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1、英语专业实习报告范文 专业英语实习1. A brief introduction to the Examination Research And Training CenterThe Examination Research And Training Center is a branch of the foreign language department, WIT, established in 2xx. The center mainly undertakes the training courses of in-school students, including CET4 CET6 T

2、EM4 and juvenile English. The CETs and TEM courses are designed with the goal to improve students performances in examination and the juvenile English courses are aimed at fostering their interest in learning English. The training team consists of the most experienced English teachers and professors

3、 of the Foreign Language department. Most of them have been researched the CET and TEM for years and harvested abundant fruits.As a guarantee of the training oute, we have the access to the multimedia classrooms and a dozen of digital language labs.2. PrefaceIn the by-gone month, I had a bitter and

4、sweet time with those unconstrained young kids of 8 or 9. The first time standing in front of the class, facing a dozen pairs of eyes, I threw away my naive thoughts of being a primary school English teacher. The cases I saw and dealt with are totally new and tough for me. I met great difficulties i

5、n handling them. However, hardship always turns out to be treasures in later times. Through the whole month, I tried my best to be both a fried and a teacher to the students. As a friend to them, I played games with them and told them stories; as a teacher I gave them classes and orders. For the who

6、le month as a whole, I valued the experiences in the training center very much. Particularly, I am most grateful to my tutors. Thanks for their xxtructions and help.3. Detailed ReportIn the very beginning, Id like to share a brief introduction of the students in the training class.There are 17 of th

7、em in all, most of whom are from one-child family. At home, they are prince and princess. But on the other hand, they are well educated and most active everywhere, either in front of you as friends or as students. Frankly, however, their over activeness has been the first headache for us teachers. A

8、nother feature of this group of kids is they are various in English levels. There are fourth grade students, some other are of lower grade and also someone has just graduated from kindergarten. To teach a class like this, as my tutor once said it takes extra energies, requires of professional skills

9、 and qualities. To follow a clear logic, I am going to present my report to the procedures of lesson organization, which includes the following six parts as I see it:3.1. Preparation before class3.2. Principles in class management3.3. Principles in teaching3.4. Special skills in class3.5. Strategies

10、 in lesson organization3.6. Precautions in teaching3.1 Preparation before ClassFull preparation is the first step toward any achievement. And it was proved to be true by my own experience on the platform. An all-round preparation before classes, including the establishment of relations with class an

11、d writing teaching-plan, not only enables you to be fluent on the one inch high platform, also its the source of self-confidence in handling the group of unconstrained children.To speak specifically, I would like to illustrate this with several tips I obtained from teaching observation.3.1.1 Remembe

12、ring names of the kids Remembering the names of the others is an important skill in good munication, and this applies to children too. If you can call his or her name, you are giving the message that I have noticed you, or something alike. Everyone would appreciate the importance you attached to him

13、 or her and bee cooperative. Though the kids do not know the theory, the feel exactly the same psychological way. Thus remembering the name of your students does help you to make a highly organized and efficient class. Apart from this, knowing their names sets you in a favorable position. Because ca

14、lling the one you want to ask by you, the one in red coat or some other name, always set yourself in embarrassment in the first place. So, I regard this tip as the first important principle in the preparation before class.3.1.2 Switch smoothly between knowledge pointsWriting the teaching plan takes

15、much time of the preparation. Its not the amount of knowledge we need to teach troubles us, but the way to do it. Young kids of 8 or 9 years old have their limits in learning ability, such as, they cant understand a abstract notion or rule quickly, nor can they do good reasoning. This requires us to

16、 go in the steps that they can follow. For the training class we teach, in which students are various in grade and English levels, demand us to design our class with the considerations of both teaching effectively and taking care of those who lags behind in study. In solving the problem, the theory

17、we learn in educational psychology helped us a lot. But still, beyond the theory I want to say, the first principle in designing a teaching plan is to make it smooth and interesting transitions 3.1.3 Speak loudly and clearlyThis is really a great physical challenge for many female classmates, but an

18、yway, we all agree that the efforts are quite rewarding. To tell the truth that never before have I ever talked so loudly and for so long. I shouted my throat hoarse the first time I delivered my class. However what pleaded me is that those young boys and girls followed me quite well, and I in their

19、 jet black eyes, I saw the delight of learning.3.2 Principles in class managementWe all know that, in the primary school, the hard job is not the knowledge, but that you have make them follow you and study. However, those princes and princess from wellbeing one-child family are totally uncontrollabl

20、e in a way of using sticks, as one described ironically that wherever there is suppression, there is resistance. As the result, most teachers adopted a way of carrot. This turned out to be useful to some extents. From the observation of professionals class, I summarized following principles in class

21、 management.3.2.1 Be fairYoung kids of 8 or 9 years old are extremely sensitive to the teachers treatment and handling of the class problems. Once they sensed something unfair, he or she will protest by refusing any cooperation, and nothing could stop him/her except tender explanation of the reasona

22、bility. Surely, no teachers want to spend time on such deeds in class. To avoid such situations we need to keep on thing in mind -justice. Just take on case for exle, two students raised hands to answer a challenging question and you gave the chance to A. Here youd better remember to mention or prai

23、se the one who didnt answer the question. Besides these, the chances to display themselves in public should also be given evenly to each one.In any normal minds, this seems to be an impossible task to solve all the justice problems, because we teachers are no judges, and even we have the expertise o

24、f a judge, we dont have the time to do this in class. Then how is it possible? If you think so, I have to say you have made a mistake in understanding the justice in those young minds. According to physiologists conclusion, primary school students see the words of authoritative people, such as teach

