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1、职称英语等级考试全新版30 天突破资料仅供参考第 6 部分:完形填空(第 5165 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 下面的短文有 15 处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定 1 个最佳选项。Avalanche and Its SafetyAn avalanche is a sudden and rapid flow of snow, often mixed with air and water, down a mountainside. Avalanches are _1_ the biggest dangers in the mountains for both life and prop

2、erty.All avalanches are caused by an over-burden of material, typically snowpack, that istoo massive and unstable for the slope _2_supports it. Determining the critical load, the amount of over-burden which is _3_to cause an avalanche. _4_ a complextask involving the evaluation of a number of factor

3、s.Terrain slopes flatter than 25 degrees or steeper than 60 degrees typically have a low_5_ ofavalanche. Snow does not_6_ significantly on steep slopes; also, snow does not_7_ easily onflat slopes. Human-triggered avalanches have the greatest incidence when the snows angle of restis_8_ 35 and 45 deg

4、rees; the critical angle, the angle at which the human incidence of avalanchesis greatest, is 38 degrees. The rule of thumb is: A slope that is_9_ enough to hold snow but steepenough to ski has the potential to generate an avalanche,regardless of the angle. Additionally,avalanche risk increases with

5、_10_; that is, the more a slope is disturbed by skiers, the. morelikely it is that an avalanche will occur.Due to the complexity of the subject, winter travelling in the backcountry is never 100% safe.Good avalanche safety is a continuous_11_, including route selection and examination of the snowpac

6、k, weather_12_, and human factors. Several well-known good habits can also_13_ the risk.If local authorities issue avalanche riskreports,they should be considered and and all warnings should be paid _14_ to. Never follow in the tracks of others without your own evaluations; snow conditions arealmost

7、 certain to have charged since they were made. Observe the terrain and note obvious avalanche paths where plants are _15_ or damaged. Avoid traveling below others who might trigger an avalanche.词汇:avalanche /?v ?l :nt ?/n. 雪崩snowpack /sn ?up?k/n 积雪场terrain /terein /n.地形,地势 料 供参考steep /sti:p/ adj, 峻的

8、,陡峭的trigger /trig? /n.引起,激 incidence /insidns /n., 生(率)ski /ski:/v滑雪complexity /k?mpleksiti /n复 性注释:1 angle of rest: 里指 雪保持静止的角度。2.rule of thumb:指 “a broadly accurate principle, based on experience or practice rather than theory,即 “通用”法 , 法 ”。3 Additionallv:是一个副 ,用来引入新的事 或 点,意 “另外”。4 backcountry :人烟

9、稀少的地区 :1. AamongBofCtoDin2. AwhenB thatCwhoDwhose3. AmostlyBlikelyCclearlyDsurely4. AareBwill beCisDwas5. AweightBformCriskDwork6. AfallBflowCrollDgather7.AfallBflowC rollD gather8.AamongBbetweenCwithDfor9.AthickBthinCflatD rocky10. AuseBtimeC snowDrain11.A journeyB tripCfactDprocess12. AconditionsB

10、reportsCforecastD event13.AincreaseBreduceCimproveDremove14.ApriceBeffortCattentionDmoney15. AmissingBgrownCbigDfresh答案与题解:1 A表示 雪崩是山上可能发生的最大危险之一的意思,因此应该选择among(在之中)。“”2 B从该句的语法结构上来看,此处需要一个关系代词,代替slope,因此 that 是最佳选择。选项 A 、 C 、D 均不符合语法。 料 供参考3 B选项 A 不符合语法, C 和 D 符合语法,但不符合常识:过度的雪的积压可能导致雪崩,而不是必定导致雪崩。因此

11、,B 是最佳答案。4.C该句的主语是Determining the critical load,从上下文来看应该使用 般现在时,因此C 是正确答案。5 C 要确定本 答案的一个有效的方法是排除法。a low weigh /form work of avalanche都不合 ,只有a low risk ofavalanche符合上下文的意思。下面的句子解 了low risk ofavalanche的道理,更证实了选risk是正确的。6.D第 6 和第 7 能 一起考 。整个句子的意思是:在 陡峭的坡面上,雪不会大量堆 。在 平坦的坡面,雪不会 易滑 。7.B( 6)8.B理解了句子的意思就不难判

12、断选项:雪在静止状态下,角度在35 - 45 度之间,最可能发生人为触发的雪崩。between:在 之间。9.C 个句子 明的是什么 的山坡最易 生雪崩,即,A slope that is flat enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski。flat 在此做 “平坦 ”解,与后面的 steep 形成反 。10.A句中的 that is 表明,后半部分是对前半部分的进一步说明。因此,这里的选择要根据下文的意思判断。 use 是最佳选择,整个句子的意思是:山坡被滑雪者使用的越多,雪崩就越可能发生。11.D尽管选项 A 、 B 和 D 都能和 conti

13、nuous 搭配,从全段的内容判断,只有process 是最佳选择,因为该段描写的是如何防备雪崩,及如何做好安全措施等一系列问题。12.A选项 A 、B 、C 都能够与 weather 搭配,可是根据上下文,只有 A 最为符合文章的内容。13.B选项 A 不符合句子的意思; C 不能和 risk 搭配; D 也不符合句子的意思,因为不可能完全消除雪崩的隐患。14.C该句主句使用的是被动语态,第二个动词是pay attention to的被动形式。选项A 、B 、D 均不符合句子的意思。15.A该句是作者给出的一系列忠告之一,即,认真观察地形,注意明显的雪崩路径:没有植物或植物被毁坏的地方。选项

14、B 、C 、D 均不符合句义。Free Statins WithFast Food CouldNeutralizeHeart RiskFast food outlets could providestatin drugs free of_1_ so that customers heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London study资料仅供参考_2_in a new study.Statins reduce the _3_of unhealthy LDL cholesterol in t

15、he blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a persons heart attack _4_.In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology , Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is_5_to offset the increa

16、se in heart attackriskfrom_6_a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London, who is the senior author of the study, said: Statins dont cut out all of the _7_ effects ofcheeseburgers and French fries. Its better to avoid fatty

17、your_8_of having a heart attack, taking a statin canreduce your risk to more or less the same _9_ as a fastfood meal increases it.”Its ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthy condiments in fast food outlets as they_10_, but statins,which are beneficial to heart health, have to be presc

18、ribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are _11_free of charge. It would cost less than 5 pence per资料仅供参考_12_- not much different to sachet of sugar, Dr Francis said.When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking,

19、theyre encouraged to take _13_that lower their risk, like _14_ a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters.Taking a statin is a rational way of_15_some of the risks of eating a fatty meal.词汇:statinn降胆固醇药物outlet/autlit/n 销售点cholesterol/ k?lest?r ?ul /n. 胆固醇 offset/ ?:fset /v 抵消,补偿 cheeseburger/ t

20、?i:zb ?:g? /n芝士汉堡包 milkshake n奶昔condiment/ k ?ndim ?nt /n 调味品 sachet/ s? ?ein小袋,小包 rational/ r? ?nl / adj. 合理的注释:1Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs: 句中的 could 是一种委婉表示建议的用词,意为 “能够 ”。2Imperial College London: 帝国理工学院。该学院于19 由城市和行会学校、皇家矿业学校以及皇家科学学院合并组成。学院于 7 月正式脱离伦敦大学成为一所独立大学。提供本科和研究生教育,共有四个学院,工程学院、医学


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