七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Family and Home词句精讲精练 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、 Unit 5 Family and Home词句精讲精练 词汇精讲1. the Smith familythe Smith family也可表达为the Smiths“史密斯一家”。在英语中,“the+姓氏+family”表示“一家人”或“夫妇两人”,相当于“the+姓氏的复数形式”;作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例如:The Green family are very friendly.=The Greens are very friendly.格林一家很友善。2. have no brothers or sistersno此处作形容词,意为“没有”,修饰名词brothers和siste

2、rs,相当于not any。no修饰可数名词单数时,相当于not a/an;no修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数时,相当于not any。常在句型转换等题型中考查“no+名词”与“not+a/an/any”的同义句改写。例如:I have no brother.=I dont have a brother. 我没有兄弟。 There is no water in the cup.=There isnt any water in the cup. 杯子里没有水。3. talk to sb. about sth.talk to sb. about sth.意为“同某人谈论某事”。例如:The teac

3、her is talking about to Lucy about her study. 老师正在同Lucy谈论她的学习情况。Dont talk to me about English. 不要和我谈论英语。【拓展】(1)talk with sb.“同谋人交谈”。例如:My teacher is talking with/to my mother. 我的老师正在和我妈妈谈话。(2)talk about sth.“谈论某事”。例如:They are talking about their school. 他们正在讨论他们的学校。(3)have a talk with sb.“同某人进行一次谈话”

4、。例如:I will have a talk with my parents. 我将和我的父母进行一次谈话。o 或4. hard/hardlyhardly和hard形式上很接近,但意义截然不同。(1)hard作形容词时,意为“困难的;硬的;勤奋的;严厉的;苛刻的”。hard作副词时常用来表示程度,意为“努力地;猛烈地;剧烈地”。例如:I work hard at school. 我在学校努力学习。This ground is too hard to dig. 这块地太硬,挖不动。They tried hard to succeed. 他们努力工作,以求得成功。 【拓展】work hard at

5、“努力于”,例如: He is working hard at English. 他正在努力学习英语。(2)hardly是表频率的副词,意为“几乎不;几乎没有”,相当于almost not,并非hard的副词形式。例如:There is hardly any coffee left.= Theres almost no coffee left. 几乎没有剩余的咖啡了。5. beside,near与bynear,by,beside均表示“在附近”,但它们之间有所区别:(1)near表示相对的“近”,实际距离可能还很远。例如:Tianjin is near Beijing. 天津离北京很近。(2)

6、by和beside都表示“靠近”,实际距离不可能很远,侧重于位置关系,既可表动态,也可表静态。beside比by更具体地表示出“在旁边”的意思。例如:He was sitting beside her. 他坐在她旁边。There is a town beside the sea. 在海边有一个城镇。(3)by表示“在旁边”,侧重于眼前,多用于口语中,有时可与beside互换。例如:He was sitting by the window. 他坐在窗户旁边。6. in front of/in the front ofin front of与in the front of均为介词短语,意思相同,表

7、示“在的前面”,但表示的位置关系不同。(1)in front of中的两者不存在“包含”关系,是独立的两者,也就是在物体外部的前面。(2)in the front of中的两者在位置上有“包含”关系,其中一者在另一者的空间之内。例如: He is standing in front of the house. 他站在房子前面(在整幢房子的外面)。He is standing in the front of the classroom. 他站在教室靠前的位置 (在教室里)。7. carry, take, bring与fetch这四个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意四者之间的区别:(1)carry意

8、为“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性。 例如:Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗? Li Dong is carrying water. 李东在提水。(2)take意为“带走”,指把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配。例如:You can take this book home. 你可以把这本书带回家。Can you help me take the books to the classroom? 你能帮我把这些书带到教室去吗? (3)bring意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物

9、或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”。 例如:Bring me your dictionary tomorrow. 明天把你的词典给我拿来。 (4)fetch意为“去取来,去拿来”,相当于“to go and get and bring back”,首先去一个地方,再把东西拿来的意思,强调“去某个地方拿来”。例如:Please fetch some chairs from the next room. 请到隔壁房间拿几把椅子来。8. useto douseto do意为“用去做”。相当于dowith。例如:I use a pen to write. 我用钢笔写字。Jenn

10、y is using a knife to cut meat. Jenny正用刀切肉。We use legs to walk.=We walk with our legs. 我们用腿走路。9. set the table(1)set the table意为“摆放餐具”。(2)set及物动词,意为“摆放,安置”。例如:Please set the chair in the corner. 请把椅子放在墙角。Jenny, set the table for dinner. Jenny,摆餐具准备开饭。【拓展】set sail 启航;set an example 树立榜样词汇精练I. 根据汉语或首字

11、母提示补全句子。1. He is a _ (成员) of the Labor Party.2. Mr. Green is a _(男警察).3. My _(儿子) is a student. His name is Mike.4. Mrs. Green is a doctor. Her _(女儿) is Alice. 5. Whats wrong with your _(收音机) ?6. Can you c_ the box for me? 7. He works h_ at school and gets good marks.8. My English teacher is sitting

12、 b_ her daughter. 9. How many birthday p_ do you get? 10. Jim is a bus driver and he d_ well. 11. Lets go shopping t_. 12. Please be q_. The babys sleeping. 13. Thirteen and seventeen is t_. 14. She is sleeping in the b_. 15. Li Ming has a happy f_. They live in Canada.16. He has n_ brothers or sist

