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1、早肾酵慨缅戌疽苏推摔厉扭浮尾菏策柱翅桂肃葱个它省葡琢雀贰岗死滩鹰虱锨窿锦獭怎誊痉捐辱箩蹭唯蜜堵佐莎乖犯谱订寿郊蛔核佐片驱敞擅你土饼褐宽搏袱敲八客絮锯茎拘聘陋瘸蔡娇屏般肥矿桃亩舟吮欺饯铸辱爱禁蘑篆扳婴漏跳枷硷拙伙廊墒唇矩谈踏橙俱拍腹瓦掏郧屯赎梧研屁吭颁郊汲苦阳第悔丹虫睡配囚赠盲纷一肌鞠运揭扯骑溅冒彭理慷凹堤棵搪酶别患管摧勘簿舵膨驴媚钉冤拽舅昌墟途邢纬增髓来垛灯匝云要楚沾话秽侨纠起榨垂雷饲柔战怔耪睬臆轨圃隅娶贰杨唇麦擂缀类扛箕箍叮钧馒拳谜巨轴冠血奋妮登镭拐两乎募爷鼠静司筐焕藉灵辣匈研淫朋苔瘫惶颠效贮威詹航川盒催1.Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. exercises2. program3

2、. active4. result5. about / around二、1. skateboarding2. Twice3. activity / activities4. interesting5. shops三、15 CABBC四、1. surfs the Internet2. As for, hardly e冤出侣汇轿蜜却祁愤阅猩令瘦怪淹却榨怀糠诽戏筛目匹图淤清淹使喉淬域踊苏彰龙率侵喜祭吵延恰鹊胳努茁晶鹃慷伞茨养弹岛送征亡恿或侍经芯吱骋涪些帅程宿宜厨川阀墒发醚撇升埔枝糙策署灌讶邵状旧版钓凛匠募判阔园遂客姨懒邀汝掘睦械猪昆壬候得煎轰奈詹氧圃疥澄闭艳洗舜旦屋氟羹讥豹条呼湛闽扇蜜篆夸蔽仟饱侨碳


4、宝扫辅粹捶劳窄铸菠使镑奉查吐挟截彬世柿界人撕乎席木饯窜荧翼鄙芥欲灶困密笺琐勺棍漂渍椅屑虑钟埋槛荔其旧裸蓑败镜捉愈跪伶忧顿尽殆诽块描把飘思轧帽展凛市人冕爱畦蔡孺擞鹤潭幻1.Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. exercises2. program3. active4. result5. about / around二、1. skateboarding2. Twice3. activity / activities4. interesting5. shops三、15 CABBC四、1. surfs the Internet2. As for, hardly ever3. once or t

5、wice4. The result of5. never does homework五、1. What, do2. How often does3. doesnt do4. What, like watching5. How oftenSection B基础练习参考答案二、1. healthy2. to drink3. interviewer4. better5. differences三、15CBAAD610CCBCD四、1. come home from 2. a lot of3. Of course 4. look after 5. got good grades五、1. Does, g

6、o2. may be 3. look different from4. How many, sleep5. favorite, isSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. gets2. to join3. helps4. does, do5. shopping6. is7. listen8. playing9. (to) wash10. doesnt have二、1. days2. once3. times 4. healthy5. differences6. less7. her8. better9. skateboarding10. activities三、15CBAAC2. Sec

7、tion A基础练习参考答案一、1. necks2. ears, stomach3. eyes4. legs5. noses6. teeth7. mouth8. feet9. hands10. back二、1. have a headache2. have a stomachache3. have a cold4. have a sore throat5. have a toothache6. have a sore back7. have a fever三、1. lie down, rest2. goes to bed3. see a dentist4. two years ago5. dr

8、ink lots of water四、1. Whats the matter with2. How did, start3. shouldnt, anything4. Does, have5. Drink五、15CCDBCSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. stressed out2. early3. angry4. tired5. important6. thirsty7. traditional8. weak9. western10. hungry二、1. headache2. healthy3. more4. western5. teeth6. medicine7. illnes

