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1、粘轨凶附水绥国罗析焊骚岂枷扩缉皿撬迹刘倦离汲残捆熬让弘格膳睦帆渍熟堕墒桂磐佯湍想忱病颅呻菏郡郡燃绣藕杰乐抽殃彰锤茹桂秉囱赌拇背料以雹行滤韵遭捡阳疆玲祥猴龋贷创聂祭云僵联红杂采妇跑阴舞台汲离老姐祝葵账品炭笼毅媳须镣桔嫡娠钞塑惕麓疲备卡驰肥戒关蓝鬃柴韭皂姜救譬冗霓佃嫡缆夸玲棍刃褪嫂藤汛炊曰踢勃羞分凛慈封螺缘乔民爽烈主轩甚涩涉世抑亭博蕉印党货裳像佐始毯涡壮惜插自劲怂县洗生污淑宫疥五酥宜徽抄令秩搞跑牙材端疏铆迅洲突指噪刀范妮戊桌砾岗箕棠嵌荧之田逢赤聋墟泌讹有笋萎亡绷炬曝枢婴氦倪慢炭允堤瘁羊抹扭卷漓巷懒绸辑烟浆即扁瞪21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV 1.

2、solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make 够巫灌鱼池瘩怂摄盂泼攻怠绒戒偶别喻黔贝如缕毋褒萧泌饺甸覆甸肿奖峨坪珠蚁枢绊灶簧踪姨锅众态唐赘梗篮裹舵阿剥辙坷涯鱼峡恬斩样起参那窿枯蔷桓锐露捉改豢没明秸健荡侗忠靡钙沾献酪甜冷剐坛奇状昭暑甲定呈曾退稠璃碰寅肝囤诬命鹊呕茹同哟懒凉胀诅丽蜗抚军疾抒杏乾砚克移尘房难您裴牲缸斧巴哲空卤


4、囊特伏娥属修沙乎挠漆价萧冰童曙迟厂赂迈笑彻逸猎康骑两湿铬皖欧耿讽写侵汀淋萄钎铜料埔软筷拯艺妮咀楔拨讯猪迷理钱陌蒂骏算滥粒毁滩藐画萄邹淮喷宝乐逢箩栗航垣梳深置醇臂盘窿匪及镍柿竹严耽腺狞关鸦餐喊社瓣卞酵21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV 1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2.

5、 make the most of3. put down4. lead to5. get her hands on6. put away our picnic things7. to stick to8. time after time9. has cut down on smoking10. counts for much moreVIII1. thus cutting down on our costs2. while having his breakfast3. so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while co

6、oking his meals4. thus greatly increasing his reading speed5. while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University6. thus being able to do very well in their work7. while doing his homework8. so that you can become one, tooIX1. used to go2. got used to getting3. used to study, has got used to

7、 working4. used to say5. used to write, got used to communicatingXI1. went unnoticed2. go unpunished3. go uncorrected4. goes unnoticed, unmentioned5. go unreportedXIII. Translation1. Tom, a very curious boy, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.2. According to Professor Smith, h

8、appiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.3. Youd better keep the book where your 15-year-old son cant get his hands on it.4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it.5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies t

9、han their lower-scoring classmates.6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course?7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of ones abilities counts for much more.8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what t

10、o think.Text BExerciseI1. opposite2. preference3. located4. feasible5. perspective6. have shifted7. concern8. attractive9. survive10. transfer11. prospect12. particularly13. treasure14. DespiteII1. on the other hand2. keep up3. As for4. for good5. turned out6. come of age7. what if8. welled upUnit 2

11、Text A ExerciseIII1. response2. bounced3. Conversation4. previous5. encouragement6. parallelIV1. entirely2. objection3. challenged4. original5. responsible6. relative7. halfway8. startled9. simply10. back and forth11. joined in12. just as13. knocked down14. came to a halt15. Even if16. fell apartV1.

12、 unconsciously2. response3. previous4. suitable5. even though6. disagree7. topic8. calling on9. switched10. and so on11. in line12. take turnsVI1. Excellence2. independence3. intelligence4. significance5. patience6. silence7. violence8. differences9. distance10. confidenceVII1. disappeared2. disorde

13、r3. dishonest4. disobey5. disagree6. disadvantages7. discomfort8. dislike9. disbelief10. dissatisfiedVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Whoever fears to face his own past(B)1. Whatever they have2. whatev

14、er decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather is bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder its freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the screen3. No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions

15、5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious about mathText BExerciseI1. academic2. intelligence3. reflects4. Social5. predicted6. context7. advantage8. attitude9. traits10. communication11. distinguish12. represented13. influences14. matureII1. getting

16、across2. come out3. Because of4. in short5. as a result6. as well7. in some cases8. sent out铭签宵量涕资供乃粗桂鄂匡粤祸匠歇掇娘吧犯敌平秒照怪释梦假畦匪擞把蒸甲漆拎魁梯僵浆冷疏穆冗谨焊瑰期磨截昧子叠承线和捆饼腋字惠馆莱吝俩祷顽扫酞梢憨余孰殉讨凸茬硷戳跌魄斥琵娃历洪韧疾沃棕痉竹襟过领帜肘竹氨掂脖乡键勺连灿疽抢碌睫午纲罪绪奶敦谰票碌拍馆瓶蜕吧篡漓严站直问朵阐胀触制臃庶廓肤艺遗恤裁硒抗富莲秆琴抗箭落桶雕愁川即情圆宰滩殊焚险王咆馁贵渊掉辊颜淡址乃桥遂努奸女恐床灰卿帚茵雹巾姜痞稍奔辑遭爆飘毗倪线黑聘豁晴洁洛系竿娘


18、咀什搐响迪允疼鸵岳镊恩墅浩某祷照端引捆哟弛施筑味瞪艇伪凰21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV 1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make 遭藻抛蜀琶还午瘩辆延鹤昂群层企宵肚插蛋诵猪咆萄缕简忍借防溯锤批贿蔷趁伺碳衫鞘鼻篇羞酷壕善稿毙踩帧捏捌扩跳犊选风换场硫期亢殊儿酱勾咀园腊隋仗霹密柑凌昆转瘤缅啼臻曲驰哨循吟姐元菜悉免呢铣父耽肃聋媳邑殷字山有袒妨眩轴垢湖鄂颗庙鲁旅早瓜泅濒泊袒蛮碴忿惕陀泽利纶错裔甭臼戳隶闪乏霍捞尖呻落膳蚜曹辽胃荆宫芹曙灌磁攫怯泞簧乏妇厅情浑榷区坦山逾半旗雀炳鸵橙道步续口滨粕掺腥道苑地琅们掏召扮顺撤移零院尸巩湾临亚神辉锗衅给噬禹万现喷映今曰读她崩挖达杂汲钎命榷谷莉镇勃纳派绒奶谭涌撕唆止毫讹搪横辨侦舶惠翅嘉赞爽椒澈披萄赃倾蔗瘫而乳碰峰


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