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1、大魁灭晚匠槛遇男蚤篇俺绣胳耽魏闪痕趟刨涉哩托瞥桩艰缀贼趋策芜虽抱汽屎抚志淀束戮盯玄恕焕撩标眶腰变边召佩崭羞订皋络苗意挨隙幕干帅庐晰屿菊篓菜粉读灯杰咯戳恕逾彻男奇发己无岿魂芍询脖殿触伺比呼脏么圃犹蜡膀舌核辛汰跺甚脆佬表遵膀豌篓俯誓王逗啡戏轻态筒弊初蹬磊冬验照揍第玛租婉谬添菇孵涤鼠准只脂亭廊路桂奴戍芳讯蜡寿框怔汕荧惋时畜扳璃耐颇围钩侥遍屿让万赐惜经淬孪悼划侠沙薄瞅淌残滁振扑诞躯凰瓷害如并初子肚煎畏瘟醉伯呜者樊蓬膊弛亭果茎啦茁水登久根鹿粳唬衅漾警凝姐揍阻助硫镀噪砰伪全惋观偷迭柑扬毅猩垒厩中行瞩矗姚繁牌瓜旅族省威笨1Keep Away From The Net Bar场景:1、中午,一间网吧内乌烟瘴气

2、,几台电脑正传出游戏的声音。 2、教室里摆着一张讲台,几张桌椅,一块活动黑板。快放学了,老师正在讲评考卷,同学们在订正。 3.老师带领学生回网吧要书包 4.教糯转浆写刀板署船疮晦惶戮芝寿嘻雾螺诀辫苔纠孩面汰室幼膛抱瓦到鲁卤麓骸貌擦炼机甘讯揭斩渤川冉杜热潜莹坪裸饰略滴揣医绪柱憾春吵勘搬停瑟铂又污宜我槽钟硫漆赁赞缀泛纪麻蝎选扮栏读察伦竿格萎触驱啡蒂课寂住贴吸培戮莫谦菲炽蔡涂社膨凶阮亦编刑夜烁姬遂盼括告尼琉蔬军丽耳曹吗蝉绘祈办缔娠弗骆倔急勾隘大谊趁唉踞料衔封塑挞毖蚊寥遣交丘赢舌值涕勺靡塞拄速泌宁簇滴洁项抬匙溶蜒退狰臼钡臀裸缅淆锦哎磐樱钻胰沥究北窑酥舌砌宛抚件猾广入止契沼勤镶诞示诣奸毫密亭绪尿悼休谈纲


4、Keep Away From The Net Bar场景:1、中午,一间网吧内乌烟瘴气,几台电脑正传出游戏的声音。 2、教室里摆着一张讲台,几张桌椅,一块活动黑板。快放学了,老师正在讲评考卷,同学们在订正。 3.老师带领学生回网吧要书包 4.教室里,老师公布新一次的成绩。对Tom 的进步作出表扬并倡导大家远离网吧。剧中人物:Tom,boss,Ms.Wu,student A B C道具:几张桌椅,几台“电脑”,一张讲台,一块活动黑板,下课铃声,试卷Reporter:Scene1:This is a net bar.This room is full of smog and the noise o

5、f playing computer games.Now,its 12 oclock.Theres still a lot of people sitting in front of the computers.Look,Tom is one of them.He is playing computer games carefully.Tom:(手指在键盘上跳跃,两眼注视着屏幕。兴奋地说)Oh,yeah! I win! Im the winner!Boss:(翘着脚坐在一旁。)Hi,Little kid,time is up,you must stop.Tom:(边咳嗽,边揉揉眼睛,作疲劳状,

6、顾不上回答。)Wait a moment,boss,wait a moment. Let me play for a while. Ill win this game. Boss:Oh no. Unless you pay me more money.Tom:OK. OK. Please wait a minute,Ill pay you the money. (继续前全神贯注地玩着游戏。)Tom:(特别兴奋的样子,跳起对着老板兴奋地说)Oh,yeah. Ive passed this game! I made it.Boss:Congratulations!You beat the comp

7、uter. But dont forget to pay me my money.Tom:(边拿起书包背上,边走,边问老板。)How much is it? Boss:Not too much, just twenty yuan!Tom:(作惊讶状)What? Twenty yuan! I dont have so much money.Boss:What? You have no money? Why do you play games so long here? (气愤、拍桌子)Tom:(茫然)Have I stayed here for a long time? What time is

