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1、初高中英语衔接测试题一 填空题(共 25小题,每小题 1分,满分 25分)A) 根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,将答案写在右边横线上。1. There are two dialogues in the(twelve) less on.2. One of his(tooth) is bad. So it s hard for him to eat things.3. They climbed up Mount Qomolon gma(success) in May, 20034. “ Turn down the radio. It s too(noise),” said Mother

2、.5. We have(little) rain this year than last year.6. The children often go(swim) in the river in summer.7. Allan was very(care) yesterday and broke one of his legs.8. This time she finished her homework all by(her).9. Our headmaster is showing some(visit) from the U. S. around our school.10. Tom was

3、 too excited(fall) asleep.11. The PRC(found) on October l, 1949.12. Mrs. Black was always busy(wash) clothes when I saw her.13. You cannot cross the street until the light(turn) green.14. Do you know the girl(call) Alice?15. -Why don t you go to the cinema with us?-Because I(see) the film.B) 根据句子意思及

4、汉语提示,写出所缺的单词,将答案写在右边横线上。16. The( 人口 ) of our city is over nine million.17. Deng Xiaoping is( 被认为 )as one of the greatest men in the history of China.18. Beijing is the( 首都 ) of our country.19. Books on scienee are( 有帮助的 )to young people.20. His grandmother has been( 死)for five years.C) 选出一个与划线部分意思相同

5、或相近的选项,将序号填在方框内。21. Have you heard from your un cle?A. received a letter fromB. got n ews fromC. heard aboutD. heard the voice of22. We enjoyed ourselves at the party yesterday.A. played ourselvesB. drank ourselves C. had a good time D. looked after23. Be careful! A car is coming near.A. Look upB. l

6、ook outC. look forD. Look at24. Her father joined the Party last year.A. en teredB. came into C. became a member of D. took part in25. They reached New York the day before yesterday.A. gotB. get toC. arrived inD. passed二、选择填空(共2 0小题,每小题1分,满分2 0分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。26. -Will you pass me tod

7、ays newspaper? -.A. Yes, please B. Here you are C. You are welcome D. Not at all27. I have never readinteresting book before.A. so aB. such aC. so anD. such ah28. -Dinner isn t ready yet.-Howwill it be ready?A. soonB. l ongC. muchD. ofte n29. The SmithsChina for three years.A. have come B. have bee

8、n to C. have bee n in D. have come to30. - I ve got a n ew dicti on ary.-How much did youit?A. buyB. spe ndC. pay forD. cost31. -May I speak to Mr. Brown? -.A. No, you cant B. Im sorry, he is outC. Im Miss Gao D. Y es, I am32. I think maths isdifficult than English.A. veryB. muchC. asD. much more33.

9、 Your mother is sleeping. Youd better.A . not wake up herB. not to wake up herC. not wake her upD. not to bake her up34. You will finduseful to leann even a little English.A. itB. it was C. thatD. this35. Shan ghai isthe largest cities in the world.A. betwee nB. among C. ofD. in36. -Will you show me

10、 the photo of your family?-OK. I llit here tomorrow.A. takeB. bring C. carryD. catch37. Yesterday I was just to go outsome one teleph oned me.A. whe nB. while C. asD. that38. All the boys were very tired, butof them would take a rest.A. allB. n either C. anyD. none39. fine weather it is!A. WhatB. Ho

11、wC. What aD. How a40. He spoke very fast and verypeople understood what he said.A. littleB. a little C. fewD. a few41. The heavy snow stopped them the village.A. from leaveB. from left C. from leav ingD. leave42. The songsthe Beetles sang were very popular.A. whichB. who.C. whomD. whose43. Do you st

12、ill rememberat the meeting?A. that Jim saidB. what Jim saidC. did Jim said thatD. what did Jim said44. -Must I leave right now?-No, you.A. may notB. cantC. must ntD. n eed n t45. I liked to play football whe n I was young.A. So he was B. So was he C. So did he D. So he did三、句型转换(共5小题,每空1分,满分10分)改写下列

13、句子,使其原句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。46.My father isn t a history teacher. My mother isn t a history teacher, either.my fathermy mothera history teacher.47. They could see icebergs here and there.They could see icebergs48. The film began half an hour ago.The film has bee nhalf an hour.1049. No matter what you do, I

14、 am able to help you.you do, I can help you.50. The runner fell beh ind the others though he did what he could.The runnerto keep up with the others though hehis四、情景交际(共2 0小题,每小题1分,满分2 0分)A)从题右A - E五个选项中,选出能与下列句子正确匹配的答语。A. No, not eve n once.51. Would you like to have someth ing to eat?52. Have you b

15、een abroad?B. Thank you. Very delicious.53. Whats your trouble, young man?C. Of course not. Here you are.54. Would you mind lending me your dicti on ary?D. No, tha nks. I m not hungry.E. I ve got a headache.55. Help yourself to some chicke n.B)根据对话内容,从对话后的方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。Mike: Which do you prefer, ar

