情态动词 (2).ppt

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《情态动词 (2).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《情态动词 (2).ppt(63页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、情态动词,本身有一定的意义,但不能独立作谓语。 只能和主要动词一起构成谓语。表示说话人的语气和情态。 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。 情态动词后必须跟动词原形。,1. can 的基本意思是“能,会,可以(表示能力)” = be able to 你会游泳吗? Can you swim ? = Are you able to swim ? 2.可能会(表示可能性) 如果温度低,水会变成冰。 Water can be turned into ice when it is cold enough .,表示客观可能性,常用于疑问句 和否定句中。 他会去哪里呢? Where can he have gone

2、? 这不可能会是真的。 It cant be true .,2. cannot but + v. 不得不,不会不,必然 他不得不同意。 He cannot but agree. 她不得不大声说话。 She cannot but talk loudly .,3. (表示许可或请求)可以: 你不可以在人行道上停车。 You cant park on the pavement . 我可以问你一个问题吗? Can I ask you a question ?,* 一些关于can的特别短语 1. can but +v. 表示只得 我只得做我的作业。 I can but do my homework .,

3、can 和 be able to,can 只有现在式和过去式, be able to 而可以用于各种时态,can 表示能力时,可以用be able to 替换。,I can (= am able to ) pay for the book . 我买得起那本书。 He will be able to tell you the news soon . 他很快就能告诉你消息。 She has been able to come to school . 她已经能去学校。,could 可以用来代替can, 表示语气较为委婉 。 Could you get up a bit earlier tomorro

4、w ? 你明天起来早一点好吗? Could you wait a few days for the money ? 等几天付钱行吗?,考题精选,1.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard , _ ? (天津) A. did he B. couldnt he C. didnt he D. could he 2. These days we have spent as much time as we _ over our lessons . (山东烟台) A. could going B.could to go C. went D.co

5、uld go,考题精选,Henry _ be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now . (天津) A. mustnt B. isnt able to C.may not D.cant,考题精选,Class 3 won the football match ! _ it be true ? (广东) A. May B. Must C.Will D.Can 2.TV and radio programmes _ the other side of the world with the help of the satellites .

6、 (重庆) A. can send to B. can send on C.can be sent to D. can be sent on,考题精选,1.The room is big enough . It _ hold 120 people . (广西南宁) A. can B. must be C. need D. have to 2. - Will you stay for lunch ? - Sorry , _ .My brother is coming to see me . A. I mustnt B. I cant C. I neednt D. I wont,may 1 、表示

7、请求、许可 You may stay here till 6oclock. 你可以在这儿呆到6点。 表示征求对方许可。 May I use your pen ? -Yes, you may . -No, you mustnt. (或No, youd better not.),may 的疑问句以及回答: May I take this seat ? -Yes , you may . Sure . - No , you may not . 还可以有下列方式: Yes , of course . Yes , certainly . No , you mustnt . (具有强烈禁止的意思) No,

8、you cant . (口语中经常采用这一句型),may (might) can (could) + 完成式表示 must 对过去可能发生事情 的猜测。 He may (might) have read the book .,The road is wet ,it must have rained last night . There isnt any water on the road . It cant have rained last night .,may ,might , must用在肯定句中: 主语 +may ,might , must + be + 动词-ing He must

9、be sleeping 他现在肯定在睡觉。,may表示祝愿: May you be happy !,2、可能性、或许 (谈论可能性、表示推测现在或将来的可能性,一般用于肯定句) Tomorrow I may go shopping . The news may be true . He might be our new teacher . might 在表示推测时, 不表示时态,只是说 明可能性比may还要小。,可以用might I 代替 May I ?使语更加委婉。 - Excuse me , might I borrow your bike ? - Yes , you may .,考题精选

10、,1.- I hear youve got a set of Australian stamps ._ I have a look ? - Yes , certainly . A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should 2. - Excuse me ,Will you please tell me the way to the nearest hotel ? - Sorry , Im a stranger here . You_ask the policeman over there. A. must B. should C.would D.may,must (1)表示命令