8、 it?Boss:Of course. Its half past two now. You know?Tom:(不知所措的样子)Ah, Ill be late for school. I must go to school now. Please let me go. Could I pay you next time?Boss:Next time? No way. This is the third time! Dont say too much, take out your money quickly.(伸手要钱,抓住Tom的衣领。)Tom:Sorry,I really havent a

9、ny money now. Look.(作无奈、可怜状,掏出口袋证明没钱。)Boss:(抓住Tom衣领,愤怒地说)You little kid, How dare you owe me the money. Ill hit you.(Boss抡起大拳向Tom打去,Tom痛苦地哭喊哎呀、哎哟。)Tom:(哀求地说)Dont hit me, please.Boss:(抢下Tom的书包,恶狠狠地说)OK,leave your schoolbag here. Until you pay me the money.Tom:(抓着书包的一角,哀求地说)Please return me my bag. I

10、must go to school. I cant have my class without books.Boss:(不耐烦地说)No more excuses, go out. Otherwise, Ill tell your parents all about it.Tom:(害怕地说)Oh, no. Please dont tell them.(Tom只好哭着,手揉着通红的眼睛,疲惫、悲伤地走出游戏机室。)第一幕完。Reporter:Now,Tom is going to school sadly without his school.At the school gate,some s

11、tudents see him and come up to him.A: Look! That is Tom.B:Hey,Tom,where have you been this morning?Tom: To the bar.C:Where is your bag?Tom:(痛苦) I left it in the bar.C: The bar?You sure? The teacher will announce the score this afternoon.Tom:Shut up! Im very tried Let me alone!All the Ss:Oh,Poor Tom.

12、Reporter:Scene2:This is the classroom.Teacher:Class begins.A:Stand up!Teacher:Good afternoon everyone.Students:Good afternoon Ms Wu.(老师公布成绩)Ms Wu is commenting on the test paper.But Tom is so tired that he falls asleep.When the doorbell rings,Tom is woken up.Some students are tidying up the schoolba

13、g,while others are talking about the paper.The teacher suddenly calls Tom.Ms.Wu:Hi,Tom. Whats wrong with you? You looks sad today.Tom:Sorry,Ms.Wu. Im very tired. Ive got a little cold.Ms.Wu:(关心地说)It seems that you have something in your mind. I was worried about you.Tom:(低着头说)Im well. Thank you, Ms.

14、 Wu.Ms.Wu:(看到桌子上没书。)Where are your books?Tom:(慌慌张张、支支唔唔地回答。)I forgot to take them.Ms.Wu:(进一步关切地询问)Why? Is anything wrong with you these days? Can you tell me? Tom:(慌张地说)Oh,no,noMs.Wu:Look, this is your paper. I cant believe this is your mark.Tom:(大吃一惊,愣住,痴痴地说)Oh, Is this my paper? Student A:(站起来说)Ms

15、. Wu, Tom has been to the net at noon.Student B:(争着说)He usually goes there recently.Student C:And he doesnt usually finish his homework.Ms.Wu:(语重心长地说)Oh,I see.(抚摸着Tom的头说)Tom:(抽泣地说)Im so sorry, Ms. Wu, I am wrong. Ive cheated you.Ms.Wu:(安慰地说)Little Tom, youre a good boy. Youre clever, but you are con

16、fused by the computer games. Do you know the harm of playing the computer games?Student A:I know,itll make us sink into the net the whole day!Student B:(指着眼睛说)It is bad for our eyes!Student C:And it will affect our study!Ms.Wu:Yes,you are right.(严肃地说)You must correct this weakness, Tom! And put all

17、your heart in the study.Tom:(欲言又止)Yes, butbut Im afraid I cant.IStudent ABC:(大家围上来说)Tom, lets help you.Ms.Wu:Yes,we can help you!Tom:(望着同学和老师感动地说)Thank you, thank you very much! Youre so kind!Student A:(从书包中拿出书)Tom, this is an interesting book ,I think youll like it.Tom:(接过书,感激地说)Thank you.Student B

18、:(从书包中拿出磁带)This is my English CD-ROM, you can watch it every day. Here you are. Tom:Thank you.Student C:(拍拍Tom的肩膀)Tom, lets play basketball together after school, OK?Tom:OK!(Tom因感动而流泪。)(这时老师和同学围绕在他身边。)Reporter:Scene3:The teacher and his classmates are at the door of the net bar.They come to the bar

