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1、初中英语听说能力测试题1(本测试共三大题,满分40分)一、模仿朗读(共 8分)听以下短文一遍,给你50秒钟的时间准备,然后模仿朗读。当听到 “开始录音”的信号后,立即在 50秒钟内朗读短文,当听到要求“停止录音”的信号时,应立即中止朗读。Can you imagine living without arms and legs?That s Nick . sHefewas born disabled, but hen ever gives up. Though he has to face all kinds of problems and troubles in his life, he de

2、als with them bravely. He tries his best to overcome all the difficulties. He lear ned to type, surf, play golfand so on. Now he has become a famous speaker. He travels all over the world to encourage people with his true story.二、信息获取(20分)第一节听选信息(2 X 6=12)听三段对话或独白,每段播放两遍。各段播放前你有十秒钟的阅题时间。各段播放后有两个问题。请

3、根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示,选择正确的信息在8秒钟内口头回答。听第一段对话,回答第1-2两个问题。现在你有十秒钟的阅题时间W: Are you ready for school, Jimmy?M: Y es, Mom. I have put all the books for today in my bag.W: What classes do you have today?M: We have maths and Chin ese in the morning, scie nee and En glish in the after noon.W: Remember to take you

4、r pia no less on in the eve ning, dear.1. What is the boy ready for?(school / En glish less on / pia no less on)参考答案:For school.He is ready for school.He s ready for school.The boy is ready for school.The boy is gett ing ready for school.2. Whe n does the boy have a scie nee class?(in the morning /

5、in the after noon / in the eve ning)参考答案:In the after noon.The boy has a scie nee class in the afternoon.He has a scie nee class in the after noon.The boy scie nee class is in the after noon.His scie nee class is in the after noon.听第二段对话,回答第3-4两个问题。现在你有十秒钟的阅题时间。M: Lily, are you check ing QQ messages

6、 on the cell phone? Is this your cell phone?W: No, it not mine. Helen is doing her hair now, so I can use hers for a while.M: Look, somebody is sending you a picture.W: Let me see. Oh, it my cous in. He is sending me pictures from Shan ghai.M: Wow, look at the picture. It hse famous basketball playe

7、r Yao Ming!W: Yes, but it not the real Yao Ming. It just a paper model of him.3. Whose cell pho ne is it?(Lily / Helen / Lily cousin )参考答案:Helen .It is Helen cell phone.It Helen cell phone.The cell phone is Hele n.4. What in the picture that Lily cousin sent from Shanghai?(a basketball / a sports pl

8、ayer / a paper model)参考答案:A paper model of Yao Ming.In the picture is a paper model of Yao Ming.In the picture we can see paper model of Yao Ming.听第三段对话,回答第5-6两个问题。现在你有十秒钟的阅题时间。W: Welcome, Lee-Hom! Have a seat, please.M: Thank you for in vit ing me to the show aga in .It has bee n two years since I

9、came here last time. I really miss you guys!W: We miss you, too. What are you busy with these days?M: Well, I have been working on five new songs over a year. Something different this time.W: Someth ing differe nt? Could you please tell us the differe nee?M: Well, I got married last year. And now my

10、 songs are more about marriage and family love.5. How long has the man bee n work ing on his new son gs?(over two years / over five years / over one year)参考答案:Over tha n one year.Over tha n a year.More tha n one year.More tha n one a year.The man has bee n work ing on his new songs for over one year

11、.The man has bee n work ing on his new songs for over a year.The man has bee n work ing on his new songs for more tha n one year. The man has bee n work ing on his new songs for more tha n a year. He has bee n work ing on his new songs for over one year.He has bee n work ing on his new songs for ove

12、r a year.He has bee n work ing on his new songs for more tha n one year.He has bee n work ing on his new songs for more tha n a year.6. What is the talk mainly about?(differeneeof the man snew songs / time the man got married / number of the man newson gs)参考答案:Difference in the man nesw songs.The ta

13、lk is mainly about the differenee in the man nesw songs.The talk is about the differenee in the man nesw songs.It is mainly about the differenee in the man Fesw songs.It is about the differenee in the ma n nsew songs.The talk is mainly about the differenee betweenthe man nesw songs and his old ones.

