2020中考英语复习 第一部分 教材考点过关 八上 Units 1-3测试 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、八年级(上)Units 1-3.单项选择( C )1.Mr.Green is so that no one dares to play jokes on him.(2019合肥45中模拟)A.helpfulB.popularC.seriousD.friendly( D )2.The English Speech Competition the best in her.As a result,she is more active now.(2019青岛)A.checked outB.tried outC.left outD.brought out( C )3.How often do you u

2、sually go to work by subway?.I always take a bus,because there is no subway in this city.(2019铜仁)A.SometimesB.OftenC.NeverD.Seldom( A )4.The bright sunlight comes into the room the window.(2019青海)A.throughB.acrossC.past( C )5.Mum,could you buy me a dress like this,please?Of course.We can buy one tha

3、n this,but it.(2019眉山)A.a better;better thanB.a worse;as good asC.a cheaper;as good asD.a more important;not as good as( B )6.Dad,I dont know how to repair my bike.Could you give me a hand?(2019黔南、黔东南、黔西南)A.hand inB.help meC.find outD.drive me( B )7.Peter spoke so that I could hardly hear him.(2019江

4、西)A.loudlyB.quietlyC.clearlyD.patiently( B )8.All of us will visit Mount Huang next week.Great! of us has been there before and we want to know more about the local culture.(2019合肥45中模拟)A.EitherB.NoneC.BothD.All( A )9.Would you like to drink?A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything( C )10.Of the t

5、wo physics problems,Martha just finished one.(2019长沙)A.the most difficultB.the least difficultC.the less difficult( B )11.As middle school students,we follow the public rules wherever we go.(2019青岛)A.wouldB.shouldC.mightD.could( A )12. do you exercise,Tony?Three times a week.(2019宜昌)A.How oftenB.How

6、 soonC.How longD.How much( D )13.Youll have to the books because there arent enough for everyone.(2019江西)A.packB.sellC.chooseD.share( C )14.Friends are like books.You dont need a lot of them they are good.(2019青岛)A.orB.andC.as long asD.as soon as( A )15.Scientists found that people need to stay outs

7、ide for two hours to have good eyesight.(2019太原模拟)A.at leastB.at onceC.at last.完成句子16.我弟弟有时会做奇怪的事情来获得妈妈的关注。(2019眉山)Sometimes,my brother would do something strange/funny to get my mothers attention.17.我理解上次我父母的想法为什么与我的不同。(2019常州改编)I understand why my parents idea was different from mine last time.18.

8、我父母不允许我熬夜。(2019眉山)I am not allowed tostay up late by my parents.19.保持健康对每个人而言都很重要。(2019武威、白银)Its very important for everyone to keep healthy.20.我五岁就会做家务了。(2019陕西)I was ableto do (some/ the)housework/ choresat the age of 5.完形填空(2019广东)Cindy and Anna were best friends.Some days they could spend hours

9、happily together without any argument,but other days they just could not 21 on what to do.One day they decided to play in the garden near their school.“Come on.Lets play chess,” Anna said.“I dont want to play chess,” Cindy replied.“We always do what you want to do,Cindy.Its my turn to make a 22,” An

10、na said.She was getting a little unhappy and 23,leaving Cindy alone.Cindy was very angry.24 she got home,she found she still had Annas notebook in her schoolbag.“Well,Im not giving it back to her today.Im too mad at her,” Cindy thought.The next day at school,their teacher Mrs.Stone 25 their notebook

11、s.But Anna didnt have hers,and she looked 26.Cindy knew she should tell Mrs.Stone that she had the notebook,but she was 27 mad at Anna.When it was time for lunch,Cindy finally told Mrs.Stone the 28.“Thank you for being 29,Cindy.Im sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook,” said

12、 Mrs.Stone.Later,Mrs.Stone asked the two girls together and talked with them.Mrs.Stone helped them 30 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity.They became best friends again.( A )21.A.agreeB.liveC.dependD.try( C )22.A.promiseB.projectC.decisionD.dialogue( D )23.A.went overB.went

13、onC.went byD.went away( B )24.A.BecauseB.AfterC.UnlessD.If( B )25.A.gave awayB.asked forC.handed inD.paid for( A )26.A.worriedB.normalC.proudD.relaxed( A )27.A.stillB.neverC.usuallyD.almost( C )28.A.chanceB.methodC.truthD.rule( B )29.A.patientB.honestC.activeD.quiet( D )30.A.describeB.explainC.guess

14、D.realize.阅读理解(2019成都)Travel around EnglandPlaces to visit in LondonThe ThamesIt runs through London,dividing the city into two parts.Its interesting to take a trip on the river.This way,you can see almost every place of interest of London.Big BenMay 31,2019 is the 160th birthday of the largest four

15、-face clock in the worldBig Ben.It isnt the name of the tower itself but the 13-ton bell inside it.Every hour,it “bongs” the number of hours to tell the time.Places to visit in LiverpoolMusic:“The Beatles Story”If you love The Beatlesthe world-famous 1960s music group,come here!Open every day except

16、 Dec.25 and 26Adult:16.00Under-16s and student:12.00Child under six:Free续表Sport: “Liverpool FC”Do you love football?Visit Anfield football center,home to Liverpools favorite football team.Closed on Sat.& Sun.Adult:15.00Under-16s and student:9.00Child under six:FreeMuseum:“Liverpool Museum”You can le

17、arn all about the history and culture of Liverpool here.It was set up in 1851,and moved to the new building in 2011.Open dailyFree entry!( A )31.Whats the suggested way to visit the most places of interest in one day in London?A.To go by boat. B.To go by bus.C.To go by subway.( C )32.What does “FC”

18、mean in “Liverpool FC”?A.Fried Chicken. B.Famous Coach.C.Football Club.( B )33.Which of the following has a history of less than 100 years?A.Liverpool Museum.B.The Beatles Story.C.Big Ben.( C )34.David,a music fan,wants to go to his favorite place in Liverpool with his 9-year-old daughter and his baby son.How much should he pay?A .0.B.24.C.28.( B )35.Which is TRUE according to the ad?A.Big Ben “bongs” once at 9 a.m.every day.B.Liverpool Museum shows the development of the city.C.We can visit two of the three places in Liverpool any day.


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