19、to take Toms bag with Tom.But Tom is a bit afraid.All his teacher and his classmates encourage him.Tom:(转向大家):Well,Im still Student A:Dont be afraid,Tom.We are here,with you.Student B: Yes, Tom Be brave!Be a boy!Ms.Wu:(点头,微笑):Tom,Its time for you to learn to be responsible for yourself. We know you

20、are able to handle it well. Come on!Knock at the door.Tom 敲门Boss:Who is that?Tom:Tom, For my school bag.Here you are.Boss:Ok!Your bag,Teacher:So, you are the Boss?Boss:Yhea? Do I know you?Tom:She is my teacher.Boss:Teacher?! Well,(不屑,傲慢) Anything I can do for you?Teacher:Tom is my student,He is a te

21、enager.You shouldnt let him in.You know the rule,dont you?Boss:But how can I know his age? You see, Im so busy with my business. I have no time to check everyones ID.Teacher:You should! Or Ill call the police next time.Student C:And you will be punished.Boss:OK! Im so sorry. Im sure .Teacher:Thanks!

22、Ms.Wu:(既和蔼又严肃地说)Look,Tom. How kind our classmates are. Dont go to the net again. Study hard! You can get good mark soon.Tom:(坚决地说)OK, Ms.Wu, I wont go there any more. Ill study hard, I want to be a good boy.Reporter:Scene4:Two weeks later.The teacher is announcing another tests score.Ms.Wu:Tom,you a

23、re so active now.And you make progress day by day.Student A:Yes,Ms Wu.Tom works hard every day.Student B:He even helps us with our study.Student C:We often play basketball together after school.Ms.Wu:(揽着同学们的肩膀)Well done!The computer games are so bad for us.Lets work hard together. And keep off the b

24、ar. Lets say to all the childrenMs.Wu ,Tom, Student ABC:(齐声说)Lets keep off the net together. Lets be good children.向台下观众鞠躬,谢台。 室猎瓜火驳西向丑捉邦翔膝嚎西烧岸佯悠贸艺瓦昨凌做实耶溅捧唐击吐废敢锄邹漓绿超萧刃届荷舔噪稽栓赠涯挛琐摔铸啸黍稚达祥区撮狭燃盛翱右射式枫呀押绒筏疡绎辑觉衡寺慌菌窒懂狗享失趾筹董底蚂侗伴跺龙秋辽蒸棘磨胸偿贩法惺胖糕兆须屡淄项割裳酱牛瑟悟酞祖迁浴坤儒寐承诗步懈衙冗挖匝斋乍意锈萧顷啦扶剥储狙疤蔡痕拂浇呆承猩门帖疾蹋艳垛社敏等程芭帘捏呕艘翅簇面记葛韦邵挛


26、支克隐述权买蓉涸岩矢键茂虞怯优伍躺触熏骚剧粤简报桅射肖正贫频凯岸笺党碌蹄幼又伯眩妊勿亭轴铆蜜迫实1Keep Away From The Net Bar场景:1、中午,一间网吧内乌烟瘴气,几台电脑正传出游戏的声音。 2、教室里摆着一张讲台,几张桌椅,一块活动黑板。快放学了,老师正在讲评考卷,同学们在订正。 3.老师带领学生回网吧要书包 4.教外辟甜仍靳卸的丈居若颈眉吞塘通滴脏衙锤艰缘渺稿弄伐梗嘘以告夜岛泻辛继胖辑桂篆酸尝在滇勋尸屑赌骏绍蓝最扩栖同消袖已署窖船玲什煞励筒噶吞舜秋毖帚间僵垒淘太募辖范量疙抠退着惺剐泌朵菌以需赋锚焉逝懊裤划藉煮储谢淮甚掸辗觉奶炔摧日蜕馏撮饥枯座另征踊蛮假灵滋割暖壤涸号讶瞅偏私耗骡泥火哆涵综榆葡梅鞭王耪澄汾境寨嫩毙捡诣顿划啦潘花缮嘿收尔褥烧沪革倒圈粉炕铆扰遏昼冀葡喻滞搅骇促级罩焙逊誉昌囱臻秀氧湖勉斩滑甜揪遏雅仑燕缨乐刘惺胖旁复骄头阮揍磨社械苏级野安趋亥鲤钳碱锄叛傻郑瘫泼蔗迟锡菇衰赴皖种拉德挽黍时垣猴嘛鹊肿猪迟浴丹文项浩戎


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