六年级阅读 Barking Dogs don’t Bite.doc

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1、Barking Dogs dont BiteLast Sunday Mr. Black went to visit his friend Mr. Green. When he came up to his friends house, a big black dog ran out and began to bark at him.Mr. Black was frightened and stopped. At that moment Mr. Green came out and saw his friend.“Dont be afraid!” he said. “Dont you know

2、the proverb Barking dogs dont bite?”“Oh, yes.” Mr. Black answered, “I know the proverb, and you know the proverb. Does the dog know the proverb?”Note:ran out:跑出来(ran是run的过去式)bark: (狗或狐狸等)吠;叫be afraid: 害怕proverb:格言;谚语 一,选择。( ) 1. What colour is the dog?A. Its black. B. Its yellow. C. Its white.( ) 2.

3、 The story happened_.A. last Monday B. last Sunday C. last Saturday( ) 3. Who has a dog?A. Mr. Green B. Mr. Black C. We dont know.二,判断(T F)1. Mr. Green visited Mr. Black last Sunday. ( )2. Mr. Black visited Mr. Green last Saturday. ( 2, I have Got No MoneyIt was very hot last Wednesday. A big, stron

4、g man went into a bar, sat down, called the waiter, “Give me a bottle of beer before the trouble starts.”The waiter was busy with other people, so he did not say anything, but he gave the man a bottle of beer, the man drank it quickly. Then he called the waiter again, “Give me another one before the

5、 trouble starts.” Again the waiter was too busy to say anything, so he gave the man another beer. The man drank it, too.Then again he called the waiter, “One more bottle of beer before the trouble starts!” this time the waiter was not very busy, so when he brought the man his third bottle of beer, h

6、e said to him, “What troubles are you talking about?” the man shouted, “I have got no money.”Note:trouble: 麻烦shout: 喊叫一,选择。( ) 1. The story happened _.A. last Monday. B. last Wednesday. C. last Saturday.( ) 2. Whats the man look like?A. He is short and fat. B. He is big and thin. C. He is big and st

7、rong.( ) 3. The waiter did not say anything because_.A. he was very busy with other people.B. he was afraid of the big strong man. C. he cant speak.( ) 4. What was the “troubles”?A. The man had got no money. B. The man was ill. C. The man was mad.二,判断。(T F)1. The big strong man was very poor. ( )2.

8、It was very hot on that day. ( )3. The waiter was afraid of the big strong man. ( )3, I Looked Everywhere for itSusan worked in an office and she usually went out and had lunch in a restaurant. She likes foreign food and often looked in the newspaper for the new restaurant.One day, she saw the name

9、of a new restaurant in the newspaper and she went there for lunch. It was very small but it was clean and nice, the food was good, too. But Susan found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button. “Look here, waiter!” she said, “Ive found this button in my food.” “Thank you, thank

10、you!” the waiter answered happily, “I looked everywhere for it.”Note:button: 扣子一,选择。( ) 1. Where did Susan work? A. She worked in a hospital.B. She worked in a school. C. She worked in an office.( ) 2. Susan likes _.A. fast food B. foreign food( ) 3. Susan often looked in the newspaper for_.A. the n

11、ew restaurant B. the new bookstore C. the new shops( ) 4. What did Susan find in her food?A. A button B. A pin C. A bug二,判断。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)1. Susan often went out and had lunch in KFC. ( )2. Susan likes foreign food. ( )3. The small restaurant was not clean. ( ) 4, TVMany people like to watch TV.

12、Watching TV is one of the most important activities (活动)of the day. TV brings the outside world to the people. Some people say the world is smaller than before, because of TV.Whats going on in the other countries? How do people live in the other places far away? Is there a sport game? If you want to

13、 answer these and the other kind of questions, just turn on the TV and watch it. You can see a lot and learn a lot. People can also learn on the radio. But with TV you can learn better and more easily. Because you can hear and watch, TV helps us to open our eyes. TV also gives us some new ideas.Note

14、:smaller: small 的比较级because of: 因为 一,选择。( ) 1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of _.A. TV B. radio C. newspaper( ) 2. With TV we can learn better and more easily than radio because _.A. we can hear B. we can watch C. we can hear and watch( ) 3. _ the TV and you can learn a l

15、ot.A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Turn over( ) 4. Many people like to _.A. watch TV B. see TV C. look at TV( ) 5. _ brings outside world to the people.A. TV B. Radio C. Newspaper二,判断。(T F)1. Watching TV is the only important thing of a day. ( )2. Because of TV, some people say the world is bigger than be

16、fore. ( )5,You are LateMr. Mike works in a big company. His wife stays at home every day. But she is terrible. She asks her husband to give her all the money every month. So mostly Mr. Mikes pocket is empty.One day, Mr. Mike was in a shop. There were a lot of people in it. Suddenly he felt someone t

17、ouching him. A man wanted to put his hand into Mikes pocket. He wanted to find Mr. Mikes wallet. Mr. Mike turned around and said to the man, “Sorry, you are late. All money is in my wifes pocket now. She is earlier than you.”Note:terrible: 可怕的mostly: 大部分empty: 空的wallet: 钱夹一,选择。( ) 1. Mr. Mike works

18、in a big_.A. school B. company C. shop D. factory( ) 2. His wife stays _ every day.A. in a shop B. at school C. at home D. in a park( ) 3. Mostly Mr. Mikes pocket is _.A. empty B. full C. big D. small( ) 4. A man wants to find Mr. Mikes _.A. tie B. book C. telephone D. wallet( ) 5. All money is in _

19、 pocket.A. Mrs. Mikes B. that mans C. Mr. Mikes D. the thiefs二,判断。(T F)1. Mr. Mike gives all the money to his wife every month. ( )2. Mr. Mike saw a thief on the bus. ( )3. There were few people in the shop. ( )4. The thief wanted to steal Mr. Mikes wallet. ( )5. All money was in Mr. Mikes pocket. (

20、 ) 6, A Special ClassThis is a special class. All the students in this class work on different things. The students are learning about plants and they are growing flowers in a greenhouse. Look! Some students are planting new trees. Other students are planting the bushes outside of the greenhouse. Th

21、e buses are small now. the students also build a new greenhouse because the old one is not good. Next week, their parents are going to visit the new greenhouse.Note:special: 特殊的;特别的greenhouse: 花房;温室;暖房bush: 灌木visit: 访问一,选择。( ) 1. “ This is a special class.” 中的 “special” 意思为:_.A. 普通的B. 特别的C. 有趣的D. 枯燥

22、的( ) 2. The students are learning about _.A. jumping B. eating C. planting D. swimming( ) 3. Some students _ planting new trees.A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 4. The students build a new _.A. greenhouse B. school C. park D. library( ) 5. Their _ are going too visit the new greenhouse.A. neighbours B. parents C. mother D. father二,判断。( T F )1. All students work on the same things. ( )2. The students are growing flowers in the greenhouse. ( )3. The students build a new school. ( )4. Their parents will visit the new greenhouse. ( )


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