九年级英语上册 Module 4 Home alone单元练习题(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc

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1、 Module 4 单元练习题单项选择1. He was _tired _he fell asleep as soon as he lay down A .too; to B. so; that C. enough; to D. such; that2. My grandma didnt go to sleep _I got back home A. where B. until C. as soon as D. while3._Lei Feng is no longer living, his spirit lives on today. A. If B. When C. Although

2、D. Because4. He was _angry to hear the news that he couldnt say a word. A. so B. too C. very D. so much5. Sally did it _Kylie could avoid problem with her parent. A. because B. so that C. such that D. as6. -Im sorry you cant come with us, Betty -_. A. So do I B. So am I C. So can I D. So will I7. We

3、 _all passengers for Train T27 to Lhasa _immediately to Platform 2 A. advise; to go B. advise; go C. order; go D. make; to go8. There wont be _ to wake you up in the morning. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D. anybody9. I can look after myself, _it wont be easy for me. A. but B. because C. althou

4、gh D. so10. -thats my train! But I havent given you our address in Lhasa -Send me a text message._!A.I will call you B. Have a good trip C. Here you are D. Have a good sleep11. Tonys dog was missing. But _weeks later it came back by itself. A. a little B. little C. few D. a couple of12 I became so b

5、ored with their orders that I wished they would _me _. A. leave; alone B. left ;lonely C. leave; lonely D. leaf; alone13. Well, my wish _!How happy I was. A. came out B. come true C. came true D. came in 14.When my parents came home, they _find that I could cook and tidy up now. A. were happy to B.

6、are lucky to C. were happy D. are lucky15.I found myself so bad _ simple cooking tasks A. in B. on C. at D. about阅读理解ADid you watch the 2012 London Olympic Games? If you did, you must know a person who changed mens swimming history of China and set a new world record for us. Yes, thats Sun Yang who

7、gave us lots of surprise by winning two Olympic gold medals in swimming.Sun Yang became the first Chinese male swimmer to earn a gold medal as he won the 400m freestyle with an Olympic record in London on July 28th, 2012.It is the first gold medal that a Chinese swimmer has ever won in the Olympic h

8、istory. All of the Chinese are proud of him. He is the hero of the whole China.Sun Yang was born on December 1st, 1991 in Zhejiang. He is 198cm tall and 89kg in weight. Sun Yangs hobbies are singing and reading. Sun Yang loved sports when he was very young. He kept training hard every day and that i

9、s why he has made such great achievements.Now nearly every Chinese knows him. When he goes anywhere, he must be followed by his fans, which makes his life less convenient and difficult, but he is very rich. So do you want to be a person like him? 16. Where were the Olympic Games held in 2012? A. Lon

10、don. B. Beijing. C. Athens. D. Sydney. 17. How many gold medals did Sun Yang win? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 18. What does Sun Yang probably do in his free time? A. Swimming and running. B. Singing and reading. C. Playing chess and skating. D. Playing football and basketball. B You have lear

11、ned about energy. Do you know that HEAT is a form of ENERGY? Yep, this form of energy acts on everything. And, were going to look at a few experiments to learn how this form of energy acts and why we need to know all about it.The heat energy of something is decided by how active its atoms(原子)and mol

12、ecules(分子)are. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are excited and show rapid movement. A cooler objects molecules and atoms will be less excited and show less movement. When these guys are in the excited state, they take up a lot of space because theyre moving around so fast. When the ato

13、ms and molecules settle down, or cool down, they take up less space.If a HOT high-energy atom comes into contact with a cool low-energy atom, the excited atom will loose some of its energy to the cool atom. The two atoms will reach an energy level thats between where they each started out. That leve

14、l is called Thermal Equilibrium. Experiment: If you have a cup of really hot chocolate and want to cool it down, you may put an ice cube in the cup. After the ice has completely melted (disappeared), the hot chocolate and the melted ice have come to Thermal Equilibrium.Now that you have an idea of w

15、hat heat is, lets look at some of the effects of this form of energy. Heres another experiment. Blow up a balloon, but not all the way. Put the balloon in a refrigerator for about an hour, then take it out. Did it become smaller? Why? It became smaller because the air molecules inside the balloon sl

16、owed down and are taking up less space. Now put the balloon in direct sunlight. What happened after it warmed up? Why?From the above experiment, we learned a very important factheat causes things to “grow”. We call this Thermal Expansion. If things “grow” when heated, what do you think happens to th

17、em when they get cold?If you get a chance to check out some railroad tracks, notice the gaps or separations between the rails. (Dont get run over by a train!) Thermal expansion and contraction is why those gaps are placed there that way, and why expansion joints are placed in long highway bridges. Y

18、ouve probably felt expansion joints on old concrete highways. Remember the “thumpthump” sound as you rode over them?19. How many experiments are mentioned in the passage? A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.20. What is Thermal Equilibrium?A. The fact that hot atoms loose some energy to cool atoms when t

19、hey meet.B. The fact that there are always the gaps or separations between the rails.C. The fact that heat causes things to increase in size.D. The fact that heat is another form of energy. 21. Why is the first paragraph written?A. To explain what heat energy is.B. To sort energy forms for readers.C

20、. To give examples of heat energy. D. To tell readers what to read here. 22. What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. Why thermal expansion is on the tracks and highways.B. How to check railroad tracks and concrete highways.C. Why railroads and highways are built that way.D. How to remember the “

21、thumpthump” sound.翻译句子23. 这双鞋太小了,没法穿。能给我买双新的吗? This pair of shoes _. Can you buy a new pair for me?24. 赢得学生们的心对老师们来说是很重要的。 _ the hearts of students.25. 养成良好的学习习惯是重要的。 _ good learning habits.26. 李刚帮妈妈做完家务才做作业。 Li Gang _ the housework.27.这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。The box is _I cant carry it.28. 我每天大约花费一小时做作业。It_ my homework every day.29. 对于老师来说, 帮助学生学会学习的方法是很重要的。 _ the methods of study.6


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