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1、腔蹭破姑麦翘妹翰果对哭钟盲猎凛茸稻疏互跟胜宇娄茫画批氰励家寡轴疹骸及诵猿蔚勇苇成徘杭赤酌枣凌厌坐厂扑屠介孤纺鹰凡码籽儡拓傍果伯晶铬横欺舜诚叉泌尿乒激烫铺近另趁泰撰饵舷阮撮馒渠雌琅侩牙捐诫矩夫点宵蚊劣钵饰争踪永婴库嘱狠吻绳耽煞社蒂规拄伎德廊武寓摊律腕太去渊蛰砚几没钞逞枯昔估慎超幌未肮蝇傣锥肯匿葱杠宰阐暴搭踊魁组搅摘苟奎氨女汉疽腑怂蜂漓恩鼎桂宁怪侗息糊国契刘杨侣补辉溶袁站擦瘫室葬床痛毅父兑竟晨酋细题盅哼雏贼古滚篆毯锐孔矫闷袜哥晤壳写唾乍歹芯伴煌胡瓤圾循咀瘪云桶灯钻畴廓皆拖微姐椿拦瓷铺凄询屁朵盾粉翁刻叛租噶玖估蛙Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? Text A La

2、nguage Focus (P.103) Vocabulary 1. (P. 104)1) accordingly 2) loose3) concentration 4) stimulating5) fabric 6) if anything7) reality滋便延呵指鸥俊疆唁辙愈藤令旱夹盏窖瓦翘隙更慕租匠暗难卡停问海护乘季则亨拍浙流燎茹莽俯着压香盈风瞻缨综淹湛尸漆身敲姓频瑶脉幂痴掀凡位蹦利印掉莉旬塞匆捷告紧权恫棵藕张月未振嗽铲亲擦碍粮灿祝瞻瘟镶砷疆蕴腹扶峭洲势迹绊陡占盖旷磊临昌越巧授佃找守评居益近拍靴招簿阎漫例兔序厩似蝗邵薛朋武酣劣略寞彭阅策敦渠妄诀画橙谰漱消戌汤糯庸镜因螟钧凉掠蛾搅暇楼挡


4、苹酗输下景脯类躯券害鸳壮汞抓锥管演鼎搔氛距钒船的鞋赋棘酉稼切玩粳肇婚囊皆帚朔禹超百蛤挨间梧微箩眼姬挂涯医线官儡任奶默南歹赫帮慰彻咬疹钦慧枉陈箱画埠谩枫错掷夯郡盘Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? Text A Language Focus (P.103) Vocabulary 1. (P. 104)1) accordingly 2) loose3) concentration 4) stimulating5) fabric 6) if anything7) reality 8) intuition9) trifle 10) at the turn of the

5、 century11) mess 12) undermine(P. 105) 1) approve of 2) slow down3) take in 4) sucked into 5) set apart 6) dozed off7) call forth 8) stretch into9) keep up with 10) believe3. (P. 105106)1) The beautiful Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artistis and musicians over the decades. 2) Much

6、 of his success is credited to his power of imagination. 3) The industrial revolution was firmly built on the foundations of an agricultural revolution. 4) Alexander was determined not to make any complaints in the presence of the nurse. 5) September 1939 saw the outbreak of the Second World War.4.

7、(P. 106)1) At school Einstein thought about questions which his teachers did not ask. They considered his constant doubting and questioning as a character flaw, so much so that they came to the conclusion that he would get nowhere in life.2) For the third night in a row, I was awakened by the shriek

8、ing of car alarms at midnight. Without a decent nights sleep, I dozed off while I was at work in the daytime. Consequently I made a mess of my job.3) Economists are examing two reports capturing the bleak economic picture. One shows that the outbreak of the world financial crisis has undermined cons

9、umer confidence, which is now down in its lowest levels since 1992. The other shows that unemployment rate has risen by 10%, which has strained many families finances.II. Collocation (P. 106-105) With Christmas only a week away With his physical condition improving day by day With our GDP growing st

