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1、被动语态1. The PRC(fou nd) in 1949.2. Edis on s mother(save) after the operati on.3.1(tell) the good n ews yesterday. I was pleased to hear that.4. Dr. Beth une went on with the operati on though he(ask) to leave.5. Very little(know) about the uni verse thousa nds of years ago.6. Where is Peter?He(tell)

2、 to meet some foreig n frie nds just now.7. He(live) in this house since it(build).8. Trees must(put) in the hole so that it is straight.9. Old people must(speak) to politely.10. Let s(go) home if your homework(do).11. Miss Zhao usually(ask) us some questi ons in class but yesterday she(ask) a lot o

3、f questio ns by us.12. Tom(catch) a bad cold. He(must take) good care of.13. Look! I(buy) a new dicti on ary.Whenit(buy)? The day before yesterday.14. I can t mend the machine. Uncle Wang should(send) for at once.15. He showed me the kite as soon as it(make).16. this ki nd of flower(water) every day

4、?Certai nl y. It(n eed) much more water tha n the others.17. Which does Li Lei prefer, the long jump or the high jump?Of course, the high jump. He (know) to be good at it.18. Sometimes Tom (take) to school by bike, but now he (walk) to schoolby himself every morning.19. No more bread (need) because

5、my mother (buy) so much of it.20. Stamps can (use) to send and receive letters.21. My bike (not work) now. It must (mend). I (use) ittomorrow.22. Your shoes (wear) out. But they can (mend) here.被动语态专项练习将下列句子变成被动语态(A)1. They produce silk in Suzhou.2. We take good care of our textbooks.3. Many young p

6、eople don t speak Russian.4. Do you ofte n make lanterns for the traditi onal Lantern Festival in China?.5. His mother gave him a prese nt for his birthday.6. They did n t choose me this term_.7. I ofte n hear him sing in his room.8. The story made us laugh.9. We are going to build a school in the s

7、mall village.10. Whe n will you held the match?.11. We should plant many trees on the mountai ns.12. His mother told him not to waste time on fish ing.13. Father gave me a toy at Christmas. .23. They should do it at on ce.24. I have n t charged the battery for a couple of mon ths.25. He has publishe

8、d many books. .26. The old man must water the flower once a week.把下列句子变成被动语态(B)14. We found some jewels in a box.15. The teacher is keep ing the pupils at school for a revisi on.16. James has left a parcel for you.17. You must finish the article before Friday.18. They will not paint the house aga in

9、 n ext year.19. They promised Mary a new doll for her birthday.20. I have told the children many times not to skate on the pond.21. Where did he tran slate the story?22. We had to repair our TV set.23. Do they take good care of the sick?24. They compa ny has paid the workers very han dsome wages.25.

10、 They showed me the room where they lived.单项填空:()1 Now these magazinesin the library for a long time.A. have kept B. are keep ing C. have bee n keep ing D. have bee n kept()2 The potforhot water.A. used; keep ing B. was used; keep ing C. is used; to keep D. are used; keep()3 Teain the south of Chi n

11、a. A. grows B. is grow n C. were grow n D. will grow()4 The bridgestwo years ago.A. is built B. built C. were built D. was built()5 Wet clothes are ofte nup n ear a fire in rainy weather.A. hang B. han ged C. hanging D. hung()6. The river smells terrible. People mustdirty things into it.A. be stoppe

12、d to throw B. be stopped from throwi ngC. stop to throw D. stop from throw ing()7. The teapotwater. A. is filled with B. filled of C. fulli ng of D. filled()8. Old people must be looked after well andpolitely.A. speak to B. spoke n C. speak D. spoke n to()9. Newly-born babiesin hospital.A. are take

13、n good care B. are take n good care of C. take good care of D. take good care()10. They wereat the sudde n no ise. A. frighte ning B. frighte ned C. frighte n D. frighte ns()11.These wallsstone.A. are made of B. made of C. are made into D. made into()12 Janeto sing us an America n song last Saturday

14、.A. called B. was asked C. told D. was said()13. The papersto them.A. were show n B. show C. show n / D. have show n()14.The coather sister. A. made to B. were made for C. was made for D. was made to()15.1five minu tes to decide whether I should go or not.A. gave B. was giv ing C. had give n D. was

15、give n()16. The teacher made himhis homework. A. to do B. do C. did D. done()17.The boystreets without pay in the old days.A. was made to clea n B. made clea n C. made to clea n D. was made clea n()18. These childrendan ce. A. were see n to B. were see n for C. were see n D. saw to()19.These stonesw

16、ell. A. are fitted B. fit C. fits D. is fitted()20. The bike500 yua n.A. was cost B. costed C. cost D. is costed()21. The importa nt meet ingon a cold morni ng last year.A. washad B. was held C. held D. had()22 Great changesin the past ten years in China.A. took place B. have take n place C. were ta

17、k ing place D. had take n place()23. You cant use the computer, it.A. was broke n dow n B. is wrong C. is bad D. has broke n dow n()24. The Peoples Republic of Chinaon October 1, 1949.A. found B. was foun ded C. is foun ded D. was found()25. En glishin Can ada. A. speaks B. are spoke n C. is speak i

