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1、-WORD格式-可编辑-专业资料一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。)第1题单选请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项()A. n oticeB. practiceC. BritishD. patie nt答案:D第2题单选请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项()A. i ncomeB. ce ntreC. cityD. bicycle答案:A第3题单选请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项()A. cloudB. ro undC. m oun ta inD. co untry-完整版学习资料分享学历提升热线:13929243155答案:D第4题单选 请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项()A. h

2、a ndB. h on estC. habitD. behi nd答案:B第5题单选请选出下面划线部分读音不同的选项()A. directB. hotelC. basketD. express答案:C二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。第 6 题单选 My friend Bob alwaysjokes whenever we gettogether. A.saysB. speaks学历提升热线:13929243155C. talksD. tells答案:D第 7 题单选 Before Tom got to the cinema,

3、the filmA. had beg unB. will begi nC. has begu nD. begi ns答案:A第 8 题单选 The driver kept one eye ontraffic and the other onmap. A.不填;aB. a;aC. the;theD. the;不填答案:C第 9 题单选 I couldn tfind my black gloves. A. no whereB. somewhere学历提升热线:13929243155C. everywhereD. a ny where答案:D第 10 题单选 Mary picked up her c

4、hildren s clothes thaton the floor.A. lieB. will lieC. have lainD. were lyi ng答案:D第 11 题单选 Jane had already fini shed cook ingthe time I got home.A. inB. onC. byD. at答案:C第 12 题单选 Excuse me,where is the meet ing room?-Just a sec on d. I ll have some oneyou there.A. takes学历提升热线:13929243155B. takeC. ta

5、k ingD. to take答案:B第 13 题单选 I llnever forget the dayI became adoctor. A.thatB. whichC. whereD. whe n答案:D第 14 题单选 Your article is well writte n,but I thi nk you shoulditaga in. A.go offB. go byC. go overD. go aga inst答案:C第 15 题单选 There s plenty of time,so youworry about it. A.n eed nt学历提升热线:139292431

6、55B. could ntC. must ntD. would nt答案:A第 16 题单选 My bedroom was very small, with the wi ndowthestreet. A.facesB. fac ingC. facedD. to face答案:B第 17 题单选 A few days ago I visited a frie nd ofand that day Ilearned a valuable less on.A. meB. mi neC. myD. myself答案:B第 18 题单选 -Would you like to go to the thea

7、ter with me tonight?学历提升热线:13929243155,but I don tthink I can afford the time.A. Thats no thi ngB. Well doneC. Id like toD. Im afraid not答案:C第 19 题单选 Family members worked hardsure that they had eno ugh food.A. maki ngB. makeC. madeD. to make答案:D第 20 题单选 The light was sothat I had to cover my eyes.A

8、. brightB. weakC. softD. n atural答案:A学历提升热线:13929243155三、完形填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分。)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小 题的四个选择项中选出最佳选项。Elea nor Roosevelt was the wife of America s 32nd preside nt, Fran kli n Roosevelt. Shehelped her husba nd in many ways duri ng his Ion g(21)life. She also became one of the most (22) w

9、omen in America. She fought for equal rights for all people.Elea nor was born in New York City in 1884. Her family had great wealth. But Elea nor didnot have a happy (23). Her pare nts died whe n she was very young. She was raised by hergran dmother. Elea nor (24) that as a child, her greatest happ

10、in ess came from help ing others.tn the early 1900s, many people were worried about the problems of (25) people whocame to America in (26) of a better life. Elea nor could no t(27) how people lived in such poorcon diti ons while she and some others had so much (28).After she finished school,Eleanor

11、began (29) children to read and write in one of thepoorest areas of New York City. She also looked into (30) where workers were said to bebadly (31).She saw little children of four and five years old working until they (32)to the floor.She became in volved(参与)with other wome n who (33) the same idea

12、s about improv ingsocial con diti ons.Fran kli n Roosevelt bega n (34) Elea nor whe n he was in New York. They got (35) in 1905.In the n ext eleve n years, they had six childre n. The Roosevelts moved to Wash ington D. C. in 1913.第21题单选第(21)题选A.tech ni cal B.bus in ess C.political D.research学历提升热线:1

13、3929243155答案:C第22题单选第(22)题选A.different B.strict C.lonely D.important答案:D第23题单选第(23)题选A.job B.dream C.future D.childhood答案:D第24题单选第(24)题选A.remembered B.forgot C.doubted D.imag ined 答案:A第25题单选第(25)题选A.poor B.stra nge C.foolish Dazy答案:A第26题单选第(26)题选A.honour B.search C.memory D.favor答案:B第27题单选第(27)题选A.r

14、eceive B.regret C.u ndersta nd D.admit学历提升热线:13929243155答案:C第28题单选第(28)题选A. wealth B.k no wledge C.courage D.stre ngth答案:A第29题单选第(29)题选A. disturb ing B.teachi ng C.forc ing D.rem inding答案:B第30题单选第(30)题选A.hospitals B.factories C.schools D.armies答案:B第31题单选第(31)题选A.followed B.chose n C.protected D.trea

