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1、,Unit 2单元知识回顾默写练习(三),_ _ _ _ _ _,.单元知识回顾(共30小题;每题2分,满分60分) 1.与 struggle相关的短语 (1)为争取而斗争;为而努力 (2)与斗争;与搏斗 (3)努力做某事 (4)挣扎着站起来 2.与expand 相关的短语 (1)将扩展/发展成 (2)详述;详细阐明,struggle for,struggle with,struggle to do sth.,struggle to ones feet,expand.into.,expand on/upon,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,3.与rid相关的短语 (1)使某人/某物摆脱 (2)

2、摆脱;除去 4.与satisfied/satisfaction相关的短语 (1)对感到满意 (2)对做感到满意 (3)令某人满意的是 5.与equip/equipment相关的短语 (1)用武装某人;用装备某物 (2)为而武装某人;为而装备某物 (3)一件设备,rid sb. /sth. of.,get/be rid of,be satisfied with,be satisfied to do.,to ones satisfaction,equip sb. /sth. with.,equip sb. /sth. for.,a piece of equipment,_ _ _ _ _,6.与c

3、onfuse相关的短语 (1)把A与B混淆 (2)对感到困惑 7.与regret相关的短语 (1)后悔做了某事 (2)遗憾将要做某事 (3)令某人感到遗憾的是,confuse A with B,be/get confused about.,regret doing/having done sth.,regret to do sth.,to ones regret,_ _ _ _ _ _,8.与turn相关的短语 (1)转向;求助于;翻到(书的某页) (2)证明是,结果是 (3)出现,到场,露面;开大 (4)拒绝;调小 9.与reduce相关的短语 (1)(从)减少到 (2)减少了,turn t

4、o,turn out,turn up,turn down,reduce.by.,reduce (from.) to.,_ _ _ _ _,10.与free相关的短语 (1)使免受(影响、伤害等) (2)免费 (3)使解除;使摆脱 11.与comment相关的短语 (1)对进行评论 (2)对进行评论,keep.free from/of,for free/free of charge,free sb. /oneself/sth. of/from sth.,comment on/upon,make a comment/comments on/about.,.完成句子(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分)

5、 12.Farmers used to _,but they_. 农民过去常与各种自然灾害作斗争,但他们还是被饥饿困扰。 13.Although _ways to _ _,_,their efforts were in vain. 尽管几十年来他们一直在努力寻找谷物增产的方法,但令他们非常遗憾的是,他们的努力都白费了。,struggle against/with all kinds of natural disasters,they struggled to search for,decades much to their regret,were still disturbed by hung

6、er,increase the grain output for,14._ on the hybrid rice,farmers are now producing harvests_. 多亏他对杂交水稻的研究,农民们种出的粮食是以前的两倍。 15.It has _for 22% of the worlds population _ _. 这使得世界22%的人口摆脱饥饿成为可能。 16._ ,many farmers _ advanced technology from developed countries. 配备有先进的设备,许多农民更关注学习来自发达国家的先进技术。,Thanks to

7、his research,twice as large as before,made it possible,to get rid of,hunger,Equipped with advanced equipment,focus more on learning,.知识运用于语境(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) A New Farming Way Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam.For decades,he 17._ (struggle) to rid his family of hunger.However,18._ always confused him ho

8、w to expand the output of his crops.This 19._ (disturb) problem led to his regretting being a farmer.He would rather have chosen 20._ job. One day,21._ skimming through a newspaper,Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longping.He underlined Yuans nationality and 22._(occupy),and then focused on his discovery

9、 and the statistics of his research.,has been struggling,it,disturbing,another,when,occupation,He found the knowledge Yuan circulated very 23._ (practically).Therefore, he made a summary and began to build up 24._ new farming method.He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped himself to ke

10、ep his crops roots free from bacteria and pests.He also enriched minerals in the soil while reducing chemical fertilizers.Though it took him more time and 25._ (free),he was full of hope. The next year,Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very 26._ (more).Thanks to Yuan Longping,he not only won the battle against hunger,but also could export his crops abroad.,practical,a,freedom,much,本课结束,更多精彩内容请登录:,


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