八U1P4 Unit 1 Period 4 Section B 2a-2d .doc

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1、古城九年制学校“六环节”教学模式导学案科目:英语 年级: 八 设计教师: 编号: 课题Unit 1 Period 4 Section B 2a-2d教研组长审核总课时6分课时4学生姓名课型阅读课备课时间上课时间学习目标1、知识目标:New words, activity, decide, try, paragliding, feel like, bird, bicycle, building, trader, wonder, difference, top, wait, umbrella, wet, because of, below, enough, hungry.2、技能目标:能读懂短文大

2、意,并能完成相对应的问题。学习重点掌握短文大意二次备课学生笔记学习难点提升学生的阅读水平教法TBLT、展示引导学法Reading Cooperation1、 巩固旧知 检测预习(4分钟)学习拼读第五面的新单词。二、明确目标 自主学习(8分钟)阅读2b中的日记,判断正误。 1.Jane arrived in Penang in Malaysia with her friend. ( )2. Jane went to the beach near their hotel. ( )3. Jane and her family ate Malaysian green noodles for lunch

3、. ( )4. Jane went to Georgetown by bike. ( )5. Jane didnt enjoy walking around the town. ( )6. Jane and her father walked up to the top of Penang Hill. ( )7. It rained on Tuesday. ( )8. Jane was very hungry. So she ate a big dinner. ( )三、小组交流 合作研学(10分钟)任务一:Discuss the questions with your partner.1.

4、What do people usually do on vacation? 2. What activities do you find enjoyable?任务二:快速阅读两篇日记,回答下面问题。Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday?任务三:再细读日记,回答下列问题。1. Where did Jane go on vacation?2. When did she go?3. Who did Jane go with?4. What did she do there?5. What did she eat for

5、 lunch on Monday? How was the food?6. What was the weather like on Tuesday?7. How did Jane and her father arrive at the top of Penang Hill?8. What did they see on the top?9. Why did they only have one bowl of rice and some fish? How was the food?四、质疑问难 探究学习(8分钟)2C Read Janes diary entries again. Fil

6、l in the chart.Things Jane did or sawDid she like it?(Yes/No)Why or why not?tried paraglidingThey were delicious.Walked around GeorgetownWent to Penang HillIt tasted great because she was hungry.五、达标检测 拓展延伸(8分钟) 2d Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the dia

7、ry entries.Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane: I to Penang in .Anna: Who you go with?Jane: I went with my .Anna: What did you do?Jane: The weather was hot and on Monday, so we went on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we bicycles to Georgetown.Anna: Sounds great!Jane: Well,

8、but the next day was not as good. My and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather really bad and rainy. We a long time for the train and we were and cold because we forgot to bring an .Anna: Oh, on!Jane: And thats not all! We also didnt bring money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.六、分层作业 安排预习(2分钟)作业:抄写Janes diary entries并读熟预习:2e自主反思


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