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1、,Unit 4 Reading I The earth is becoming warmerbut does it matter?,Fast reading,1. What is the main topic of the article? Global warming. 2.What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article? Dr Janice Foster, Charles Keeling, George Hambley.,Careful reading,Para 1 3 1.Who wrote the

2、magazine article? What is the name of the magazine? 2.Why is the earth becoming warmer? 3. What are greenhouse gases? 4.Whats greenhouse effect?,1.Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine? Sophie Armstrong Earth Care 2.Why is the earth becoming warmer? It is human activity th

3、at has caused this global warming.,3. What are greenhouse gases? Some byproducts of the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy are called greenhouse gases. 4.Whats greenhouse effect? It is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane a

4、nd water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.,Para 4 5 Who found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977? What has resulted in the increase in carbon dioxide?,1. Who found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977?A. Dr.

5、 Janice Foster. B. Charles Keeling.C. George Hambley. D. Sophie Armstrong.,B, ,2. What has resulted in the increase in carbon dioxide? It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide., ,Para 6 71.What is the different ideas between Dr. Janice Fost

6、er & George Hambley?,go up,catastrophe,very serious,positive,produce,a greater range of animals,2. The author probably agrees that _A. actually global warming is good for man.B. we should do nothing about the global warming.C. catastrophes will happen if the globe keeps on warming.D. a lot remains t

7、o be found out about the effects of global warming.,D, ,Post reading,Tell True or False (1) The temperature last century didnt increase much. ( ) (2) Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of humans. ( ) (3) Janice Foster believes that burning fossil fuels causes global wa

8、rming. ( ) (4) Natural gas is a greenhouse gas. ( ) (5) Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels. ( ),F,T,T,F,T,(6) People accept Charles Keeling s data because he took accurate measurements. ( ) (7) Flooding could be one of the effects of future global warming. ( ) (8) George Hambley b

9、elieves scientists are just guessing about the effects of global warming. ( ) (9) Geroge Hambley is worried about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth. ( ) (10) It is clear what the effects of global warming will be. ( ),T,T,F,F,T,Look at the two graphs on page 26 and complete the paragraph

10、s. The first graph shows the global _ between _ and _ . The temperature _ and decreased over this period but on the whole it _ _ by around one degree Fahrenheit. During this time, the earth reached its _ temperature in about _ and its highest in 2000.There was a steady _ _ in the temperature,tempera

11、ture,1860,2000,increased,increased,lowest,1910,increase,during the twenty years after 1980.We can see from the graph that the earth has become _ since early last century. The second graph shows the amount of _ in the atmosphere from _ to _ . The carbon dioxide _ steadily over this forty-year period

12、.It went up from 315 to 370 parts _ million.,warmer,carbon dioxide,1957,1997,increased,per,it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes. compare A to B compare A with B,:把A比作B,一般要有相似之处,显示某人或某物与他人或他物相同。,:把A和B进行比较,eg: 我们常把儿童比作花朵。 eg: 如果你把这本字典和那本比较一下,你就会发现许多不同之处。,We often compare child

13、ren to flowers.,If you compare this dictionary with that one, youll find many differences.,Language points for Reading I,2.So how has this come about and does it matter? come about : 发生,造成 相当于happen eg:你能告诉我事情是怎么发生的吗? eg:随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。,Can you tell me how the accident came about?,With the use of e

14、lectricity, great changes have come about.,come out come up,出现;(消息)传开;(观点)公开,发生、举行;(在空中)出现,3. random adj & n. Adj. 随意的,任意的 eg: The information is processed in a random order. 这些信息是随机处理的。 n. at random 随意地 eg:我随意点了个人。 I called one at radom.,4. phenomenon n. 现象; 奇迹,罕见的人才或事物 eg: 雨雪是天气现象。 Rain and snow a

15、re phenomena of the weather. eg:不应该简单地视未婚妈妈为一种社会现象。 Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply_. eg:贝多芬是音乐家中的天才。 Beethoven was_ among musicians.,复数形式 pl. phenomena,as a social phenomenon.,a phenomenon,5. subscribe v. 不及物动词,后接to 1订阅,订购(报纸等) eg: 我今年订了中国日报。 I subscribed to China Daily this year. 2

16、 捐赠。 3 subscribe to sth 赞成 同意sth He subscribe to what I said. 他同意我说的。,6. tend 1 v. 后跟to 常常会, eg: 女人往往比男人长寿。 Women tend to live longer than men. 2 v. 后跟介词 eg:近年来物价趋于上升。 The prices have tend towards over recent years. 3 vt.照顾,伺候 n. tendency 倾向 偏好 adj. tender 温柔的 辨析: trend n. 趋向,7. result in 产生,导致 (= c

17、ause / lead to ) 主语: in 的宾语: eg: 努力终归成功。 Hard work results in success. result from 主语: |from 的宾语:,起因,结果,由引起,产生,结果,起因,His sickness was caused by eating too much. = His sickness resulted _eating too much. (in / from),from,8. state v.陈述,声明; n. 状况,情况;国家; +n. state +that从句 +wh-从句; 可用于被动结构,也可用过去分词作定语。 n.

18、statement 声明,陈述,9. range v.排列, 使成行;偏袒,站在的方面。 n. 范围(尤指从到各种种类,可供选择的范围等,可加不定冠词) ;排列 beyond the range of out of ones range,超越的范围,某人达不到的,eg: 这家商店商品品种多。 The shop keeps_. eg: 年龄范围自6岁到12 岁。 _is from six to twelve years old.,a wide range of goods,The age range,v.排列, 使成行;偏袒,站在的方面。 主要搭配为:+名词/代词;+介词+名词/代词; 常可用于

19、: 1. 被动结构 2. range oneself; 3. range from to / between and 从到不等。,eg: 老师令其学生沿着小径排队。 The teacher _along the path. eg: 温度在15度到35度之间。 The temperature_. eg: 我们应当列身于法律与秩序的一边。 We should _ _ on the side of law and order.,arrange ourselves,ranged his students,ranges from 15 to 35 degrees,9. matter v. :要紧;有关系。,eg: 我认为除了他自己以外,没有人对她来说是重要的。 I dont think anybody matters to her apart from herself.,相当于important。,10. build up,逐步建立,增加,增进,build up ones fortune,build up ones strength,eg: 累积财富 养精蓄锐,


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