11、,译为“必须”“应该” You must finish your homework on time . Its very late , I must go home now .,(2)表示推测,“必定”、“一定” 只能用于肯定句中,其可能性 比更大。 He is badly ill , he must be in hospital .,(3)用于否定句中,表示“禁止”。 You mustnt smoke here . 由must提问的句子的否定 回答多用neednt . - Must I (we)start now ? - No, you neednt .,You mustnt throw r

12、ubbish everywhere. You must put rubbish into the dustbin.,He mustnt play crazily.Im very bored. He must play sweetly.,You mustnt fish here.,You mustnt ride your motor bicycle to school.,You mustnt be angry with the dogs.or they will bite you. You must be friendly to them.,We mustnt play with fire .,

13、考题精选,Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic lights change to red .(上海) A. can B. may C. must D. need,考题精选,To make our hometown more beautiful , you _ throw rubbish everywhere. A. neent B. mustnt C. must D. may (江苏南通市),考题精选,-_ I come back before five? -No, you _ . But you _ be back later than

14、seven . A. Need ; must ; mustnt B. May; mustnt ; cant C. Can; cant; cant D. Must ; neednt; cant (山东烟台),It _ be Henry . He _ to the reading-room . cant ;has been cant ; has gone mustnt ; has been cant ; had been,考题精选,情态动词 行为动词 need,need v .,need to do sth.,1) 作行为动词用 ,有动词的多种形式.,Everyone needs to rest

15、sometimes .,Does everyone need to rest sometimes ?,They dont need to come , do they ?,We need to practice speaking English , dont we ?,He said he needed our help .,1. need 作为情态动词仅用于否定句和疑问句 中肯定句如表示将来一般用 will shall have to,Need he go at once ? Yes , he must . ( No, he neednt . ) 当然, 在答语中可以说: Yes , he

16、has to . No, he doesnt have to.,dont doesnt didnt need to dont doesnt didnt have to,2 need 后接动名词 , 主动表被动含义 need to do /need doing -需要做某事 The car needs repairing. Or:The car needs to be repaired.,You neednt borrow it from him .,You dont have to borrow it from him .,You dont need to borrow it from him

17、 .,Need you go there , too ?,Must you go there , too ?,Do you need to go there , too ?,Do you have to go there , too ?,I neednt tell you about it . You neednt return it before Friday . They dont need to bring warm clothes . Do you need to go home now ? Does he need to hand in his paper ? They didnt

18、need to do it yesterday . She doesnt have to look after the cat everyday .,同义句转换:,改为反意疑问句 :,( 注意比较 ),1.We need to do more practice , _ we ? 2. I neednt show her the map , _ I ? 3. She needs to come , _ she ? 4. They neednt clean them now , _ they? 5. You must wash you face now , _ you ? 6. She must

19、be Annes friend , _ she ? 7. They needed to do it yesterday , _ they? Tom neednt go shopping now , _ he ? Sue neednt go this week , _ she ? I dont have to come early , _ I ?,dont,need,doesnt,need,mustnt,isnt,didnt,need,need,do,must 和have to的用法区别 must表示说话人的主观看法。 have to表示客观的需要,意 思是“不得不”。 第三人称单数用has t

20、o 过去式用had to 将来时用will have to,- Can you go swimming with us this afternoon ? - Sorry , I cant .I _ look after my sick mother . A. can B. may C.would D. have to,考题精选,情态动词- should,should = ought to,应当; 应该,1. You should study harder .,2. You should not be so careless .,shouldnt,你不应该这样粗心大意 。,( tell sb.

21、what is the right thing to do .),1.Its dirty here . You _ not sit here . A. may B.can C.will D. should 2.The boy _ answer his kind of hard question one year ago . A. can B. may C. could D. must,_ we finish the homework now?” “Yes, we_.” A. Must, need B. Must, neednt C. Need, must D. Mustnt , need 2.

