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1、Unit 4,Whats the best movie theater?,Unit 4,Whats the best movie theater?,Section B (1a-1e),funniest most creative quietest best,Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.,1a,most creative,quietest,best,funniest,Which group speaks the most quickly?,My sister is the funniest

2、person I know.,_ is the _ person I know.,Tell your partner about the people you know like this:,A: Are you a quiet student in your class? B:Yes, I am./No I dont think so. A: Are you the quietest student in your class?/ Who is the quietest student in your class? B: .,most creative most boring quietes

3、t loudest best worst,Interview your classmates. Use the words in 1a.,A school talent show,Eliza _ Vera _ Steve _ Dennis _ The Math Teachers _,1c,Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers.,a,e,d,b,c,drop the balls,He acts with a dog. Maybe he is a fun

4、ny act.,upside down,worst,loudest,excellent great,funniest,most creative,Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear.,1d,What are the key words(关键信息)?,Eliza was best, she was,Our school had a school talent show. I thought Eliza was the be

5、st because she is an excellent piano player. I thought,Steve and his dog-funniest, couldnt stop Vera-most creative, upside down Dennis-worst, kept dropping The math teachers-loudest,Retell(复述) in your own words.,谁会是“记忆之王”呢?来挑战一下吧!,A,B,C,Sing or dance in front of the class. Other students evaluate(评价

6、): He/She is the funniest performer. ,Say three sentences to tell the class about famous performers like this: Zhou Xingchi is the funniest performer. He ,Make a short conversation about the school talent show like 1e,当堂检测,一 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1 Mary is _(quiet) of the three. 2 I think he is a _(create) actor. 3 Sun cinema is the _(good) in town. 二 翻译。 1 谁是最滑稽的表演者? Who was the _ _. 2 她是我所知道的最严肃的人 She is the _ _ person I know.,the quietest,creative,best,funniest,performer,most,serious,Thank you!,


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