14、The talk is about the differenee betweenthe man Fesw songs and his old ones.It is mainly about the differenee betweenthe man Fesw songs and his old ones.It is about the differenee between the man Fesw songs and his old ones.第二节回答问题(2X 4=8)听下面一段对话或独白,录音播放两遍。请根据所听内容回答第7-10四个问题。当听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在 6秒钟内口头回

15、答。Hi, every one. We re now in front of the South Gate of the zoo. Please follow me. Wellgothe Panda House first. It s just over there. Look! The pan das are eati ng bamboo now. How eutethey are! You can take photos of them. After fiftee n minu tes, we ll leave for the Lio n House.Lionsare the kings

16、of the animai world. Theyvery dan gererous and you should never go near them.We ll stay in the Lion House for ten minutes. After visiting the lions, wethe Worl dollfgo toBirds. The birds there can sing beautiful son gs.现在你有十五秒钟的时间阅读这四个问题。7. What are the pan das doing now?参考答案:Eati ng bamboo.They are

17、 eati ng bamboo now.They are eat ing bamboo.They re eati ng bamb ono ow.They re eat ing bamboo.The pan das are eati ng bamboo now.The pan das are eati ng bamboo.8. How soon will the visitors leave for the Lion House?参考答案:In fifteen minutes.After fifteen minutes.The visitors will leave for the Lion H

18、ouse in fifteen minutes.They will leave for the Lion House in fifteen minutes.9. Why should n th e tvisitors go n ear the lio ns?参考答案:The lio ns are dan gerous.They are dan gerous.Because the lions are dan gerous.Because they are dan gerous.re dan gerous.The visitors shouldn t go near the lions beca

19、use theyThe lio ns are dan gerous so no one should go n ear them.Because it is dan gerous to go n ear the lio ns.Because it s dangerous to go near the lions.10. What can the birds do?参考答案:Sing.The birds can sing.They can sing.The birds can sing beautiful son gs.They can sing beautiful son gs.The bir

20、ds can sing beautifully.They can sing beautifully.三、信息转述及询问(12分)第一节信息转述(8分)你将听到 David分享他学习英语的经验,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择思内容。下面请听录音两遍I mDavid. I was not good at liste ning and speak ing in En glish in the beg inning. I could n follow every word while liste ning. When I spoke, I always spoke slowly, becaus

21、e I wan ted to avoid making wrong senten ces. I tur ned to my teacher for suggestio ns. She said I should try to un dersta nd the main idea while liste nin g, i nstead of un dersta nding every word. For speak ing, she advised me not to be afraid of making mistakes. I followed her suggesti ons. Now m

22、y En glish has improved a lot, though I still have trouble understanding somespeakers wo.rldsi never give up.I work harder and make greater progress.现在,你有 15秒钟的时间殲维导图listening (couldn follow every word/ fcould n follow every senten ce)David problemsTeacher suggestionsin the future (work harder / giv

23、e up)speaking (spoke too slowly / spoke too fast)listening (try to understand every word / try to un dersta nd the main idea)speaking (not to be afraid of making sentences / not to be afraid of making mistakes)F面你有 50秒钟的时间准备。你的介绍可以样:David had problems in参考范文1:David had problems in English listening

24、and speaking in the past. He couldn fotllow everyword while listening and he always spoke too slowly. He asked his teacher for suggestions. Theteacher told him to try to un dersta nd the main idea but not every word in liste ning She also toldhim not to be afraid of mak ing mistakes in speak in g. I

25、n the future, David will work harder to make greater progress.参考范文 2:t follow every每个问David had problems in liste ning and speak ing whilelear ning En glish. He could nword the other people said. And he spoke slowly so as to avoid mistakes. His teacher gave him some suggesti ons. He was told to get

26、the main idea whe n he liste ned in stead of every word. He was also told not to be afraid of making mistakes when he spoke. David will never give up. He is trying to make greater progress.第二节询问信息 (4分)你希望了解更多关于David学习英语的情况,请根据以下提示向他提两个问题。题有十五秒钟的准备时间和八秒钟的提问时间。请你准备第一个问题。11. 你喜欢听英语歌曲吗?参考答案:Do you like liste ning to En glish son gs?Do you enjoy liste ning to En glish son gs?Are you fond of listening to English songs?请你准备第二个问题。12. 你多久练习一次英语口语?参考答案:How ofte n do you practice speak ing En glish?How ofte n do you practice your spoke n En glish?How ofte n do you practice your oral En glish?


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