2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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《2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum第三课时 (1a1d)Step 1Warmingup1Let students look at the pictures in 1a and read the names aloud, then match the pictures with the names.2Show more pictures of other places of interest and ask students whether they have been to these places. Then let them describe the

2、 places using what they have learnt.Step 2Listening1Get students to listen to a student interviewing a foreign student and grasp the main idea of the conversation.2Play the recording again and let students check the questions they hear in 1b.3Ask students to listen a third time to take notes.Name: _

3、Country: _How long in China: _Places visited: _Food: _Step 3Free talkLet students use the following sentence structures to talk about the places of interest they have been to with their partner.Have you visitedHave you been toHave you seenHave you tried第四课时 (2a2e)Step 1LeadinWatch a video about Sing

4、apore, then answer some questions. 1Where is Singapore?_2Can people taste Indian food in Singapore?_3What is a Night Safari?_答案 1Its in Southeast Asia.2.Yes, they can.3.Its a zoo at night.Step 2Reading Fast reading (快读) or Skimming (略读): Read the passage quickly. Task 1: 完成素材四突破一中的题Careful reading (

5、细读) and scanning (扫读) for details (细节)Task 2: 完成素材四突破一中的1,2小题Careful reading for the answers. Task 3: 完成素材四突破一中的3小题Careful reading and inferring for the answers. Task 4: 完成素材四突破一中的题Step 3SummaryComplete the words according to the first letters.Singapore is a small island in S_ Asia. It is an E_ coun

6、try. Three fourths of the p_ are Chinese. You have no p_ eating Chinese food, Indian food, Western food and Japanese food in Singapore. In Singapore there is a special zoo called N_Safari. You should watch the animals when it is d_, because a lot of animals only w_ up at night. The temperature in Si

7、ngapore is almost the s_ all year round, because it is so c_ to the equator. 答案 Southeast; Englishspeaking; population; problem; Night; dark; wake; same; closeStep 4SelfassessmentStep 5Class Quiz.根据汉语提示完成句子。1_ _ (成千上万的) people travel to Singapore this year. 2_ _ _ _ (一方面), he has much money. _ _ _ _

8、 (另一方面), he has free time. 3He is very busy _ _ _ (全年)4_ (是否) you have time or not, I will talk to you about it. 5One fourth of the population _ (是) women and children. 6Do you have any problem _ (到达) to Singapore by plane? No, I dont. 7His home is _ _ (靠近) his school.单项选择。()1.The best time _ to Mou

9、nt Tai is in Summer. Ato go Bwent Cgoing Dgone ()2.As we know, Australia is _ country. Aan Englishspeaking Ban EnglishspokenCa Englishspeaking Da Englishspoken答案 .1.Thousands of2.On the one hand; On the other hand3all year round4.Whether5.are6.getting7.close to.12AAStep 6Learning about the backgroun

10、d【智慧超市新加坡】通过学习地理,我们知道,新加坡是世界上著名的旅游国家之一,新加坡被称为“花园城市”。你知道它位于什么半岛吗?它的面积是多少?它由多少岛屿组成?它的另一个别名是什么?它的标志性建筑物是什么?有什么来历吗?请观看下面我从网上搜索来的视频后,回答这些问题。1位于什么半岛?马来半岛。2它的面积是多少?710多平方公里。3它由多少岛屿组成?由一个本岛和63个小岛组成。4.它的另一个别名是什么?狮子城。5它的标志性建筑物是什么?鱼尾狮。6有什么来历?狮头代表传说中的狮城新加坡,鱼尾象征古城淡马锡。Step 7Language points(详见P课堂互动探究)safe; fear; o

11、n the one handon the other hand; three quartersStep 8Exercises汉译英1在东南亚 _ 2四分之三的人口 _3做某事有困难 _4在白天 _ 5醒来 _6处于一个自然的环境中 _7一年到头,终年 _答案 1.in Southeast Asia2.three quarters of the population3have problems doing sth.4.during the daytime5.wake up6in a natural environment7.all year round导学设计一、导学领航1汉译英。(1)成千上万

12、名游客_(2)东南亚_(3)四分之三的人口 _ (4)一个说英语的国家_(5)在夜间 _ (6)在白天_2根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)这是一个既绝妙又安全的度假的好地方。It is a_ and_ place_ take a holiday.(2)超过四分之三的人口都是中国人。More than _ _ of_ _ are Chinese.(3)你尝试过在中国以外的地方吃中餐吗?_ you ever _ Chinese food _ of_?(4)你吃到饺子不会有困难。You wont have_ _ _dumplings.答案 1(1)thousands of tourists(2)Sout

