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1、2020.9浙江省名校协作体读后续写,第二节 读后续写 (满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 There Are No Vans To me, what Thanksgiving really means is giving good thanks, not eating turkey.By the time I was 18 I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (惯例).I would go out shopping and buy enough food for one or two families.Then

2、I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return is that you take good enough care of yourself so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annua

3、l ritual than I have from any amount of money Ive ever earned, especially one such experience in New York City. Several years ago I was in New York City with my newly married wife during Thanksgiving.She was sad because we were not with our family.Normally she would be home decorating the house for

4、Christmas, but we were stuck here in,a hotel room.I said, “Honey, look, why dont we decorate some lives today instead of some trees?” When I told her what I always do on Thanksgiving, she got excited.I said, “Lets go someplace where we can really appreciate who we are, what we are able to do and wha

5、t we can really give.Lets go to the poor neighborhood Harlem and feed some people there in need. Well go buy enough food for six or seven families for 30 days.Weve got enough.Lets go do it!” We started by getting a van (货车), but there seemed no vans in all of New York City.The rent-a-car places were

6、 all out of vans. My wife was disappointed, and I said, “Look, the bottom line is that if we want something, we can make it happen! All we have to do is take action.There are plenty of vans here in New York City.Look down at the street. Do you see all those vans? Lets go get one!” My wife agreed and

7、 we took action.,Predict the story,There Are No Vans,What are we looking for? Do we find what we want? Why? What do you think the story is about?,To me, what Thanksgiving really means is giving good thanks, not eating turkey.By the time I was 18 I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (惯例).I would go o

8、ut shopping and buy enough food for one or two families.Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return is that you take good enough care of yourself so that someday you can do the same

9、thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of money Ive ever earned, especially one such experience in New York City.,To me, what Thanksgiving really means is giving good thanks, not eating turkey.By the time I was 18 I had created my Thanksgivi

10、ng ritual (惯例).I would go out shopping and buy enough food for one or two families.Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return is that you take good enough care of yourself so that s

11、omeday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of money Ive ever earned, especially one such experience in New York City.,To me, what Thanksgiving really means is giving good thanks, not eating turkey.By the time I was 18

12、I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (惯例).I would go out shopping and buy enough food for one or two families.Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return is that you take good enough

13、 care of yourself so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of money Ive ever earned, especially one such experience in New York City.,To me, what Thanksgiving really means is giving good thanks, not eating t

14、urkey.By the time I was 18 I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (惯例).I would go out shopping and buy enough food for one or two families.Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhood and just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return i

15、s that you take good enough care of yourself so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of money Ive ever earned, especially one such experience in New York City.,Know the story-elements,my wife, I, the driver

16、,during Thanksgiving (the 4th Thursday in Nov.),New York City,Why were we in need of vans?,What does the writer intend to tell us?,Little people can make a big difference. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. One good turn deserves another. .,Events A. We n

17、eeded a van for loading supplies. B. We tried our chance at the street. C. We went to the rent-a-car places for getting a van, but in vain. D. Stuck in a hotel during Thanksgiving we decided to help people in Harlem.,D,A,C,B,Know the story-plot,stuck,sad,my Thanksgiving ritual,excited,go to the poor

18、 Harlem and buy food for them,a van,there seemed no vans available,disappointed,take a chance in the streets,Weave the story,Paragraph 1: We tried stopping vans as they were driving down the street._ _ _ Paragraph 2: Eventually a van drove up and the driver said yes. _,Event: Mood:,Event: Mood:,atte

19、mpt to get a van-in vain,disappointed/hopeless,succeed in getting a van,delighted/excited,话题词块/表达,表示失望:,叹气,She sighed heavily.,After several fruitless attempts, my wife let out a long sigh.,跺脚,My wife stamped her foot in despair.,Staring at the vans zooming past us, my wife trembled with rage.,皱眉,“W

20、ho can we turn help to?” my wife murmured with a fierce frown.紧皱眉头,颤抖,My wife gave a miserable shrug. 沮丧地耸了耸肩,耸肩,目光呆滞,She looked blank in a moment. 目光呆滞,蹒跚,With a dazed look on our face, we staggered away.,苦笑,She smiled/forced a sad smile.,失望地看,My wife darted/cast a frustrated look at me.,低头,I looke

