children参考答案 41、ACBDA 第三篇【*贵阳市】DImagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion-a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness. no terror or hate. Try to imagin

14、e the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive; knowing neither joy nor pleasure. anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn; they could not benefit from experience because this emoti

15、onless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear; people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist; in a world without friends or enemies, there could be no marriage, affection among companionsor bonds amon

16、g members of groups. Societys economic underpinnings(支柱)would be destroyed; since earning $10 million would be no more pleasant than earning$10. here would be no motivation to work. In fact, there would be no motivations of any kindFor as we will see, motivations imply a capacity to enjoy themIn suc

17、h a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zerobecause emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptationEmotions structure the world for us in important ways. As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True,we consider the length,

18、shape, size. or texture. but an objects physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us-hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families,communities, and overall societyOut of our emotional experiences with ob

19、jects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “good”,and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life-from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fa

20、ct, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes. such as loyalty, morality, pride, shame, guilt, fear and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievem

21、ents such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal and penal(刑法的)system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts( )51 The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that .A. they would not be able to tell the texture of objectsB. they would

22、 not know what was beneficial and what was harmfulC. they would not be happy with a life without loveD. they would do things that hurt each others feelings( )52. According to the passage, peoples learning activities are possible because they A. believe that emotions are most important for them to st

23、ay aliveB. benefit from providing help and support to one anotherC. enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thingD. know what is important to the progress of society( )53. It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society depends onA. The ability to make money B. the will

24、to work for pleasureC. the capacity to enjoy motivations D. the categorizations of our emotional experiences( )54 Emotions are significant for mans survival and adaptation because A. they provide the means by which people view the size or shape of objectsB. they are the basis for the social feeling

25、of agreement by which society is maintainedC. they encourage people to perform dangerous achievementsD. they generate more love than hate among people( )55.The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects because they A. help society exploit its members for profitB. en

26、courage us to perform important tasksC. help to perfect the legal and penal systemD. help us adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us参考答案 51-55 BCCBD第四篇Hemingway was one of the most famous writers in America.He was born in 1899.He grew up in Oak Park,Illinois,near the Middle Western city of Ch

27、icago.He was the second child in a family of six.His father was a doctor.His mother liked to paint and play the piano.Each summer the family traveled to their holiday home in northern Michigan.His father taught him how to catch fish and cook over a fire.At home he wrote for his school newspaper.He t

28、ried to write like a famous sports writer,Ring Lardner.He developed his writing skills this way.In 1917,Hemingway decided not to go to university.He wanted to join the army.But the army rejected him because his eyesight(视力)was not good enough.Then he found a job as a reporter for a newspaper,the Tor

29、onto Star.The manager liked his reports about life in Chicago and paid him well.In Chicago,Hemingway met the writer Anderson.Anderson was one of the first writers in America to write about the lives of common people.Anderson gave Hemingway advice about his writing.He told Hemingway to move to Paris

30、because Paris was full of young artists and writers from all over the world.In return,Hemingway wrote a book called“The Torrents of Spring”He thanked Anderson in this way.()6. Hemingway was a famous_ writer.A. English B. American C. Australian D. Indian()7. Hemingway decided not to go to university

31、when he was_ .A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D. 19()8. The underlined word“rejected” here means“_”in Chinese.A. 接收 B. 欢迎 C. 拒绝 D. 反对()9. Anderson wrote about_ in America.A. cooking on a fire B. sportsC. the lives of common people D. the lives in Paris()10. From the passage,we know that_.A. Hemingways mother was

32、a doctorB. Hemingway didnt like Ring LardnerC. Anderson gave Hemingway money to go on his writingD. Paris was full of young artists and writers from all over the world答案610 B C C C D第五篇Lets Explore (探究) The Nature!Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn

33、something interesting and useful?Here comes your CHANCE! Youth Explore as prepared you with a THREE-DAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many hands-on activities and meet with live animals- giraffes, pandas, tigers, and so on! More information about the program in as follows: Age: Students aged

34、816 Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students. Program A Dates: 1416 July, 2014 Days: Monday to Wednesday Time: 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Program B Dates: 57 August, 2014 Days: Tuesday to Thursday Time: 10:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.Program cost: $230 for members; $2

35、50 for non-members How to do: Simply come to our centre to get an application form (申请表). Send your completed form on or before 11th July, 2014(Friday).Notes:1. NO FREE LUNCHES ARE PROVIDED because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunch-box or pay for lunch at our restaurants. 2.

36、 Both programs will start 1 DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms. COME AND JOIN US NOW! DONT MISS THE CHANCE!26. _ can join the three-day summer program. A. A kid of 7B. A boy of 14 C. A girl of 17D. A man of 26 27. If there is a rainstorm on 14th July, program A will start on _. A. Sunday

37、B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Wednesday 28. Two members and one non-member should pay _ for the program. A. $690 B. $710 C. $730D. $75029. Free lunches arent provided because _. A. the lunches cost too much B. people have different tastes C. there are many restaurants D. they may bring lunch-boxes 30. What can we know from the passage? A. Youth Explorer is the name of the program. B. More than 15 students are in each program. C. We can see three kinds of animals in the program. D. You need to hand in an application for the program. 参考答案2630 BCBBD8


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