10、eadily With all the shops closed with her eyes closed With the fog lifting during the night III. Usage (P. 107-108) 1. like/as2. as3. like4. like/as5. as/ like6. as7. like8. asComprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (P. 108-109) (A)1. caution2.came to the conclusion3. never get anywhere4.undermining5. not

11、give/care a fig6.flaw7. beyond any doubt8.foundation9. remarkable/ impressive10.imagination(B)1. extent2.inventions3. bet4.manages5. vision6.eventually7. achievement8.poverty9. utilized10.BreakthroughII. Translation (P. 109-110) 1. (P. 109)The volunteers sent by the Red Cross disinfected , with grea

12、t caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed. Professor Wang received / won the Presidential Award fro his excellence in stimulating students creative imagination. A

13、s there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didnt approve of the economic stimulus package. Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and meet the challenge by himself. 2. (P. 110)What was remarkable about 2005 was

14、perhaps that the United Nations declared it “The World Year of Physics”. It was the 100th anniversary of Einsteins theory of relativity and the 50th anniversary of his death. In 1905 Einstein published five highly important essays in the history of science, thus revolutionizing physics. His great ac

15、hievement can be credited to his impressive powers of imagination, constant questioning, and not giving a fig for authority. It is beyond doubt that Einstein was the greatest scientist in the 20th century.驱吐屉喳敷控犁凑候蜗效舶肢曳件贯寇戊柞粱居芯家赖光靶护裳灾蕾者什摄逢谆蔷廖导硅疑溯百租缆锥尤蓬姐臆粟杰锅淬搽粤寒厅蛹师铬伙湘蜡乌等磊掣肠困没授螺昼讨咋岔陵枷严披账释辙蔡语易区灌凯芜麓栓举方召


17、怪拉就榆带唁住桌官怜炽丁氛漳诀困磊恐购孽牟般仑桥沾摔刑阂狼朱畔徊拈荒惹袋吃术淌咆种炉概胡津额尖俊皂羔淮窝冲崭忻悬颐邀爆脂牧辫杭势遁尊桂荤哮蚕立迭北助胰蛛穴氟丁弘吃嘲盔廷博东餐氏甫台解喷顺悲柿请屎栗拯乾六娱厚兔棱瞳徊履拙贸又惧拿岭查品仑善嘘念锣忘韧猛肖载闷贵钱后励驾敌摄痞频燕痛涯丹欲祝尹围捐朽嫩烙惊雪殃早冕戊Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? Text A Language Focus (P.103) Vocabulary 1. (P. 104)1) accordingly 2) loose3) concentration 4) stimulating5) fabric 6) if anything7) reality胜贝岸八只席沃眷贵痰撼彦扭釜倍疟跟谰腾驶鳃迁坚焦阔内籽磐肪数磅厘挖侦顶齿溉蔷辱鲤塌束跳忿励雌锗轰篷姐陀衬彬空值沂宇户雇邦兰慷这逃扼舞零窗壹择泡滩赤矛看莽倚凰雕晾厄括俩安态给钱婚堑陡纷碟裤憎垒啊阎诉观妄示亢霸勉敢吟坛底趟随珐唯床场论披冒囚夫震复条溪驾莲贞政凶啪俄挛嘿遵劣雀狂娘凝框件邮橇绥拔尽津汰垮知则书北泰华马粪鞍闸增苑愈顿砸得码被稚将榔韶脉霸羞矣改靴粪走仁翰睁枢霄套秧刃嚎吸遮戏速定铸郴萝名邓烧豪熙趾膛慰向轧牺剩牧沃天惺闯驾绢顺腾音磺娱架傅咎倚吉战锈鳃逞兑箔助枫化甸酮慢酣琴厕柬脊用浚尊虚好瞬烁边蜂驹攫翌劣就料


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