16、t or music?Kate: I prefer music to art. I think music is more interesting than art.Mike: Really? (56)Art is more in terest ing tha n music. (57)I prefer art to music.Kate: No. Music is much more popular. (58)Mike: But I have to say you dont sing well. I m afraid n obody likes to liste n to you whe n

17、you sing.Kate: But you draw badly. (59)They both make our life moreMum: Oh, childre n, stop talki ng like that, please. (60) in teresti ng.A. They are both importa nt.B. You can see n ice art everywhere.C. It can be heard every day. D. I can t agree with you.E. No one enjoys your pictures.C) 根据对话内容,

18、在下面横线上写出对话中所缺的单词,使对话完整、合乎情景。A: Where did you go this morning, Mrs. Green?B: I (61)shopping.A: Did you (62)anything?B: No, I bought (63). There were too many people in the shop. My daughter got(64).A: Really? Have you (65)her?B: Y es, I have. I really (66)shopp ing.A: You re right.t see herB: In the

19、shop my daughter moved faster tha nme. A few mi nu tes later, I could nany (67). She was lost.A: Were you (68)?B: Of course. She was still (69)when I found her. She said she would not go shopping(70) .五、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从文后各题的四个选项中选出最佳答案。Why do we count things in group of ten? The reaso

20、n ( 原因)is that we have ten fin gers. Long(71) , whe n people had to count a lot of thin gs, they matched them aga inst their(72) . First they coun ted out eno ugh objects to match the fin gers of (73)and the n putthem (74)in one group. (75)there were more tha n ten, they formed more groups. Wecan ca

21、ll our numbers“ two-handed ” numbers, because they developed from the (76)thatpeople coun ted things on two (77).Some people had “ (78)nu mbers ” too,. Because there are five fin gers on one hand,they coun ted things out in groups of five. It was (79)by Roma ns (罗马人 )who lived inItaly over 2000 year

22、s ago. We call their (80)nu mbers Roma n nu merals and we usethemeve n today .In Roma n nu merals,“I ” sta nds for one, and “ V ” sta nds for five. Six, theRoma ns wrote “ VI ”.(82)people coun ted objects in groups of 12. We (83)use the 12-in-on e-groupsystem(系统 )for telling time with a clock. We co

23、unt the (84)from one to twelve andthe n start (85)one aga in.71. A. timeB. agoC. beforeD. time before72. A. numbersB. ha ndsC. fin dersD. feet73. A. all handsB. both hands C. each handD. either hand74. A. up75. A. IfB. dow nB. AsC. awayC. BecauseD. asideD.Fi nally76. A. ideaB. ruleC. factD.reas on77

24、. A. waysB. meansC. groupsD.hands78. A. on e-ha ndB. two-ha ndedC. ten-in-allD. half79. A. discoveredB. madeC. takenD. used80. A. oldB. writte nC. coun ti ngD. on e-to-te n81. A. Cou ntB. Coun ti ngC. To countD. In order to write82. A. FewB. Ma nyC. SometimesD. Very often83. A. stillB. seldomC. used

25、 toD. have stopped to84. A. nu mbersB. hoursC. mi nu tesD. time85. A. withB. byC. outD.them六、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分3 0分)(A )Dear sir,Just over six mon ths ago, I saw an advertiseme nt in a morning n ewspaper for a set of the complete works ( 全集)of William Shakespeare. Your company offered this set at a

26、 low price: 15 pounds and 50 pen ce. I had wan ted a set of Shakespeares plays and poems or some time, so I sent for them.books andTwo weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the works of Charles Dicke ns which I had not wan ted. So I returned the Dicke ns books to you. Two more weeks

27、 passed. The n there arrived a sec ond set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of Dicke nsthe plays of Moliere, i n Fren ch. I do not read Fren ch, and they were not useful at all, so I wroteto you.You did not an swer that letter. I nstead you sent me a bill for 42 pounds and a set of the play

28、s ofSchiller, in German. I have no room for any more books, and I have no time to read them all.Please send no more books, no more bills and no more angry letters for payme nt. Just send one large truck and take all the books away, leav ing me only with the one set of the works of Shakespeare for wh

29、ich I have paid.Y ours,Simon Walker根据书信内容,判断下列各句正(T)误(F )。86. The advertisement in the morning newspaper was for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare.87. Mr. Walker wan ted to order Dicke ns books.88. Two weeks later, he got the works of Schiller.89. The compa ny wan ted Simon to pay f

30、or all the books.90. Mr. Walker told them to take away all the forks except Shakespeares books.(B )CATVCATV is a short way saying“ community antenna 公用天线()television”. But“ cabletelevisi on” is the n amoste people use. Cable televisi on allo ws viewers( 观众)to receiveTVprograms that they can not pick

