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1、-WOR格式-试题-范文范例-指导案例1:01:31洛基一把博士带走As soon as Loki took the doctor,我们就把简?福斯特转移了we moved Jane Foster.特罗姆瑟有一个很好的天文台Theyve got an excellent observatory in Troms.昨天突然有人叫她去做顾问She was asked to consult there very suddenly yester day.可观的薪酬私人飞机非常偏僻Handsome fee, private plane, very remote.她会安全的Shell be safe.谢谢

2、Thank you.洛基抓走艾瑞克?塞尔维格并不是意外Its no accident, Loki taking Erik Selvig.我怕他完事后会灭口I dread what he plans for him once hes done.艾瑞克是个好人Erik is a good man.他常谈起你He talks about you a lot.你改变了他的生活You changed his life.你改变了周围的一切You changed everything around here.可以说他们很好They were better as they were.我们假装在阿斯加德神域高人

3、一等We pretend on Asgard that were more advanced但是我们来到这儿的时候像比指鹬一样作战but we come here, battling like bilge snipe.像什么?-俾施泰姆Like what? - Bilge snipe.你知道巨大有鳞的长着鹿角的怪物You know, huge, scaly, big antlers.地球上没有那些?-You dont have those?没有吧-I dont think so.好吧他们令人厌恶Well, they are repulsive.他们无恶不作毁灭一切And they trampl

4、e everything in their path.我第一次来地球的时候洛基的愤怒也跟着我When I first came to Earth, Lokis rage followed me here,人类付出了代价and your people paid the price.现在又开始了And now, again.我年轻时英勇好战In my youth, I courted war.战争还没打响呢War hasnt started yet.你能逼洛基说出You think you could make Loki tell us宇宙魔方在哪儿吗?where the Tesseract is

5、?我不知道 洛基的思想难以捉摸I do not know. Lokis mind is far afield.他不仅渴望权力还想报复我Its not just power he craves, its vengeance, upon me.任何磨难都不能让他低头Theres no pain would prise his need from him.许多家伙遭受折磨后A lot of guys think that都不这么想了until the pain starts.你叫我做什么?What are you asking me to do?我想问你你准备做什么?rm asking, what

6、are you prepared to do?洛基是个囚犯Loki is a prisoner.那为什么我觉得他是这艘航母上Then why do I feel like hes the only person on thi s boat唯一想留下来的人呢?that wants to be here?还没有多少人可以偷偷接近我Theres not many people who can sneak up on me.可你想到了我会来But you figured rd come.来早了After.在弗瑞想方设法折磨我之后After whatever tortures Fury can conc

7、oct,你才会出现假情假意来安慰我you would appear as a friend, as a balm.我也会跟你合作的And I would cooperate.我想知道你对鹰眼侠做了什么I want to know what youve done to Agent Barton.我扩展了他的思想I would say r ve expanded his mind.一旦你赢了And once youve won,一旦你称王了once youre king of the mountain,他的心智会怎样?what happens to his mind?这就是爱吗黑寡妇?Is thi

8、s love, Agent Romanoff?小孩子才谈情说爱我欠他一个人情Love is for children. I owe him a debt.跟我说说Tell me.在我进神盾局之前我Before I worked for S.H.I.E.L.DI嗯我之前已经小有名气Well, I made a name for myself.我会特定的技能组合I have a very specific skill set.我不在乎谁为此丧命I didnt care who I used it for, or on.我被神盾局的雷达跟踪了I got on SHIELDS radar in a b

9、ad way.鹰眼侠被派来杀我Agent Barton was sent to kill me.他放了我He made a different call.如果我放了他你会怎么做?And what will you do if I vow to spare him?我不会放你出去的Not let you out.我知道但我喜欢这样No, but I like this.你们的世界悬而未定你却在为了一个男人讨价还价Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man.1:05:05Regimes fall every day.I tend n

10、ot to weep over that. Im Russian.Or I was.And what are you now?Its really not that complicated.I got red in my ledger, Id like to wipe it out.Can you?Can you wipe out that much red ?Dreykovs daughter,St Paulo,the hospital fire?Barton told me everything.Your ledger is dripping. Its gushing redand you

11、 think saving a man no more virtuous than yo urselfwill change anything?This is the basest sentimentality.This is a child at prayer.Pathetic!You lie and killin the service of liars and killers.You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors.But they are par

12、t of you.And they will never go awayI wont touch barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly, intimately,in every way he knows you fear.And then hell wake just long enough to see his goo d workand when he screams, I II split his skull. This is my bargain, you mewling quim. Youre a monster.Oh, no.You brought the monster.So, Banner.Thats your play.What?Loki means to unleash the Hulk.Keep Banner in the lab. Im on my way Send Thor as well.Thank youfor your cooperation.-专业文档-可编辑-指导学习-


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