13、heast Asia(3)three quarters of the population(4)an Englishspeaking country(5)at night(6)during the daytime2(1)wonderful; safe; to(2)three quarters; the population(3)Have; tried; outside; China(4)any problem eating/having二、自主学习1让学生自由谈论关于新加坡的一些风土人情,完成2a。2用屏幕展示新单词及短语,学生跟读并记忆。三、合作探究1学生打开课本第70页,看课文,一个学生读

14、课文,另一个同学试着翻译课文,不准确的地方教师及时纠正。2正确理解课文含义之后,留给学生时间再读课文,进一步理解课文。3学生反复阅读课文后,根据文章的正确含义,改正2c中的句子。四、交流指导运用文章的相关信息,完成2d。五、巩固提升合上课本,让学生记下文章中关于新加坡的任何事情,完成2e,使学生进一步加深对课文的理解。六、达标测评1用for或since 填空。(1)She has been ill _ more than two weeks.(2)I havent met him _ a long time.(3)Mary has been here _eight oclock this mo

15、rning.(4)It hasnt rained _ two months ago.(5)They have been my friends _I was a child.2按要求完成下列各题。(1)This factory opened twenty years ago.(改为同义句)This factory _ _ _ for twenty years.(2)Miss Gao left an hour ago.(改为同义句)Miss Gao _ _ _ _ an hour ago.(3)Her mother has been a Party member for three years.(

16、改为同义句)Her mother _ the Party three years _(4)The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并为一句)_(5)Mr. Wang has taught English in this school since_1990(对画线部分提问)_ _ has Mr. Wang taught English in this school?答案 1(1)for(2)for(3)since(4)since(5)since2(1)has been open(2)has been away si

17、nce(3)joined; ago(4)The bus has been here for ten minutes.(5)How long第五课时(3aSelf Check)Step 1RevisionWhat do you know about Singapore?提示信息Position:Where is Singapore?In Southeast Asia.PopulationMore than three quarters of the population are Chinese.LanguageChinese and English.FoodA lot of food from

18、China, such as rice, noodles and dumplings.Indian food, Western food and Japanese food.ZooSingapore has a special zoo called the “Night Safari”. A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them.WeatherThe temperature is almost the same all year round.Step 2WritingAsk st

19、udents to write an article to advertise their hometown or a place they have been to.句型:Have you ever tried/seen/been?If you, you will/canYou shouldOne great thing about isStep 3Self check1Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.(1)One thing that you have collected before:_(2)On

20、e invention that you have found to be very useful:_(3)One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently:_(4)One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past:_(5)One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to recently:_2Complete the conversation.Get students to complete th

21、e conversation. This activity provides writing practice in understanding the target language.A: Hey, John. _ are you doing this weekend?B: Not much, Mark. I dont really have any plans yet.A: _ you ever been to the space museum?B: _, I have. I _ there last month.A: Oh, how _ it?B: It was great. I _ b

22、een there many times.A: I see. I _ never _ there.B: Well, lets go this weekend then. I think theres something new there. I didnt see it last time.A: Perfect!答案 What; Have; Yes; went; was; have; have; beenGet students to roleplay the conversation. This activity gives students practice in using the ta

23、rget language.导学设计一、导学领航1写出下列动词的过去分词。(1)come_(2)arrive_(3)go_ (4)see_(5)take_ (6)visit_ (7)be _ (8)try_(9)cost_ (10)drink_ (11)eat_ (12)give _(13)have_ (14)learn_ (15)let_ (16)lie_2根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)我看过这部电影。I_ _ the film.(2)我上星期看了这部电影。I_ the film last week.答案 1(1)come(2)arrived(3)gone(4)seen(5)taken(6)v

24、isited(7)been(8)tried(9)cost(10)drunk(11)eaten(12)given(13)had(14)learnt/learned(15)let(16)lain/lied2(1)have seen/watched(2)saw/watched二、自主学习独立完成第72页的1,2,3题。三、合作探究1小组讨论并核对书上练习的答案。2组长带领组员熟读2b中的文章,并挑选课堂展示人选。四、交流展示给学生时间谈论自己的家乡或回顾他们曾去过的地方。然后写一篇文章来描写自己的家乡或曾去过的地方。可能用到一些句型,如:Have you ever tried/seen/been?I

25、f you, you will/can You should五、巩固提升1延续性动词和瞬间动词的用法区别。2一般过去时态与现在完成时态的区别。3一般现在时态与现在完成时态的区别。4have/has been to与have/has gone to的用法区别。六、达标测评()1.Have you ever _ to a water park?No, I havent.Agone Bbeen Cvisited()2.I enjoy skating._AI do so BSo I do CSo do I()3.I have_ been to the USA.Neither has Jim.Anever Bever Calready()4.My teacher is_ years old.A30 more than Bmore than 30 Cmore 30 than()5.Ive never _ other countries.Atraveled Btraveled to Ctravel to答案 15BCABB7


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