25、er, parents, as the rules of justice. So, the point I am making is that we must explain why I gave the chance to the other, and tell him or her a reason. Yet, as to the rationality, the children will never think much about it. 3.2.2 Always set your attention on the majorityFor young students, they c

26、annot concentrate their attention on one thing for long. Its not because they are too naughty to do that, but for physical reason-their brain has developed fully. Accordingly, we need to take this into our consideration in our class management. In my observation, I found that we often devote our att

27、ention certain the one, who is answering our question, or being an objective of certain activity, keeping the majority waiting. Then some student talks, laugh, even fight with each other. Can we account this to the kids? Surely not.To avoid the mess of class, we need to set an eye on the majority al

28、l the time, even when they cant be involved in. For exle, when we want to help certain kid in pronunciation, we can teach the whole class together or ask some other students to be the teacher. In similar way, the class will be well under control.In a word, in the preparation of class activity, we ne

29、ed to consider those who are not directly involved, only in this way we can make an efficient and easy job in class managing.3.2.3 Praise as much as you can To municate well and make good impression, professionals advise us to praise as much as we can. Here in teaching, which is also a kind of munic

30、ation, the strategy should also be applied. Teachers should praise often and in various ways. In our class we say good, very good, the simple word not only make them active in class, but also foster their sense of achievement which are crucial factor in the future success. In this sense, I labeled p

31、raise as the third principle in class management.3.3 Principles in teachingTeaching is the main activity in a school, though its an extremely plex process, but the effects from the teaching faculty are of an appreciable amount. Because it is the teacher who deals directly with knowledge and students

32、. Apart from the fundamental rules introduced in our teaching theories, such as agreement between teaching objectives and development stage of children, the interaction between teachers and students, I summarized several rules in giving class to primary school students.3.3.1 Make the less simple rep

33、etition English teaching is different from Mathematics. What we teach in a fundamental mathematic class is logic, while we teach the vocabulary and grammar rules in English class. That means, repetition is the only way to strengthen the impression of the knowledge in the students mind. For exle, we

34、teach them pronunciation by repetition, we repeat the English words and its meaning together again and again to help them remember them. While on the other hand, overusing it will not be so helpful as have expected.From my observation I found that the children lose their interest in the lesson easil

35、y if repeat too much. And if that happen, trouble es. Therefore an unspoken limit for simple repetition is 3, as a way to keep the kids in control.3.3.2 Do not write too much on the blackboardUsually we write down on the blackboard what the students cant understand, to make the thing under discussio

36、n clear and visible. However the situation I often see is that, teacher writes too much on the blackboard that the kids cant find the topic. The blackboard bees some kind draft paper.The problem here is that those irrelative or not related to the book are great distraction to the class. the students

37、 cant differentiate the key point from supplementary knowledge. Or to speak at the very least, it prevents the kids from image memorizing. So, here I want to remind the new primary school teacher to use their chalk well.3.3.3 Response quicklyResponse quickly means the teachers must react according t

38、o the students action or behavior. For xxtance, if any students have questions, the teacher must attend to it as soon as he can. Another kind of response is that the teacher should make ments after the students voluntarily performance. Using one word to summarize is feedbacks.A conversation without

39、feedback just like a talk with continuous questions but no answers was made. How can this conversation last long? The same is true for a class. Imagine a class in which all kids sit there quietly, no talk, no laugh, and even no movement, how much the possibility is for you to finish the class if you

40、 were the one on the platform? However, on the contrary side, if students are very active, keeping on raising hands, answering questions, but the teacher say nothing but sit down, can their interests in you last? Thus, we must remember that the kids are always waiting our feedback. 3.4 Useful skills

41、 in class3.4.1 Praise loudly分页标记 Young man like our age seems not very fond of praising the others. I dont want to talk about the reason here, but one thing important is that lacking this can slows our step in progress. Lets see how it works on us. For a businessman, to praise can alleviate the tens

42、ion in business talk. For a neighbor, to praise is the most effective way to building up harmonious relations. And for a teacher, to praise make the class time cheerful. And for strangers, to praise is the best way to impressive. For this reason, experts suggest: dont be mean on you praise.As a teac

43、hing skill, we have inherited it from our own teachers. But the point I want to make further explanation is how poorly we have performed with praise. In the observation of my classmates class, no one sees the praise after answering a question as one indispensable part in their teaching plan, but mor

44、e often as something additional. Therefore knowing the significance of praising is one thing, however if you want make it useful in your class, just speak it loudly.3.4.2 Encouraging measurementIn the training class, there is an effective encouraging method-anyone who gets 5 very good from the teach

45、er can add a star in the class-performance notebook. For the whole month, I saw how excited these kids were when the time to count their stars came. And I also made used of this method in my teaching of three other primary school students. It worked unexpectedly well.An encouraging measurement can b

46、e in many forms. It can be a calculative score, or others with the similar effects. Using proper encouraging measurement can help the call in two ways. Firstly, its a stimulus to the students. When the whole class is in a petitive, knowledge-centered atmosphere, everyone can learn the most and do th

47、eir best. As a result, the teacher will enjoy a pleasant time. Secondly, the rules of the measurement are a constant reminder of what defines the expected performance. Just take the “star” design in the training class for exle. The teacher kept on reminding that: if you get five “very good” from the

48、 teacher, you will be rewarded with a star. A “very good” can be earned by speaking loudly and clearly, listen carefully, and be active. In this way, the students will always remember what is expected of them. Therefore in this sense, the encouraging measurement is a great helper to the primary scho

49、ol teachers.3.4.3 Set up a good model for the rest of the classIn a class, there are always some active students, who can answer most of the question raised by the teacher and keep their hand high up all the time. While some other inactive students always sit there alone silently, or even totally ignore the teacher. If we want to take good care of all kids, as required in teachin


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