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1、O Canada O Canada! Our home and native land! 啊!加拿大 !我们的家园和祖国。 True patriot love in all thy(your) sons command. 您的儿女对您无限忠诚, With glowing hearts we see thee (you) rise, 仰望您的崛起,我们无比自豪。 The True North strong and free! 真正强大的北疆,自由而富强。 From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee(you). 啊!加拿大 !在您

2、的周围,我们守卫着。 God keep our land glorious and free! 愿上帝保佑您永远自由和辉煌! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee(you). O Canada, we stand on guard for thee(you).,Unit 5 Canada“The True North”,Maple Country - Canada,Where is Canada located(位于)?,Arctic ocean,location,Canada is in northern North America.,Pacific oc

3、ean,Atlantic ocean,太平洋,大西洋,北冰洋,In Canada, people from many cultures live together.,Canada is a _ country.,multicultural,What else do you know about Canada?,Now lets have a quiz and see how much you know about Canada.,Quiz(小测试),B.,1. Which is the national flag(国旗) of Canada?,A.,C.,D.,2. What language

4、(s) do Canadians speak? A. English. B. English and German. C. English and French. D. English and Spanish.,3. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver (温哥华) Toronto (多伦多) C. D. Calgary (卡尔加里) Ottawa (渥太华),the biggest city,the warmest and most beautiful city,the industrial center(工业中心),4. What i

5、s the national animal(国宝) of Canada? B. Beaver (海狸) Grizzly bear (灰熊) C. D. Polar bear (北极熊) Penguin(企鹅),5. What is the leader of the country called? President (总统) Prime Minister (总理;首相) Queen (女王) D. Chairman (主席),加拿大总理-斯蒂芬哈珀 (Stephen Harper),6. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada? A. 4. B. 3

6、. C. 5. D. 6.,How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada?,the five great lakes,密歇根湖,7. Canada is the _ largest country in the world. A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth,8. How large is it? A. 9.98 million km(square kilometers) B. 9.60 million km C. 9.96 million km D. 9.68 million km,9.How many pro

7、vinces(省) are there in Canada? A. 13 B. 10 C. 14 D. 23,A TRIP ON “ THE TRUE NORTH”,Reading,Pre-reading,Predict: What does “The True North” refer to(指代) in the text?,It is a name for_,the cross-Canada train,1. It is the name of a train. 2. Canada is located in the northern North America. 3. It is nam

8、ed after(以命名) a line from the Canadian National Anthem.,“The True North”,Skimming(略读) for main idea and structure,Main idea,1.Whats the text mainly about?,The passage is about a _of two girls , and it tells us some information about_.,trip,Canada,2. What is “The True North”? “The True North” is the_

9、 that runs through_,train,Canada.,Structure,Fill the blanks and do the match,Part 1 para(s)_ Part 2 para(s)_ Part 3 para(s)_,What they really saw and felt after boarding the train brief introduction of their trip Their chat on their way to the station,1,2,3-5,Scanning(寻读) for best answers and true s

10、tatement,1.How did they get to their destination (目的地)? A. By plane . B. By train . C. By water . D. By plane and by train .,Choose the best answer,2.Which of the following is described as the most beautiful city in Canada? A. Vancouver B. Calgary C. Toronto D. Montreal,3.What does the word “slightl

11、y” (Line 3 ,Para4) in the text mean? A.a bit B.a lot C.greatly D.lightly,4. Canadas greatest natural resources are _. A. water and much of it is in _.,busy port,Great Lakes,one third of,the Great Lakes,Para 5 :the last stop:,Toronto,Summary(总结) of basic information of Canada,Scenery (风景),coast,coast

12、,slightly,within,acres,fresh,General impression(印象) of Canada,Group discussion,What words will you use to describe Canada? And why ?,large beautiful empty multicultural,Homework,Write a short passage to introduce Canada. 2. Translate following sentences.,Translation,1. The thought that _(他们要横贯整个大陆) was exciting. 2. Some people have the idea that_ _(他们能在不到五天的时间里穿越加拿大). 3.They forget the fact that_ (加拿大从东海岸到西海岸共有5500公里) 4. The girls were surprised at the fact that_ _(巨大的油轮可以开到五大湖).,Thank you.,


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