15、ted答案:D第32题单选第(32)题选A.dropped B.r un C.jumped D.sa nk答案:A第33题单选第(33)题选A.discovered B.allowed C.shared D.me nti oned学历提升热线:13929243155答案:C第34题单选第(34)题选A. praisi ng B.visit ing C.attack ing D.c on trolli ng答案:B第35题单选第(35)题选A.married B.separated C.accepted D.u ni ted答案:A四、阅读理解(共15小题;每题3分,共45分。)阅读下列短文,然

16、后根据短文的内容从每小题 的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。It s that time of the yeagraduation. The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it sanespecially big deal if you re finishing high school or college.One amazing( 令人惊叹的 )16-year-old Florida girl, Grace Bush, graduated from bothhigh school and college this week! She actu

17、ally got her college diploma(毕业证书 )beforeher high school diploma. How d she do that?Hard work and dedicati on(专心致志 ),she told a local TV n ews stati on, have made mesucceed in doing high school and college at the same time. She started tak ing college courses when she was just 13. She would often ge

18、t up at 5:30 a.m. and not finish until after 11 p. m.Doing both at once is a huge achieveme nt, but it has also helped her family save mon ey.She s one of the 9 children, all home-schooled until the age of 13. Her father is a math学历提升热线:13929243155professor while her mother is a part-time history te

19、acher in a high school. Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law, with a n ear perfect GPA of 3.8 and she hopes to become a lawyer one day, although her pare nts expect her to teach at uni versity. By the way, she also plays basketball in her college team in her spare time.第 36 题单选 Why does t

20、he author say that Grace is amazing?A. She fini shed high school earlier tha n others.B. She n ever went to bed before 11 p. m.C. She graduated from both high school and college at 16.D. She got two diplomas from the same school.答案:C第 37 题单选 Which of the following is the key to Grace s success?A. Ta

21、k ing college courses at 13.B. Do ing high school and college at the same time.C. Be ing born in a professors family.D. Be ing devoted to her studies.答案:D第 38 题单选 What did the parents do to help Grace with hereducati on? A.They shared with her college history less ons.B. They taught her un til she w

22、as 13.13929243155学历提升热线:C. They made her in terested in math.D. They hired a part-time teacher.答案:B第 39 题单选 What do Grace s parents want her to be in future?A. A news reporter.BA basketballplayer. C.Auni versity teacher.DA lawyer.答案:CRon was an engin eer. He pla nned a cha nge and tried the new job

23、of teach ing kids howto swim. Ron s easy manner soon made him a full-time employee at the swim school.Now,the 40 hours he works a week takes in weeke nds, early mornings and lateafter noons. He earns around 25% less tha n he did in engin eeri ng. But,at 49,he says he hasnever been happier. I ve had

24、a drop in pay, but I ve cut back on spending,too. I seldomdrive to work so don thave to pay as much for petrol( 汽油 ). I don tdrink as much. I go walking in my lunch break and I ve lost 20 kilos. I love going to work. The whole family is alot happier.Whe n one of his brothers called, offeri ng to hel

25、p him find a real i oh, he an swered,l don tcare. I know what I m doing is good.学历提升热线:13929243155分期付He admits it was fearful making such a big change when there was the mortgage(款)to pay and kids to clothe and feed,but in the end he feels it is a simple choice. If yourein a job you don tlike, get o

26、ut. Money s not everyth in g. If you don tlike it, cha nge findsomething you re going to be happy with.第 40 题单选 What is Ron s new job like?A. Well-paid.B. ln terest ing.C. Easy to do.D. No free time.答案:B第 41 题单选 How does Ron man age to cut back on spe nding?A. He spe nds less on clothes.B. He calls

27、his brothers less.C. He drives less.D. He has less food for lun ch.答案:C第 42 题单选 What s Ron s advice to the readers?A. Stick to the job if you have kids to raise.B. Change the job if you dont like it any more.13929243155学历提升热线:外交),不可逆的 ).s dominance inC. Stick to the job if you have mortgage to pay.D

28、. Cha nge the job if you dont get eno ugh mon ey.答案:BIt is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times.About three decades ago, French was recog ni zed as the Ian guage of diplomacy (and Germa n was con sidered the Ian guage of scie nee and tech no logy. En glish nowdomin ate

29、s( 主导)not only as the Ian guage of scie nee but also diplomacy, computi ng, andtourism. Today, i n terms of n ative speakers, Man dari n Chin ese is the worldlargest Ian guage.Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country inthe world. Some have eve n fixed the dat

30、e as early as the year 2020. At prese nt, while En glish is more widely spoke n tha n any other Ian guage,there are more people who speak Chin ese than En glish due to the large populati on in China alon e. If China does become a world power, there is no doubt that this Ian guage will spread worldwi

31、de.As the con troversy over which Ian guage will become dominant in the world con ti nu es,there are many who feel that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible (However, a separate study from David Graddol s suggests that Englishthescientific area will continue. There is also an argument