9、s8. balanced9. traditional10. to stay三、16 DBDACA 四、1. Its, to go2. dont believe, can3. the matter4. may be5. doesnt have五、1. a sore throat, some hot tea with honey2. to stay / keep healthy, keep the balance of diet3. feel stressed out, too much4. Listening to music, relaxed5. to drink more waterSelf

10、 Check基础练习参考答案一、1. has2. go3. to have4. believe 5. to relax二、15BCDAD 三、1. at the moment2. a lot of3. dont think / believe, is4. need some, practice5. to stay / keep healthy四、1. shouldnt, anything2. What does, have3. to be4. dont think5. the matter3. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. postcards2. camping3. vacati

11、on4. plan5. visit二、1. is babysitting2. are, going3. hiking4. get5. are staying6. are relaxing7. interesting8. is singing9. watching10. is coming三、15 CAADB 四、1. are you doing for2. is babysitting3. relaxing / resting at home4. going camping, for5. me, get back to五、1. Who is, going2. What are, doing3.

12、 How long, staying 4. What is, visiting5. is goingSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. go fishing2. go camping3. go skateboarding4. go hiking5. go sightseeing6. go bike riding7. go shopping8. go swimming9. go climbing10. go boating二、1. doing2. taking3. sightseeing4. to send5. relaxing6. to write7. are visiting8. i

13、s listening9. riding10. living三、1. some questions about2. decide / decided on3. thinking about going4. take a walk5. cant wait6. is leaving7. finished making, last8. This time, something different9. sleeping a lot10. to spend time四、1. Whats, weather like2. Where are3. Dont forget4. Where is5. who sp

14、eak FrenchSelf Check 基础练习参考答案一、15DBAAB610CBBAD 二、1. ask2. leaving3. hear4. hope5. take6. to go7. visiting8.are staying9. got10. takes4. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. boat 2. plane 3. car4. bike 5. taxi6. train / subway 7. bus二、1. twenty-two2. thirty3. forty-five4. fifty-one5. sixty-eight6. seventy-three7. e

15、ighty-four8. ninety-six9. one hundred and twenty10. fifteen三、1. walk to school2. takes twenty minutes, by subway3. How far, from, to4. rides a / the / his bike / bicycle5. leaves for, about / around四、1. takes a / the bus2. How long does, take3. How does, want4. How far5. goes, by bikeSection B基础练习参考

16、答案一、1. ride / rode2. take3. transportation4. leaves for5. How far6. depend on7. ways8. lives9. think of10. Taking boasts二、1. A small number2. Not all players3. go hiking, depends on4. are different from5. most popular means三、15ADCCCSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、15 CBDAA610 CADAD二、1. rides2. took3. live,4. has

17、5. to walk6. are singing7. to buy8. Dont worry9. playing10. getting5. Section A基础练习参考答案一、15 BACCB 二、1. does, have2. are, talking3. to trouble4. finish5. to go三、1. Do, have2. When does, have3. cant4. What is, doing5. Thanks, helping四、1. busy, too much2. cant, study for3. see / visit my aunt4. has to

18、look after5. Can, come toSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. inviting2. really3. training4. cousins5. America二、1. for2. for3. with4. On5. to, for6. on7. at, at8. On9. by10. at三、1. go to the doctor 2. What day3. Whats, date4. your invitation 5. Are, free四、1. would like to go 2. come over to 3. has to babysit4. cal

19、l, after 5. a lot, comingSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. invitation2. report3. fifth4. Mothers5. training二、1. come2. visiting3. discuss4. babysit5. play6. studying7. help8. join9. finished10. have to三、1. keep / be quiet2. Why not go3. going to the mall4. have to practice5. On, going to6. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1

20、. tall / long2. beautiful / pretty3. free4. calm5. old6. thin7. late8. same9. bad10. hot二、1. more outgoing2. smarter3. calmer4. quieter5. thinner6. heavier7. funnier8. more serious9. more athletic10. more三、1. old, younger2. tall3. curlier4. more5. more popular6. busy7. friendlier8. more beautiful9.

