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1、2017年江西省中小学教师招聘录用考试客观题初中英语真题第一部分、选择题I .Vocabulary and structure(Question 1 to 20)Directions:Inthiare 20 incompletesentences.Foreachspart,theresentence there arechoices marked A,andD.choose the ONE answer thatfourB,Cbestcompletes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.

2、As far as hes concerned,one piece of music is very much _likeAA.anotherB.oneanotherC.otherD.the other2 Recentlyjm has lost allhisDwage and saving atA.carda n HB.wagesatand savingcardC.wages and savingat cardandD.wages savingsat cards3.YourfriendreallyoughttomakeDmostof thiswontsecondopportunity,beca

3、useshegetchance.A.the;theB.a;a.C.a;theD.the;aB?B.needC.dont theyD.do theytheyA.neednt they4.Clever girls need never work very hard,5.Why didnt Peter give you one ofhis books?I didnt want one,but he would have given meone if IDA.doC.willB.wouldD.hadhe cant finish reading the magazine in a6.Aday.A.Fas

4、tas Harry readB.Harry readfastreadD.Fast Harry readC.Harry fast7.I dont think Helenll be upset,but Ill seeher in caseA.sheWiIIB.is would8.C.she doessheD.sheAre you going to the basketball game?No.The ticket areA.highly too lessB_ expensive forus. B.D.so muchfarC.9.DNOf you dont mind,lve just come he

5、re for a rest.A.Do you serveB.Didservyou ebeinC.Are you gservedD.Have you been servedwas10. It with great joydaughter would soon return home.A.asreceivedB_David thenews thathis longlostB.thatC.soD.for11.To take the motorbike apart now wouldalot ofmeanlabor.A.towasteB.wastingC.to be wastedD.being was

6、ted12knew Mr.Smithwas_CA.appealing to B.stickingtoTom when be spoke of a clever youngboy.C.referringtoD.attending to13.1m gettingtiredA.we got somesome restits timerestB.we getD.we must get somerestsome restC.we are getting14.Youre better care more about the student, forandaffection.B_ she needs is

7、loveA.thatB.whatC.whichD.whether15.MoreandmoreChineselanguages,BEnglish.A.previouslB.predominantlarelearningforeignyytlyMy parents began16.toCmy college education when I was still achild.C.practicallyD.permanena small sum of money every month forA.putupdownasideD.place apartB. cu tC. se t17.These do

8、gs becomeAsuddenly change. A.aggressive B.tedious C.vigorouswhen they are restless as theirsurroundingsD.puzzled18.AmatterA.ItdoesntB.Itdepends.C.WhoMary doesnt want to join in the game.Football isnt really her cup of tea,after all.says?19.The factory uses Mike as a go-between when themanagement and

9、 the tradeunionare having one of their A.disputesdissatisfactionsB. disturbancesC.D.disorders2O.My sisterA.givesthe first party in her life tomorrow night.givenB. is givingD.has been givenC.hasD.What for?money,22but onthingsclothing,anthatmoney can23goodssuchasfood anddservicessuchentertainmentas 24

10、and .A countryscapacityto25wealthisinfluencedbymanyfactors,mostofwhich*haveaneffect1on26.Wealthsdependentoa greatextend27acountrysnaturalresources.Someregions, arewell28withcoalandminerals,and1havefertfavorailesoilandaable29;other regionsthings,apossessperhapsonlyoneofthesendsomeregionsowealthieshav

11、e 30of them.TheUSA isonef thetregionsof theshe hadresourceher borders.The Saharaworld31vastnatural swithinDesertwe do not live on money二、完形填空standard of living of anyThecountrymeans the average persons share ofthegoodsandserviceswhichcountrproduces.countrytheyAsstandardof living,therefore,depento pr

12、oducedson its21weather.Wealth,in this sense is noton the resource sasfromhand,ioothersonefthe32wealthy.Nextto naturalthe ability to turn them to use.China is33perhapsnaturaresources,bu34astheUSA inltsufferedand external wars,and for this and other reasons was35unableto 36 her resources. Another impo