18、ng D. is spoke n()26. Our room mustclea n.A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep()27. -Id like to buy that coat.-Im sorry. A. it sold B. its selli ng C. Its bee n sold D. it had bee n sold()28. A new houseat the corner of the road.A. is buildi ng B. is being built C. bee n built D. be buildi ng

19、()29. The keyon the table whe n I leave. A. was left B. will be left C. is left D. has bee n left()30. Doctorsin every part of the world.A. n eed B. are n eed ing C. are n eeded D. will n eed()31. His new bookn ext mon th.A. will be published B. is publish ing C. is being published D. has bee n publ

20、ished()32the watch bee n repaired yet? I badly n eed it. A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are()33. Whyto talk about it yesterday?A. did nt a meet ing hold B. was nt a meeti ng held C. was nt held a meet ing D. a meet ing was nt held()34. The flowersoften.A. must be water B. must be watered C. must watered D.

21、 must water()35. The books mayfor two weeks. A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep D. borrow()36. The broken bikehere by Mr Smith.A. can mend B. can men ded C. can be mend D. can be men ded()37. The playat the theatre n ext Sun day.A. is going to be show n B. will show nC. will show D. is show n()38. Gr

22、eat changesin our country duri ng the past 20 years. A. have happe ned B. happe nedC.have bee n happe ned D. were happe ned()39. The watch has ofte ndow n.A. sat B. lain C. broke n D. fell()40. What timethe doorevery day?A. does; closed B. does; close C. is; closed D. /; close()41. Can hehimself?A.

23、get dress B. get dressed C. gets dressed D. in stead of ()42. He fell from his bike and.A. is hurt B. gets hurt C. got hurt D. hurt()43 Look out, please keep away from the fire, or your trousers will_A. bur nt B. bur n C. bur ning D. get bur n()44 .The applevery sweet. A. is tasted B. taste -C. tast

24、es D. are tast ing()45.Youmore beautiful in the light blue shirt. A. see B. watch C. look D. look at()46. What you said. like a good idea. A. heard B. liste ned C. sound D. soun ded()47. -What do you think of the TV play? -Wo nderful. It is wortha sec ond time.A. watch ing B. watched C. see n D. see

25、 ing()48.How dirty the tables are! They need. A. to clea n B. clea n C. clea ning D. clea ned()49.The book is worth. A. see ing B. read ing C. see n D. read用所给的动词的被动语态填空27. Many thousands of trees(plant) every year.28. -What a nice picture?-Tha nk you. It(draw) on my 15th birthday.29. This is Teds p

26、hoto. We miss him a lot. He(kill)when trying to save a child in the earthquake.30. The medici ne(must keep) in cool, clea n and dry places.31. The lost boy(find) this morni ng.32. When and where to build the new factory(not decide) yet.33. Why has nt anything(do) to make the river clea n?34. A no th

27、er new road(build) here next year.35. Mor than 100 lives(save) by the doctor since he bagan to work.36. Please wait a minute. Your bike(mend) now.26. Happy faces here and there on the eve of the Spring Festival . (can see)27. The little girl felt afraid because she by herself . (leave)28. You more k

28、no wledge if you study hard eno ugh . (teach)29. He told me that his book the next week . (finish)30. More and more green fruit and vegetables in the market now . (sell)31. A: Have all the stude nts known that our class will visit the factory this after noon ?B: Yes. Every student about it . (tell)3

29、2.Some new bridgesby the workers in our citysince last year .(build)33.Theold manwas quiteweakafter the accident , so hegood careof.(must take )34.Thestude ntsare oftenaskedto finishtheir homeworkin class bytheteacher . (do)35.Theworkersare oftenmadefor twelve hours aday by MissGreen . (work)II .用所给

30、动词的适当时态和语态填空。1.The child is happy because he(sell) out all the n ewspapers2 .The pla n(give) up because of storm.4 .Whereyou(be) these days?5 .-Where is Tom?-He(go) to the teacher s office. He said he(come) back soon.6. The last busust(leave) when they(get) to the bus stop.7. I(be) afraid Mr Johnson

31、(not visit) out school tomorrow.8. I(lost) my bike .you(see) it any where?9. the doctor(send) for last night?10 . Would you like to (take) to the park by your father?.11 . Some childre n(take ) good care by the nu rse.12 . Some new houses(build) by the villagers themselves.13 . What Ian guage(speak)

32、 in Ca nada?14 . He said he(stay) here for ano ther two days.15 . The doctor said Jim must(operate ) on at on ce.16 . - “the bridge(repair) yet? -“ Yes, the ” workersalready(repair) it.17 . The big tree(blow)dow n in the storm last ni ght.18 . Lucy said she(visit) the school the n ext mon th.19 . I(wait) un til he comes back.20 . The Great Wall(know) all over the world.21 . the film(show) many times since last Sun day?22 . the street lights usually(turn) on at seve n in summer eve ning?5


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