21、d at my wife in desperation. 绝望地,She bowed her head and said nothing.,摇头,She just shook her head in hopelessness.,哭,Tears of grievance (委屈) /rivns/ came into her eyes when she saw them left.,表示失望:,心跳加快,My heart thumped fiercely in my chest, tension overwhelming me entirely in its power.,无灵主语,All at

22、once a feeling of hopelessness swept through me.,A strong feeling of failure beat me out of breath.,A sense of disappointment flooded in my heart, and hopelessness frequently echoed my brain.,After a long waiting, disappointment accumulated in our heart.,Disappointment mingled with frustration growi

23、ng inside me.,Disappointment swallowed my wife. She sat on the ground and didnt utter a single word.,A sense of disappointment crept upon me.,The unsuccessful attempts cast a cloud of gloom over our face.,表示高兴:,尖叫,Hearing the words, my wife shrieked with excitement 激动的尖叫,心跳,My heart thumped/beat wit

24、h excitement. 兴奋地心直跳 (表高兴难以置信),With a shriek of delight, She hugged me.,拥抱,握手,I took hold of his hands gratefully.,点头,We nodded gratefully.,笑,Her eyes twinkled and her lips broke into a broad smile.,跳起来,Hearing the simple yes, we all jumped with joy.,哭,We shed tears with joy.,松口气,At this moment, we

25、breathed a sigh of relief.,we were wild with excitement/joy. we could hardly contain our excitement. we were delighted beyond description. we were floating on air. we were beside ourselves(极度兴奋) with excitement. we beam with excitement. Our face lit up. Our heart was thundering with excitement.,A wa

26、ve of happiness swept over us. A surge of excitement flashed into my heart. A sense of warmth flowed in my body.,表示努力:,用让步状语从句,We kept on struggling forward, even though _,While _, we never lost hope for another try.,we knew it was hopeless.,the passing drivers zoomed past us without a stop,_(as) ,

27、we continued to wave at the passing cars stubbornly.,We told ourselves repeatedly _ (however), we wouldnt give in to setbacks.,Disappointed and fatigued as we were,however painstaking the task was,In spite of _, we still believed in miracles.,countless failures,用非谓语,表示努力:,_(be refused), we decided t

28、o try one last time.,Having been refused many times,_(咬紧牙关), we pushed on.,Gritting our teeth,用强调句,_(妻子的鼓励) gave me an extra burst of energy. 迸发出额外的能量,It was my wifes encouragement that,用倒装结构,_ (never),Never would we be defeated by the plight,表示努力:,用虚拟语气,We summoned up/collected up/ plucked up/muste

29、red up/gathered our courage and yelled at the top of our voice for the fear that _ _,we would miss a van.,用谚语,Our heart sank at the thought of our failure to get a van, but we told ourselves _.(绝不半途而废),never do anything by halves,用“the+比较级, the+比较级”,We constantly convince ourselves that the more _ _

30、.,efforts we put in, the luckier we would be.,常见问题,优秀习作,22.5,优秀习作,22,优秀习作,A possible version:,Para1:We tried stopping vans as they were driving down the street. I learned something about New York drivers that day: They dont stop; they speed up. Then we tried waiting by the light. Wed go over, knock

31、on the window and the driver would roll it down, looking at us in alarm, and Id ask if he would drive us to Harlem so we could help some people. Every time the driver would look away quickly, furiously roll up the window and pull away without saying anything. My wife was ready to give up, but I said

32、, “Its the law of averages: somebody is going to say yes.”,Para 2: Eventually a van drove up and the driver said yes. We were wild with joy and climbed onto the van. Upon arrival, he led us to a store where we bought lots of food and some baskets. Together we packed them up, carried them onto the va

33、n and went to buildings where there were even people living without electricity. It was a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small difference. You see, you can make anything happen if you commit to it and take action. Miracles like this happen every dayeven in a city where “there are no vans.”,


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