13、rtant factor is the technicalefficiency of acountry speople. Old countriesthathave numerous37craftsmenarebetterplacedtoproducewealthythancountries38workersarelargelyunskilled.Furthermore,wealthyalso produces wealthy.Asa countrypeoplebecomes39 ,its canput their savings into factories andmachines40wil

14、l help workers to turn out more goods.21. A.abilityB.facultyC.capabilityD.capaci ty D.i22. A.forB.thoughC.howeverf23.A. sellB.buyC.createD.make24.A. transportB.healthC.politicsD.sportsD.benefi25. A.control.B.assembleC.yieldt26. A.thoseB.thatC.each otherD.one anotherD.i27. A.againstB.uponC.forn28. A.

15、equippedB.fittedC.suppliedD.armed29. A.weatherB.seasonC.conditionD.climate30. A.noneB.neitherC.no oneD.not one31. A.soB.beforeC.becauseD.then32. A.smallestBeastC.extremelyD.scarcely33.A. goesB.bringsC.takesD.comes34. A.well offB.wellC.better offD.better35. A.nationalB.inwardC.civilD.domestic36. A.na

16、tionalB.developC.formD.discover37.A.greenB.skilledC.capableD.inexperienc ed38.whichB.whoC.whomD.whose39.A.wealthB.wealthyC.wealthierD.wealthiest40.A.whereB.in whichC.whichD.for whom三、阅读理解AElderly people respond best to a calm and unhurried environment. This isnot always easy to provide as their beha

17、vior.can sometimes be irritating, ff theygot excited or upset then they may become more confused and more difficult to lookafter. Although sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it isbest to be patientand not get upset yourself. You should always encourage old people to do as muchas possible for t

18、hemselves but be ready to lend a helping hand whennecessary.Atthe same time it is also important that you dont make them feel like children.Failing memory makes it difficult for the person to recall all the basicoffor Theway tokinds informationwe take granted. obvioushelpis to supply the information

19、 that is missing and help them make sense of what isthiin s situationon. You must usebut remembergoing everyopportunity to provide informationtoit simple and straightforward.keepyougoing(4)whatare(3)whereyou areshappening andwhyand(5)whatsto beMum. This isyouroclocdone,e.g.Good morning, Fiona,daught

20、er.Itis eightk,soif you get up now, we c an haveelderlbreakfastdownstairs.WhentheypersonmakesThe kinds of information that may be required are(1)who you are(2)whereconfused statements e.g. about going out to his or her old employment or visitinga dead relative, correct in a calm matter-of-fact fashi

21、on: You dont work in theoffice any more. You are retired now. Will you come and help me withthe dishesIVWeon theproviderely heavily informationdby signposts,and newspapers. These assist us to organize and direct our behavior. Confused oldpeopl need these aids all the time to compensate for their poo

22、r memory. eEncouragethem to use reminder beards or diaries for important coming events and label thecontents of different cupboards and drawers. Many other aids such a s informationcards oldscrapbookso,photos,addresses r shopping lists couldcase.You will probably have to encourage the elderly person

23、 to usethese aids at firstclocks,calendarshelp in individual41.isThemain subjectCothpassageabouelderlpeoplefetyA. their general care and welfaretheypeopleB. promoting their physical and mental healthC. how they can be helped to look after themselves as far as possibleD. assisting people with physica

24、l problems to live a normal life42. experience by frienand relativi thadifficulddsess ttymay_ C.A. worry too much about for the old persons living and housing conditionsB. try to do too much for the person concernedC. find it difficult sometimes to deal with elderly peoples matters calmlyD. fail to

25、understand the old persons problems43. visuaid can giv practicahel t elderlalselpo ybyA.A.B.C.D.bringing back to mind various kinds of useful information informing them about what has to be done next clearing up their mistakes and confusion helping them to revive old memoriesBEurope s world status h

26、ad drastically changed. Its individual nations, once great powers, were dwarfed - politically and militarily by the United States and the former Soviet Union, numerically by India and China, economically by theStates,and any new economic powersUnited Japan,thathad been widely separated; and yet, lik