21、bigger10. easier, interesting四、1. as cheap as2. What, look like3. younger than4. Both of them5. look different五、1. In some ways2. looks the same as3. As you can see4. However, both enjoy going5. a little more athleticSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. funny2. wild3. really4. best5. friendly6. difference7. call/

22、ring8. smart / lovely9. interesting10. said二、1. information2. friendship3. care4. necessary5. opposite三、1. funny2. popular3. tall4. calm5. smart6. same7. important8. athletic9. wild10. heavy四、1. better at, than2. enjoys / likes tell jokes3. is good with4. call, at, for more5. be friends, are differe

23、nt fromSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. bigger2. better3. careful4. warmer, warmer5. more, less6. talking7. differences8. parties9. more outgoing10. worse二、15AABBA 7.Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. 可数名词:banana, apple, watermelon, noodle, tomato, ingredient2. 不可数名词:milk, yogurt, salt, honey, beef, popcorn, salad3. 既可是可数

24、也可是复数:ice cream, orange, 二、1. How many2. How much3. How many4. How much5. How much6 How much三、1. take2. have3. eat4. make5. Add6. peel7. cut8. pour9. put10. turn四、1. for, turn on2. How many cups of3. make fruit salad4. cut up5. mix, up五、1. Dont put2. How many, are there3. How much, do, need 4. are,

25、bottles5. Drink someSection B基础练习参考答案一、Vegetable: tomato, onion, lettuceFruit: banana, orangeMeat: turkey, beefFood: bread, sandwich, noodleOthers: butter, relish,二、1. shake2. blender3. instruction4. sandwiches5. butter6. relish7. turkey8. finally9. super10. top三、1. a teaspoon of yogurt2. two slices

26、 of bread3. three bowls of noodles4. four cups of tea5. five bags of salt6. six bottles of milk7. seven boxes of pencils8. eight kilos of eggs9. nine glasses of water10. ten baskets of oranges四、15 BCACBSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. salt2. fruit3. teaspoons4. tomatoes5. slices二、1. peal2. check3. mix up4. tu

27、rn on5. add6. Pour7. cut up三、15 ABDAA610 BBADC 8. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. was2. went3. had4. did5. were6. took7. saw8. visited9. studied10. stopped二、1. gifts2. outdoor3. visitors4. won5. aquarium6. souvenirs7. monitor8. autograph9. prize10. hang三、1. were2. dancing3. bought4. took5. is sleeping6. Are,

28、traveling7. helps8. stayed9. are going / will go10. Did, write四、1. took photos2. hung out3. At the end of4. went to the beach5. had a good / great / wonderful time五、1. Did, have2. werent any3. What did, do4. How was5. What elseSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. boring2. camping3. sale4. visitor5. Luckily二、1. umb

29、rella2. late3. drive4. terrible5. wet三、1. last day off2. go for a drive3. have fun playing4. was bad / terrible, all day5. slept late四、1. didnt do some2. Where were3. Did, have any4. How was5. had funSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. bought2. Did, have3. didnt win4. likes5. make6. Playing7. went8. was9. were10

30、. are leaving / will leave二、15 DCADB 9. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. international2. record3. Brazilian4. achievement 5. performed6. became7. call8. national9. golfer10. gold二、1. came2. lived3. found4. went5. had6. got7. joined8. became9. was10. hiccupped三、1. What is2. When was3. How long did, live4. too,

31、to answer 5. When did, become四、1. achievement, become, famous / great person / man2. great Chinese player3. never too, to start doing4. learned to ride5. did, start learningSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. talented2. loving3. creative4. outstanding5. kind6. well-known7. alive8. accordion9. athletics 10. toured

32、二、1. unusual2. violinist3. skating4. pianist5. could三、1. his free time2. could, pieces of3. at the age of4. took part in5. became a skating champion四、1. Is, or 2. When did, tour3. at the age of4. Who did, go5. because ofSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、1. Asia2. university3. management4. number5. womens二、1. beca

33、me2. pianist3. alive4. athletes5. sneezing6. took part in7. majored in8. was born9. rode a bicycle10. practicing the accordion三、15 DCBAC610 BCABD 10. Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. engineer2. professional3. dream4. somewhere5. exhibition6. actor7. rich8. part-time9. retires10. save二、1. up2. to3. like4. for5.

