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1、The Passive Voice 被动语态, 英语的语态分_和_。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。 被动语态则表示主语是动作的承受者。 由“助动词_+_”构成: Everybody likes him. 大家都喜欢他。 ( _语态) He is liked by everybody. 他受到大家的喜欢。 ( _ 语态),一、主动语态和被动语态概说,主动语态,被动语态,be,过去分词,主动,被动,三:被动语态构成:be+P.P.,一般现在时: am / is / are done 一般过去时: was / were done 现在进行时: am / is / are being done 过

2、去进行时: was / were being done 现在完成时: have / has been done 过去完成时: had been done 一般将来时: shall / will be done ; be going to be done 过去将来时:would be done 当句中含有情态动词时,被动语态为: 情态动词 (can / must) + be done,主动语态变被动语态的方法,被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词” 中的be动词来体现,其基本结构和用法如下:,(1) 一般现在时的被动语态: _,am /is/ are+过去分词,Almost everyone

3、 speaks English all over the world. =English _ almost all over the world.,is spoken,主动语态变被动语态的方法,被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词” 中的be动词来体现,其基本结构和用法如下:,(2) 一般过去时的被动语态: _,was /were+过去分词,He built the house ten years ago. =The house _ ten years ago.,was built,主动语态变被动语态的方法,被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词” 中的be动词来体现,其基本结构和用法如

4、下:,(3) 一般将来时的被动语态: _,will be+过去分词,We will hold the meeting tomorrow. =The meeting will _tomorrow.,be held,主动语态变被动语态的方法,被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词” 中的be动词来体现,其基本结构和用法如下:,(4) 过去将来时的被动语态: _,would be+过去分词,He said that they would hold the meeting the next day. =He said that the meeting would _ the next day.,be

5、 held,主动语态变被动语态的方法,被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词” 中的be动词来体现,其基本结构和用法如下:,(5) 含情态动词的被动语态: _,情态动词 (can / must/) + be done,You must finish your homework on time. =Your homework must _on time,be finished,I was given a book by her.,A book was given to me by her.,注意: She gave me a book.(改被动语态),口诀二:如遇双宾语,最好变间宾(人),如若

6、变直宾,间宾前要加to/for. (pass,lend,buy,write,bring, show,tell),I was bought a wreath by him.,A wreath was bought to me by him.,He bought me a wreath(改被动语态) 变间宾:_ 变直宾:_,2. He made me do the work.(变被动),I was made to do the work by him.,口诀三:这些动词真奇怪,主动句中to 离开,被动句中to回来。(feel,listen to, hear, see, watch, look at

7、, let, have, make,),He was heard to sing an English song.,I heard him sing an English song. (改被动语态) _,A traffic accident _(happen) just now.,happened,2. 连系动词(Link.v.) 如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, become,Peking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.,sounds,1. 不及物动词(vi.) 如:happen, take

8、place, appear, disappear, ,不用被动语态的动词:,不用被动语态的动词:,3. 表示“开始”;“结束”类的动词。常见的这类动词有begin, start, open, close, end, finish, stop等。例如:,School _ (begin) in September.,begins,4. 当此动词表示事物的自然属性的时候:,The pen _ (write) very fast.,writes,练习一:Fill in the blanks using right forms:,1. Many ways _(try) to stop people fr

9、om cutting down so many trees at present. 2. This coat _(wash) well. 3. Must the old people _(speak) to politely? 4. He couldnt explain why dinosaurs _ (消失). 5. My bike _(修理) tomorrow. 6. The PRC _ (成立) on October 1, 1949.,are tried,washes,be spoken,disappeared,will be repaired,was founded,练习三: 把下列句

10、子改为被动语态。,1. We will grow more trees next year _ 2. He always makes his sister cry . _ 3. Mum gave me a book as a New Year present. _ 4. The workers will repair the main building of the school. _ 5. We are going to set up a power station in this area. _,More trees will be grown by us next year.,His s

11、ister is often made to cry by him.,I was given a book by my mother as a New Year present.,The main building of the school will be repaired by the workers.,A power station is going to be set up in this area.,练习:本单元重点内容。 1. It is clear that London Olympic Games _ (hold) in 2012. 2. While many people t

12、urn to computer for news and movies, it doesnt mean that the TV set _ (replace) in the near future. 3. Many chances _ (lose) if you dont work hard. 4. You _ (fine) by the police if you keep driving so fast.,was held,will be replaced,will be lost,will be fined,5. The question is going to _ (discuss)

13、by us. 6. The little girl is so pretty that she _ (admire) by all the people when she grows up. 7. Dont worry about that. It _ (finish) next week. 8. She _ (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives. 9. I hear that more than one million dollars _ (spend) on the project next year.,be discussed,will be admired,will be finished,will be met,will be spent,


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