27、e the rest of the world Hemisphere, it could not shrug off the poor and hungry millions in the South.All the moretreason,therefore,forEuropean countries otheir own political and economic superpowers but also to maximize their power to meet their wider responsibilities in the world.mightemerge. Europ

28、e sempires s richNortherncome together- merel not yto hold20th-centry Europe had witnessed and shared in extraordinarily rapid and genetic robots engineeringtechnologicalits most obvious recent examples.The splitting of the atom had vastly multipliedchange.Computers,industria lare onlypoweritself.Je

29、humaintus todestroy taircraft,spacetelecommunications had revolutionized the sense of distance and scale.Radio and television,morebecomestillthanthe cinema,had trulymassgiving all broadcasts in the global range.But economic progress had not kept pace with technology;in a world ofwell potential plent

30、y and - being,there were pollution.Political progress had been slower stilln ternational cooperation was increasing,but the basic political unit remained the nation- state.That dated fro m an age when the fastest means of travel had been a galloping horse.This was why the founders of the EC,as Monne

31、t said,were not concerned to makecoalitions of stat es but to unite people.A united Europe along these lines,withand commonrules democratictravel andmedia,withworld.electronicsatellitesinstitutions ,wassti llbothpoverty andhis eyes a in pilotplan tfor a united44. According to the second sentence, An

32、 dia has a longer history than EuropeB. Europe is much more developed than India Cn dia has a bigger population than Europe D.Europe has greater political and military power45. The underlinedit could not shrug off the poor and hungry millions in theA. it should care more for its own poor people in s

33、outhern EuropeB. it should not put away its poor nationsresponsibilities forsupportingtheC. it should not be arrogant towards the developing countriesD. it alone could not support the poor people in most third world countries46.0ne of the problems for the present Europe isA. its economy is developin

34、g too fastB. its technology is developing too fastC. its economic system is use D.itswith its technologytoo old to be of anypolit does not keep pace ics47.the author seems toA. support the idea of a united EuropeB. favor making common rules for EuropeC.D.object to the coalitions of European states l

35、ove to see Europe not doing its duty for the wordCK. David Harrison is a linguist and leading specialist in the study oflead Enduring Voices,a project devoted to documenting endangered languages and identifyin g expedition s the irthe most crucial nativ eto assistlanguages.Chrisareas where languages

36、 in communities their effortsare threatened revitaliz to eand makingand maintainRainier,a the remainingnoteddocumentarynatura wildernes lscommunicating stories the globe.The island nation of Papua New Guinea in the southwest Pacific Oceanphotographer,joins and native culturesthem inaroundlinguis rep

37、resents the greatest single concentration of tic 830 listed languages identified thus far and an unknown number remaining to be scientificdocumented.Paroallytf Papua NewGuineaspot,where a large number of native languages are on the edge extinction. Without it, survey of theorno worldslanguages under

38、standingof language extinction would be complete,explained Harrison.diversity on Earth,withalsofal lsth ewithin a language hotglobacurrent lprocessprofessoendangeredlanguages.Heis a n associaterat Swarthmore College.Dr.GregoryD.S.Andersona linguist who isdirectof theTonguesistheorLivingInstituteforn

39、onorganizatidevoteEndangeredLanguages,aprofitondtothedocumentation,revitalizendangeredationand maintenanceof languages.TogethertheyDuring a three-week trip,the Enduring Voices team recordedinterviewswitof Papua Newexpeditio tooh speakers of eleven local languagesGuinea.Ournk usProvince,wherto EastSe

40、pikewe visitedseveralsmallendangered-languagecommunities.TheslocaKarawarlacpresenceliarea languages ka ein teachingvillages,thepassivmaterialsandbooksnmanyreis onlyeknowledge of theancestral Pondo-family language Yokoim and Karim,while in others,not even passiveknowledge of the heritage tongue among schoolchildren is found.People would be extremely angry if we tore down the Pyramids ofGiza in Egypt or the Notre Da me Cathedral in France(both are worldheritage sites),but languages are much more ancient and complex and evenmore impressive as monum


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