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1、主讲人:、导语名扁所专格是指名词后加-S 或用of来表示所有关系。主要形式1: S类所有格(有生命的)2: of所有格(无生命的)3:双重所有格4:特殊所有格1:类所有格(有生命的)a、单数名词后加eg;Maryvs pencil my sisters watch 玛丽的铅笔我妹妹的手表b、复数名词以s结尾的名词后加 eg: Teachers Day 教师节c复数名词不以s结尾的名词后加t egsChildrens Day儿童节Womens Day妇女节1v若两人共有某物,用A and BVSegsMrs.King is Lucy and Lilyvs motherucy 和 Li ly堇妈妈

2、2、若两人分别拥有某物用A9 and BfsegsThese are Lucyvs and Lilyvs beds.障龙十八嚓名词单数共享有,名词复数分别有,注:Lily and Lucjs roomLily and Lucy的房间(两人共有的房间)Liiys and Lucs roomsLils and Lucy的房间(两人各自的房间 )。a photo rf my family)eg:张我的全家福照片a map of China张中国地图the legs of the desk书桌的腿the name of the cat 猫的名字the music of the movie 电影的音乐t

3、he light of the bike 自行车的灯3双重所有格指名词所有格或名词性物主代词+of构成的所有格,即of +名词所有格” O *1、.of +单数名词 eg: a friend of my fathers我父亲的一个朋友2、名词性物主代词eg:a friend of mine我的一个朋友必须表示人.不能表示事物a friend of my wife9s (我妻子的一个 朋友)a novel of the writers (那位作者的部小说)注:该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的双重所有格与Of所有格的区别Ieg: a picture of Marys玛丽(所拥有)的一张照片a pi

4、cture of Mary玛丽的一张照片4特殊所有格to表“-的”e.g : 1 v门的钥匙the key to the door2、问题的答案the answer to the question3、去公园的路the way to the park表示路程或时间的所有格走路二十分钟的路程:20 一 minute walk = 20minutesrwalk 骑车10分钟的路程:10-minute ride = 10 minutes7 ride 三十天的假日:30-day holiday = 30 daysr holiday(C)4 What isname?his teachersB. her t

5、eachersC. his teachersD. her teachers9(fZ. The man in brown isfather.Lucy*s andLils B. Lucy*s and LilyC. Lucy and Lily*s D. Lucy and L siy,Tom. Is this your pen?= c isn9t. I think ifs B. Sorry; Jacl D. Sorry; JaMk(d3- 一一No, it iA. Excuse me; JackC. Excuse me; Jack9sdesks.(A)4. These areA. IMIike9s and JohiVsB. Mike and JohrfsC. Mike9s and JohnD. Mike and John(C) 5.cell phone number is13836798452. MaryB. Mary is C. MaryasThank you


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