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1、安永公司笔试解答参考第一部分: IQ Test1.11 24 51 106 ?2172. 略3. 重点是区别 a 和 c,因为这两个字母有点像。4. 一升水重 1KG,问现有 1KG的立方体边长为 3M,则装纯水总共多重 ?1*3*3*3*1000+1=270015. 一本书等于 587 页加自身总页的一半,则这本书多少页 ? X=587+X/2 X=1174第二部分:写作1. 写一封信给 SHALLY,包括以下几点内容:一, ANNUAL DINNER的安排情况,细节。二, 能不能促进员工间的MUNICATION?三, 今年的 EVENT和去年有什么不同 ?Dear Shally,Im gl

2、ad to tellyou the annual dinner impressed everyonegreatly.XXX was invitedas the presideof our annual activityand hes really humorous.At the annual dinner ,all young colleagues were in a same table ,at first ,we drunk beer,buta few minutes later,thecolleagueswho e from north China feltit is better to

3、 use white wine instead of beer .We then laughed and talked to each other and its resllya good way for munication,because after a years hardworking ,itsa greatopportunityforus to relax,toshare theexperience and to make our future plans.Theannual dinnerthisyear is differentfrom lastyearsthe delicious

4、 food ,red and white wine,we were singing and dancing together ,everyone is the super star that night,we dont need to wear formally like the working days and we all enjoyed the dinner very much.Best wishes! Sincerely yours,2. 上海,北京,广州三地的楼价, xx,xx,xx 三年的增长率以图表的形式告诉大家。然后问:一, what s the factor?二, xx 你会

5、不会在上海买房 ?三,根据图表分析中国的real estate market.As is shown in the chart ,the increasing rate of the three cities house price remained high during the past 3 years,the factors for this are just as follows:1. Local government have an willing to expandcities,nationalmacro-controlpoliciesare not simplycontainth

6、e rise in real estate price in the past.2.Bank and otherrelevantfinancalinstitutionsprovidea great deal of loans to the real estate investors .Thecontinued investment capital promoted the rise of the price.3.The consumer does not want a realestatepropertypricesgo down ,or else their investment damag

7、ed.Becauseof the above reasons I thinkI willnot buy a housein Shanghai in xx,although Chinese government has raised thecaptital threshold for investing in realestate market.We can see from the chart ,in order to control theoverheating real estate industry.the government carries outthe macro-control

8、measures and in this way the government canfirmly hold the land and capitals in its hand.under theinfluences of the policies the real estate enterprises willextend to other industries to reduce the investment risks.PS:单项选择和短文改错记不清了,但不难,大家不用紧张。阅读理解1. 解释 surplus(20words)The amount of money received is

9、 greater than the amountof money spent.2.price advantage(20words)The advantage which is given by tarriffs to the price of similar locally produced goods.3.exorbitance造句Moderateexorbitanceof educationisgood forour country.4. 国外两个要求人民币升值的理由 .(1)The RMB exchange rate is too low,it was proposed that it should be fixed at one US dollar to 4.2 yuan.(2)Chinas foreign exchange reserves are too high,the trade surplus has increased quickly.5. 中国政府为何自己也要升值 ?(1)TheRMBexchange rate has not been changed fortoo manyyears since 1994.(2)Aording tothe theoryof internationaleconomics ,RMBis undervalued.内容仅供参考


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