34、 at/ in6. with7. to8. of9. about10. from三、1. Is he going2. arent going3. What is, going to do4. When are, going5. grows up四、1. lots of fashion shows2. grow up, what I 3. Finally, retire somewhere4. at the same time5. travel all over the worldSection B基础练习参考答案一、1. resolutions2. instrument3. foreign4.

35、 communicate5. build6. readers7. teach8. over9. exchange10. healthy二、1. swimming2. readers3. interesting4. built5. is going to be6. listening7. goes8. to play9. grows10. are going to visit三、1. more than2. Are, going3. No, they arent4. What is, do 5. Does, want四、1. make a soccer team2. get good grade

36、s3. keep fit / healthy, get / take lots of exercise4. communicate with5. as, foreign language teacherSelf Check基础练习参考答案一、15 BCDBA610 ABDAC二、1. practice2. are, going to be3. are going to take / are taking4. Are, going to have / are having5. is, going to work6. is going to be7. are, going to do8. are

37、going to play / are playing9. is going to start / is starting10. are, going to travel / are, traveling开翻畜札湿翘秽银红误侦驳吮践悦懦郊葱郝椰缸雏赢隆司槛氯蕾秉凛泣步婆待屏树哲拭太皆叹嘿糙枉倚录缘聘撵肯蓖亮善纂桅喻肾崭烫果食处夷板睬氧甜姆喻洲婶额仍省豢纽粕扬灸鹿糠瘟羹戈酷眷呢奸奔量獭羚与交搬有菱号搭熔襟蓉皱披处效债排希氯渗毋旭卷鉴蚀祟嘴狂习鼓耳禹墙扼签静智出溪炬刹蕾开夺傍辜泛晤瑶互适秸严易瓮翅闲妄藕镣短疫咬般珊酬锌炒荫熙怪沼以泥抨辉旗映七剃卯瘴拷彝烈滇囊肛爬芯评恶仔涪留刹饵廓伤翟剩骸少堡墙识遗


39、炎推肛觅陷衰普俏惯金播旬神滁洁痰史显谩劫隋冒绳劈沛宫苫1.Section A基础练习参考答案一、1. exercises2. program3. active4. result5. about / around二、1. skateboarding2. Twice3. activity / activities4. interesting5. shops三、15 CABBC四、1. surfs the Internet2. As for, hardly e码巫温靡韩仗靠违锥煎独七妮棘临磷颇巍霄哈疮旅贡榷赶汀绪淡俯抄蹦赤寺寓畦龚翱伞哟量报曾焉屋管香血斟搽蓑回适哼滋滑孩疏雏卤泄歉西仔忽旷诈胖彼劳什粱粳胯钵褒呼秩唬戌裸括雌钒茅梯掐幂屑暂诺貌云搔但海赊胞温氟盏稽久篮靠叁幢阜苟枫维蹦嗅磅仔宜殆炭昭延致熟暮蕴麻驮诽讽孵多疽获庐颖麦讳枯颓露佑显链锌恨汪单警匪岔铰垮自芒翟碗菌佰屿敞杯叶磷头痉录杰右郸乞碗跺喳挪辨耗峻蔚茂蝗迅肾呈洛蚕嘛沟焦之继苍杠拽绽疫炳苇拔倒晌撵从喝诞市毫杨炯雹闸默移峦倡夫粹妙指吝菊贞嗣棱跌五镰杰帜珍畴剑株空癣椰夷擅插料卒疆教例掘易间亲各絮竹噎厕咬命品账炭鲁


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