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1、Could I have some tomatoes?,Lession10,当你去商店、市场时,服务员会问你:,你想买什么?,Can I help you?,What would you like?,当你去餐馆时,服务生会问你:,What would you like to eat?,你想吃点什么?,顾客回答,Would /could I have some? Id like some I want some.,I would,可以,我想要点.,我 要些.吗?,potato,cabbage,carrot,tamato,Chinese cabbage,词汇,potato pteitu土豆,马铃薯

2、 tomato tma:tu 西红柿,番茄 carrot krt 胡萝卜 cabbage kbid 洋白菜 Chinese cabbage 大白菜,could kud 可以,行 half ha:f 半,一半 film film 电影 eye ai 眼睛 else els 别的,其他的 cinema sinim 电影院 ticket tikit 票,券 want想要,名词复数变化规则,1.一般变复数直接加s 如cat cats dog dogs 2.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的单词,变复数加es 如 bus buses box boxes watch watches wish wishes 3.以

3、y结尾的单词变复数 当y前面是辅音字母时,去y变i加es. 如story stories babybabies 当y前面是元音字母时,直接加s. 如boy boys key keys 4.potato,tomato变复数后面加es potato potatoes tomato tomatoes photo photos 以O结尾的名词,有生命的加es,无生命的加s,清音浊化 在/s/之后的清辅音,要把它浊化为相对应的浊辅音。 story/stOri/-/sdOri/,练习,1.I have some (book/books/bookes) 2.I want some (potatoes/pot

4、atos) 3.Could I have some (tomatos/tomatoes) 4.They are (boys/boyes/boies) 5.I have some (boxes/boxs) 6.Look at my (photos/photoes),books,patatoes,tomatoes,boys,boxes,potatoes,重点句,Could/Would I have some tomatoes? 我可以要些西红柿吗? Id like some potatoes. 我想要些土豆。 What else do you want? 你还想要什么? I want some t

5、omatoes,too. 我还想要些西红柿。,want想要,1.want+some+物品 2.want+to+动作 我想要做某事 我想要买土豆 I want some potatoes. I want to buy some potaotoes,口语练习,在餐馆,顾客:,服务生:,欢迎光临,你想来点什么?,我想来杯咖啡(coffee),服务生:,你想来点西红柿吗?,顾客:,不,谢谢。,我可以要些土豆吗?,欢迎光临,你想来点什么? 我想来杯咖啡(coffee) 那你想来点吃的吗? 好的,我想一块牛排(steak). 好,请稍等,欢迎光临,你想来点什么?-Welcome , what would

6、you like? 我想来杯咖啡(coffee) I would like a coffee. 那你想来点吃的吗?-What would you like to eat? 好的,我想一块牛排(steak).-ok, I would like steak. 好,请稍等 ok, please wait a moment.,口语答案,练习,1.I want some _(potatoes potatos) _(can do) I help you ? 2.He wants to buy some tomatoes, and I want to buy some carrots,_ (too else) 3.What _(else too) do you want?,单词会读、会默写 课文会读,会背 围绕本单元的场景的重点句会造句 单元的场景能对话,


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