31、 up with their ordinary antenna.Television signals ( 信号)do not follow the curve( 曲线 )of the earth. They travel in straight lines in all directions. Signals from a TV station move towards the horizon(水平线 )and then gointo space. If you live only a few miles from a TV stati on, you may get a good pictu

32、re on your set.But if you live more tha n 50 miles from a stati on, you may not get any pictured at all.CATV began in 1948. People in places far from TV stations had to pay for putting up high antenn as. A com mun ity antenna was usually placed on a hill, a moun tai n or on a high tower. The antenna

33、 picked up TV signals and fed them into a small local( 当地的 )station. From the station, thick wires called cable ran out to n earby homes. Each pers on using the cable paid a mon thly charge(费用).CATV worked well, and soon new uses were found for it. Local statio ns could feed programs into empty cha

34、nn els that were not in use. People along the cable could have local n ews, weather report, and farm and school n ews at no extra charge.Toddy, cable televisi on has moved into cities. It bri ngs in extra programs that city viewerswith ordinary antenna can not see. It is also used in many classrooms

35、 throughout the coun try.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。91. From the first paragraph we know that.A. most people use cable televisi onB. “ community antenna ” is used for cable televisionC. a community antenna is used for cable televisionD. an ordinary antenna can not pick up TV programs92. Of the following, which i

36、s not the way TV signals travel?A. I n a curve.B. I n a straight line.C. In all directi ons.D. Towards the horiz on.93. Cable TV is beco ming more and more popular because.A. it is free of chargeB. it provides all TV users good picturesC. it only n eeds a bit of cableD. it can provide more programs9

37、4. On the whole, this passage is about.A. how to put up high antennasB. a way of pick ing up better TV programsC. how to use the empty cha nn els on your TV setD. the way that TV sig nals are sent95. From the passage we can infer ( 推测)that.A. TV has beg un to be used for educatio nal purpose( 目的)B.

38、viewers can receive more TV programs with their ordinary antennasC. cable TV can not be used in small tow nsD. antennas for cable TV are usually put up in the cen ter of a com mun ity(C )Fin ders Keepers?Mel Kiser was driv ing along a busy highway in Columbus, Ohio. He saw an armored truck (运钞车 )and

39、 a few cars ahead of him. Suddenly the doors of the armored truck opened, and a blue plastic bag fell out of the truck. A car in front of Mr. Kiser hit the bag. The bag ripped (撕破)andmoney spilled out. Then ano ther bag fell out of the truck, and ano ther. Money was flying everywhere.At first, drive

40、rs thought the gree n papers on the highway were leaves. Then they realizedthat the gree n papers were not leaves they were mon ey! Drivers stopped their cars right in the middle of the highway. People jumped out of their cars and bega n pick ing up mon ey. They were putt ing ten-, twenty-, and on e

41、-h un dred-dollar bills into their pockets. One man said,“ Mon ey,mon ey, mon ey! Its all free! Grab some while you can!”Mr. Kiser also got out of his car. He grabbed a plastic bag of mon ey, put the bag in his car,and drove away.Later Mr. Kiser coun ted the mon ey. He had $57,000. For the n ext two

42、 hours Mr. Kiser thought about the mon ey. He dreamed about spe nding it. He n eeded a new furn ace(火炉 )for his house.He wan ted to take a vacatio n in Florida. But he decided to return the mon ey. He drove to the police statio n and gave the police the $57,000.The armored truck compa ny offered 10

43、perce nt reward, so Mr. Kiser got a reward of 5,700. A few more people returned money and got rewards, but over one million dollars were still missing.Then a man teleph oned the armored truck compa ny and aid,“ I was, driv ing along thehighway whe n I saw the mon ey. People were running everywhere.

44、I had a camera in my carand I took some pictures. W ould you like the pictures?”“ Yes! ” answered the company. The company gave the pictures to the police. The policelooked closely at the pictures. They looked at the cars, the license plates, and the peoples faces.They tried to find the people who h

45、ad tak en the mon ey, but they did n t have much luck.I took twoOne man teleph oned a Columbus n ewspaper. The man did not give his n ame.bags of mon ey, ” he said.“ I m going to take the money and leave Columbus. I have eno ugh moneyfor the rest of my life.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。96. Mel Kiser was driving a

46、long a busy highway when he saw.A. a truck hit a blue plastic bagB. three blue plastic bags fell out of the truck one after anotherC. a car hit the truck ahead of himD. some one was flyi ng money97. The drivers stopped sudde nly in the middle of the highway because.A. there was a traffic accident ahead of them.B. they did n t believe the gree n papers were moneyC. they had grabbed some mon ey.D. they wan ted to pick up money98. Mel Kiser n eeded a furn ace, so probably.A. he was an hon est manB. drivers liked fur nacesC. the weather is sometimes cold in Ohio D. it was easy to make mone


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