13、ers.II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1. The Smith family _(be) my friends.2. He writes two _(poem) for his school. 3. The company(公司) now _(use) a computer to do all its account(账目).4. Theyre _(talk) on the police radio.5. There are _(lot) of apples on the tree. 6. We need two _(basket) of oranges for the party!I

14、II. 从方框中选择恰当短语并用其适当形式填空。useto, set the table, in the front of, be close totalk to sb. about sth., have fun, listen to, a basket of1. The teacher is standing _ the classroom. 2. Jenny is _ for supper. 3. I want to _ him _ his study. 4. My grandma likes _ the radio in the morning.5. He often _ the cam

15、era _ take photos. 6. We _ playing basketball today. 7. There is _ grapes on the ground. 8. My sister _ my grandma.【参考答案】I. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. member 2. policeman 3. son 4. daughter 5. radio 6. carry 7. hard 8. beside9. presents 10. drives 11. together 12. quiet 13. thirty 14. bedroom 15. family 16. no

16、II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1. are 2. poems 3. uses 4. talking 5. lots 6. basketsIII. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。1. in the front of 2. setting the table 3. talk to; about 4. listening to5. uses; to 6. have fun 7. a basket of 8. is close to句式精讲1. What does he do? 这是询问职业的常用句型,其结构为“What + do/does+sb.+do?”。例如:What does your

17、 father do? 你爸爸做什么工作?What do you do? 你做什么工作?【拓展】对职业提问还可用“Whats ones job?”或“What+be+sb.?”句型。例如: Whats your job?=What are you? 你的工作是什么?2. What is he doing? 本句为现在进行时的特殊疑问句,对动作提问,其结构为“What+be动词(am, is, are)+主语+V-ing+其他?”。询问目前正在发生什么或正在进行什么动作。例如:Whats Tom doing? Tom在做什么?He is playing soccer. 他在踢足球。3. How

18、old?How old?意为“几岁/多大?”,是对年龄提问的特殊疑问句,其句型结构为“How old+be+主语?”表示“几岁/多大了?”答句常用句型为“主语+be+基数词(+years/months old)”表示,也可直接说出年龄。例如: How old is your father? 你爸爸多大岁数?He is thirty-seven (years old). 他37岁了。How old are you? 你多大了?Thirteen. 13。注意:在英美国家中,一般不能向成年人询问年龄,尤其是女性,因为一个人的年龄属于个人隐私,打探别人的隐私是不礼貌的。【拓展】其他询问年龄的句型:Wh

19、ats your age? 你多大了?Thirty. 30。4. Look out, dad!look out意为“小心,注意”,用于祈使句,是提醒对方“小心”的常用语。例如:Look out! There is a car coming. 当心!汽车过来了。【拓展】Watch out! 当心,小心!Be careful! 小心,注意!5. Happy Birthday Mum! Happy birthday (to you)!是一句生日祝福用语,意为“(祝你)生日快乐!”后接人时必须用介词to,回答时常用“Thank you.”或“Thanks.”。例如: Happy birthday to

20、 you! 祝你生日快乐!Thank you. 谢谢!6. Where + be+ n./pron.?Where + be+ n./pron.?是用来询问人/物或某个场所的位置时的常用句型。回答时常用“主语+be+表地点的副词或介词短语”。例如:Where are the students? 学生们在哪里?Theyre in the classroom. 他们在教室里。Where is my schoolbag? 我的书包在哪里?It is under the chair. 它在椅子下面。句式精练I. 连词成句。1. my, years, twelve, brother, is, old_.2

21、. Smith, they, family, the, are _.3. you, birthday, a, having, party, are _?4. do, does, what, sister, your_?5. playing, she, on, is, computer, the _.II. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _?2. I have brothers and sisters.(改为否定句)I have_ brothers _ sisters.3. She is a teacher.(

22、对划线部分提问)_ _ she _?4. The picture is above the bed.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the picture?5.They are watching TV. (对划线部分提问)_ are _ _?III. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 生日快乐!_ _ ! 2. 我的猫在哪里?_ _ my cat? 3. 你多大了?_ _are you? 4. 你旁边的那个人是谁?_ _ that man beside you?5. 她正在用纸和蜡笔制作卡片。She is _paper and crayons _ _ the card.6.我正在为奶奶写诗。I am _

23、 _ _ _ Grandma.7. 我没有兄弟姐妹。I have _ brothers_ sisters. 8.他有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。He_ a brother_ a sister. IV. 仔细阅读对话,选择方框内的句子填空,使对话意思连贯正确。A. What a good day, isnt it?B. We have one at 11:30 a.m.C. Is your school close to your home?D. Whats your favourite sport?E. When do you usually begin your homework?F. Which

24、subject do you like best?G. When does the school day usually end?A: _1_ B: Yes, it is, so I go to school on foot.A: Do you have a lunch break?B: Yes. _2_A: _3_B: At 3:30 p.m. Most students go home when the bell rings, but some of us take part in after-school activities. I enjoy playing basketball. A

25、: _4_B: At about 5:30. A: _5_B: History.【参考答案】I. 连词成句。1. My brother is twelve years old.2. They are the Smith family.3. Are you having a birthday party?4. What does your sister do?5. She is playing on the computer.II. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1. What are; doing 2. no; or 3. What does; do 4. Where is 5. What; they doingIII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. Happy Birthday! 2. Where is 3. How old 4. Who is5. using; to make 6. writing a poem for 7. no; or 8. has; andIV. 仔细阅读对话,选择方框内的句子填空,使对话意思连贯正确。1.C 2. B 3. G 4. E 5. F6


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