32、 that the English Ianguage would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons. With the possibility of China rising as a world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language.第43题单选Which Ian guage is now con sidered as the Ian guage of diplomacy?学历提升热线:13929

33、243155A. French.B. Ch in ese.C. Germa n.D. E nglish.答案:D第 44 题单选 Which Ianguage has the largest population of nativespeakers? A.Chi nese.B. E nglish.C. Germa n.D. Fre nch.答案:A第 45 题单选 The author says that Chinese is expected to spread worldwideif. A.Chi na becomes a real world powerB. Ch ina has a l

34、arger populati onC. Ch ina has the moder n tech no logyD. more tourists come to Chi na答案:A第 46 题单选 What does controversy in the last paragraph probably mean?-WORD格式-可编辑-专业资料学历提升热线:13929243155-完整版学习资料分享-A. PIa n.BA rgume nt.C. Co nditoi n.D. Goal.答案:BAll but the tini est of roads have to have n ames

35、so they can be recog ni zed on a map, and so people can ask directi ons to them. America ns n ame a lot of bridges, too.Very ofte n these n ames carry a clear geographical reference the Penn sylva nia Turn pike, for example. Or,like the George Washington Bridge, roads and bridges are named for famou

36、s historical figures or powerful officers.We make a big deal out of naming thin gs, as whe n some one decided to n ame an airport after a U. S. judge. So now we have the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.Man y,if not most, of our college build ings are n amed for wealthy p

37、eople who gave a lot of money to the schools. And our sports cen ters took this idea a step further. Compa nies paid a whole lot of money for what s called the n ami ng rights to U. S. Cellular Field inChicago, for example, and Citize ns Bank Park in Philadelphia.Now the governor(州长)of Virginia, Bob

38、 McDonnell,wants to sell naming rights to roadsand bridges in the state. He says not just compa ni es, but also wealthy people, would help the Virginia tran sportati on budget(预算)by pay ing to have their n ames-or perhaps those of loved on es-placed on roads and bridges, and thus on maps as well.学历提

39、升热线:13929243155-WORD格式-可编辑-专业资料People hold differe nt views, however. Supporters say America ns are used to hav ing things spon sored(赞助).Others disagree, con sideri ng the idea as the n ext step in the compa nies of America. They won der how far such an idea might spread, and where it would en d:at

40、 the Burger King Pacific Ocea n, perhaps.第 47 题单选 Most of the roads need to have names sothat. A.they can remind people of the pastB. people can lear n about them betterC. they can be easily recog ni zed on mapsD. people can enjoy naming them答案:C第 48 题单选 Who are many college buildings named for acco

41、rding to thepassage? A.Powerful officers.B. Famous judges.C. Historicalfigures.D. Wealthy people.答案:D 第 49 题单选 Why does the governor of Virginia want to sell naming rights? A.To remember the loved n ames.学历提升热线:13929243155-完整版学习资料分享B. To make the state well-k nown.C. To help the tran sportati on bud

42、get.D. To in crease compa ni es sales. 答案:C第 50 题单选 What can we learn from the lastparagraph? A.People have differe nt ideas toward naming thin gs. B.America ns have spon sored naming a lot.C.Everythi ng is n amed by an America n compa ny.D.Pacific Ocea n will be ren amed.答案:A五、补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分

43、。)根据中文提示,将对话中缺少的内容写在线 上。这些句子必须符合英语表达习惯。打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。提示:Mary 与Bill不期而遇,邀请他一起吃晚饭。但Bill当晚7点要去北京,下周一回来。Mary让Bill回来后给她打电话。第(51)题答案为 How are you学历提升热线:13929243155第(52)题答案为hav ing dinner together/hav ing supper together第(53)题答案为1eav ing for Beiji ng/go ing to Beiji ng第(54)题答案为n ext Mon day第(55)题

44、答案为Call me/Pho ne me/Give me a call六、书面表达(满分30分)第56题简答 假设你要李华,写信给英国朋友 Tim,问他是否愿意租房子给你的好友李明,并介绍 他的情况,内容包括:1. 品学兼优,将去伦敦某大学学习计算机;2. 喜爱读书、看电影、听音乐,乐于助人,定能融洽相处;3. 愿意提供更多信息。注意:1词数应为100左右;2.生词:租房子 ren t a room 。Dear Tim,Yours,LiHua答案: One possible vers ion.Dear Tim,Im writing to ask if it is possible for my

45、 best friend Li Ming to rent a room in your house.He is going to study computer scie nee in a uni versity in London n ext mon th. He is an学历提升热线:13929243155excelle nt stude nt with high scores. In his spare time, Li Ming likes readi ng books, watchi ng movies and liste ning to music, especially light music. He is a very kind and frie ndly pers on, always ready to help others. Im sure that your family will get along well with him. I will give you more information about him if it is necessary.Yours,Li Hua学历提升热线:13929243155


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