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1、 PEP5Unit4 what can you do ? A Read and Write一、教学目标与要求 能力目标:能够询问别人能做什么家务劳动,如:What can you do? 知识目标: 1能够听、说、读、写句型:What can you do? I can sweep the floor. 2. 能够听、说、认读句子:Mother Goat is ill. We can help. Just do it. 3理解Read and write中的会话内容,根据内容完成句子。 情感、策略目标 1情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。 2学习策略:注重小组合

2、作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。 二、教学重、难点分析 1本课时的教学重点是四会掌握句型 What can you do? I can sweep the floor. I can water the flowers. I can cook the meals. 三、教具准备 教学图片、课件、尺子、练习题、录音机。 四、教学步骤 一、读前(Before reading) 1.热身活动 (Lets chant) 学生跟教师边说边做动作 Dog, Dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, Panda, what can you do? I

3、 can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, Mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo. 设计说明 教师与学生边说歌谣边做动作,让学生集中注意力,烘托课堂气氛,自然进入英语课的学习状态。同时,复习旧知识I can,并为新内容What can you do?的呈现作好铺垫2. 交流(Greetings) Hello, boys and girls! Please answer me a question .

4、What am I like? 通过让学生描述老师的特征,老师说出:Im very helpful .I can sweep the floor. What about you? 引导学生说出I can 复习上节课所学的词组,教师问其它同学:Do you belive it? Just do it,进而认读本节新句Just do it!通过交流与学生沟通情感,拉近距离,了解学生情况,同时渗透本课情景语言: Youre helpful.what can you do at home or at school?出示学过的动词词组让学生做动作复习学生已学过的动词词组,激发学生参与课堂学习的同时,唤起

5、学生已有的相关旧知识,旧技能,为新课的顺利进行打好基础。 3呈现、学习语言:What can you do? I can 课件呈现各种动作图片,引导学生理解学习: What can you do? I can a: 教师板书, 学生观察。 b. 学生抄写 (教师根据学生的书写及时对学生的书写进行评价。) c. 教读 e. 出示小动物图片,创设情景,Mother Goat is ill, what can you do for her?让学生根据自己的情况力所能及的帮助病中的山羊妈妈。 设计说明 让学生在近似真实的语境中运用语言,表达自己乐于助人的情感及能力。 二、读中(While readin

6、g) 教师:Youre so helpful. Some friends are helpful too. Theyre helping Mother Goat now. Open your books at P48 1.,略读对话,回答问题 (Read briefly and answer) 1) Who is ill ? A . Mother Goat B. Father Goat2) Who can sweep the floor? A . Monkey B. Dog3) Who can wash the window? A . Monkey B. Rabbit4) Can Zoom w

7、ater the flower? A . Yes, he can. B. No, he cant.2.跟录音读对话 3.分角色读对话(每个小组扮演一个小动物,全体参与)4.teacher has another question for you ,lets match Zip water the flowers Zoom cook the meals Rabbit clean the windows Monkey sweep the floor5.自由读完成课本上的句子。 (Read quickly and answer the questions) a. What can the m do?

8、 He can _. b. What can the rabbit do? She can _. c. What can Zip do? She can _. d. What can Zoom do? He can _. 学生先自己进行书面回答,核对答案,男女生对话。 设计说明 在本教学环节中教师注意阅读策略的指导,首先,教师采用新词搁置,整体感知的策略,让学生由粗读到细读,快读,通过提问交流,寻读信息,理解对话。然后引导学生进行朗读,把无声的文字变成有生地听读材料,拓宽学生获取信息的渠道,帮助学生加深对篇章的整体印象,强化学生对部分知识点的学习,培养学生正确的语音语调,还特别注重学生的句子书

9、写指导。 三、读后( After reading) 教师:Boys and girls, mothergoat is better now. she has to go to work, she need someone look at children and clean the house.can you help her?1.Group workS1: I can_ for mother goat.S2: I can_.S3: I can_.All: We are helpful.2.Thank Giving Day is coming. .your grandma, grandpa,

10、father, mother love you. They do everything for you . what do you want to say? Please write downDear family: Thank you very much! Im helpful now. I can_and_ . yours, _ 设计说明 通过设计在感恩结的时候帮家人做家务的情景,引导学生进行扩展阅读,直到书写。很好地实现了听说读写目标。 四、总结与评价 (summary and assessment) 1情感教育 课件呈现一些互相帮助的图片,我们要帮助同学,我们要帮助老人,我们要帮助有困

11、难的人,我们要帮助残疾人,并配有背景音乐引导学生说:Help each other, the world will be better. 2.总结评价I am helpfhl at home.I am helpful at school.I am helpful at society.Just do it!本环节采用比较活泼的类似游戏的形式进行,教师在课件中出示评价的字眼,然后以由易到难的顺序开展,首先是四会单词的拼读,学生通过后可以为自己赢得一颗星,教师评价”You are good!然后是四会句型,学生通过这一关后可以得到第二颗星,教师评价“You are great!”最后是句型的应用,学生在教师的要求下完成任务后就可以得到最后一颗星,教师评价“Now you are super!” 五、家庭作业 (homework) 1.(Read and recite the dialogue.(读并且背这个对话。)2. Write a composition about what can you do at home.(在家你能做什么呢?写一写吧!)


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