22、 “Must Peter clean the classroom after class?” “No, he _.” A. cant B. may C. needn D. mustnt,1. I _ come so early. A. need not to B. do not need C. not need to D. dont need to,2.“Mary, _ I return the dictionary to you tomorrow?” “No, you _. You _ keep it for a week.” A. Need, may not, can B. May, ne

23、ednt, can C. Must, neednt, may D. Must, mustnt, must,1. “Need I come this afternoon?” “No, you _.” A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. may not 2.Time is up. They _ stop answering their questions. A. need B. can C. may D. have to,1.She is the best one, I think she _ win the first prize. A. should B. must

24、C. may D. need 2.The driver _ obey the rules and drive carefully. A. can B. may C. had to D. must,He used to be a history teacher . 他过去是位历史老师。,used to,句中“used to +动词原形”这一结构 表示过去的习惯动作。即过去经常反复发生的动作或状态,现在这种习惯动作不再发生,这种状态不复存在。,He used to play basket when he was young .他年轻时时常打篮球。,. He used to smoke , but

25、now he has stopped . 他过去经常吸烟,但现在他已经戒烟了。,used to 只有过去时态 将其用于否定句 和疑问句时,可以像用普通情态动词 一样用,也可以借助动词did去构成疑 问式或否定式 used not to do sth. Used you to stay up late ? 你过去常熬夜吗?,There usednt to be any trees here, used did there ? 过去这儿没有树,是吗? Did he use to smoke a lot ? 过去他抽烟多吗?,dare 作为情态动词,主要用于疑问句 否定句 条件句或感叹句,表示“敢,

26、胆敢”的意思. 1. I dare not swim across the river 20 meters wide . 2. Dare you tell the truth to the manager ? 3.,How dare you ! Get out immediately!,1。我对他说明天我将要去看他。 1.I told him that I _ see him the next day. 2.你睡觉之前应该刷牙。 2. You _ brush your teeth before _. You _ _ brush your teeth before _. 3. 我们应该为我们的祖

27、国而感到骄傲。 3. We should _ proud _ our motherland. 3. We _ _ be proud _ our motherland.,should,should sleeping,ought to sleeping,be of,ought to of,Choose the best answer 1 -Must we finish the work before five? -No , you_.You can do it tomorrow mustnt b may not c cant d neednt 2 -Must I get up so early,M

28、um? -No, you_ cant b may not c mustnt d neednt 3 -Shall I tell John about it? -No , you_. Ive told him already. neednt b. wouldnt c mustnt d shouldnt,d,d,a,考题精选,-Where s Mr lee ?I have something unusual to tell him. -You _ find him . He _ Japan. (2003 黑龙江) may not ; has gone to may not ; has been to

29、 cant ; has gone to cant ; has been to,考题精选,- Finish drawing a horse in 5 minutes, OK ? - Sorry . It _ in such a short time . A. may do B. cant be done C. must do D. neednt be done,- Who is the man over there ? Is it Mr Li ? - No, it _ be him . Mr Li is much taller . A mustnt B. may not C. cant D. n

30、eednt (2003河北),Class 1 won the football match! _ it be true ? (2002年 广东) May B. Must C. Will D. Can,1.- SARS is such a terrible disease . - Yes , it is . We _ be more careful. (2003 浙江嘉兴) A. can B. may C. must D. need 2. To make our city more beautiful , rubbish_ into the river . A. neednt be throw

31、B. cant throw C. may not throw D. must not be thrown,1。我对他说明天我将要去看他。 1.I told him that I _ see him the next day. 2.你睡觉之前应该刷牙。 2. You _ brush your teeth before _. You _ _ brush your teeth before _. 3. 我们应该为我们的祖国而感到骄傲。 3. We should _ proud _ our motherland. 3. We _ _ be proud _ our motherland.,should,Should sleeping,ought to sleeping,be of,ought to of,Thank you !,Goodbye,


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