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1、Unit Four,review,根据所给音标写出单词: 1./spt/_ 2./nEUt/ _ 3./bleIm/ _ 4./li:gl/ _ 5./rItn/ _ 6./medIkl/ _ 7./neIbE(r)/ _ 8./dZenrEl/ _ 9./QkEdemIk/ _,spot,note,blame,legal,written,medical,neighbour,general,academic,根据句子意思和首字母写单词: 1.The teacher found many f_ in spelling and grammar in my composition. 2. Many

2、children and a_ like hamburgers now. 3. I feel so tired that I need a holiday as a r_. 4.The police wanted to know more about the stolen car, so they q_ the man,aults,dults,elief,uestioned,5.Which c_ should I take, maths or English? 6.The r_ between you and me are students and teacher. 7. We are hav

3、ing a meeting to s_ some problems. 8.When she saw the old man get on the bus, she offered her s_ to him.,ourse,elationship,olve,eat,9.She went s_ and bought a lot of things. 10.Its very hot outside. I cant b_ the heat(热量). 11.These books are not yours. They b_ to the library. 12.She is ill. She is s

4、_ from a bad cold. 13.He wore a mask(面具) so that no one should r_ him.,hopping,ear,elong,uffering,ecognize,14.Although I failed again, I decided to make one more e_. 15.We a_ her to look for more information for her homework, but she didnt accept our advice. 16.Many t_ for the lovely gift. 17.He wou

5、ldnt follow your advice. I think its i_ to make him change his mind.,ffort,dvised,hanks,mpossible,根据中文完成下列句子: 1.昨天迈克不小心打破了爸爸的花瓶。 Mike broke his fathers vase _ _ yesterday. 2.她错拿了我的礼物回家了。 She took my gift home _ _. 3.别跟他谈了,没有益处的。 Dont talk to him. That _ _ _.,by accident,by mistake,does no good,4.如果你

6、在文章中发现一些错误,请 将它们指出来。 If you find some mistakes in the article, please _ _ _. 5.他最终找到了这道题的答案。 He finally _ _ this question. 6.谢谢你尽一切的努力来帮助我。 Thanks for _ _ _ _ help me.,point them out,worked out,making an effort to,7.用这种方法,你可以提高你的英语 水平。 _ _ _, you can improve your English. 8.你应该承担事故的全部责任。 You should

7、_ _ _ _ the accident.,In this way,be to blame for,1.Hefeltvery_without hisfriends.,2.Helivesina_village.,3.Hewas_intheroom.,用alone, lonely完成以下句子:,lonely,lonely,alone,写出下列形容词、副词的比较级和最 高级: fast _ _ late _ _ early _ _ hard _ _ slowly _ _ carefully _ _ quickly _ _,faster fastest,later latest,earlier ear

8、liest,more slowly most slowly,more carefully most carefully,more quickly most quickly,harder hardest,little _ _ much _ _ well _ _ badly _ _,better best,less least,worse worst,more most,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. He comes to school much _ (early) than I . 2. Practise as _ (much) as you can. 3. The _ (much) we p

9、ractise, the _ (wonderfully) we speak. 4. She studies _ (carefully) of the three boys.,earlier,much,more,more wonderfully,most carefully,单项选择: 1. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as _ as he could. A. hardly B. quickly C. finally D. slowly 2. Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws _. A

10、. better B. best C. worse D. worst,B,A,3. The _ you work, the _ you will learn. A. hard, much B. harder, more C. hardest, more D. harder, most 4. Li Hua studies English very _ and her English is _ in her class. A. careful; good B. carefully; well C. careful; best D. carefully; the best,B,D,5. - Jim

11、is good at writing short stories. - So he is. But he writes _ than us. So he cant get good grades(分数) in writing. A. most carefully B. more carefully C. less carefully D. least carefully,C,中 考 练 习,6. How well did you do in the maths exam? - Better than before. I think it was _ difficult than the las

12、t one. (2006 广州) A. more B. less C. much D. very,B,6. If you do it again _, I believe you wont make so many mistakes next time. (2007 广州) A. more careful B. much careful C. more carefully D. much carefully,中 考 练 习,C,7.Though the player is over thirty, he can still run _ some younger players. (2008 广

13、州) A. as fast as B. so fast as C. much fast than D. more faster than,中 考 练 习,A,8.As the 2010 Asian Games get closer, Guangzhou is becoming _ than ever. (2009 广州) A. beautiful B. most beautiful C. more beautiful D. almost beautiful,中 考 练 习,C,9. - Why dont you like winter in Beijing?. - Because it is

14、_ winter in Guangzhou. (2010 广州) A. as cold as B. much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than,中 考 练 习,B,10. The actress is already 50, but she looks _ than she really is. (2011 广州) A. young B. more young C. more younger D. much younger,中 考 练 习,D,1. They arent workers , _ _? 2. Mary and her

15、 parents will come to China, _ _? 3. My sister cant swim, _ _? 4. There is nothing in the room, _ _?,are they,wont they,can she,is there,补全下列句子的反意疑问句:,5. Li Hua lives in this house, _ _? 6. They played football last Saturday, _ _? 7. Tom never talks in the class, _ _ ? 8. You know little about maths

16、, _ _?,didnt they,does he,do you,doesnt she,9. Nobody came to see me, _ _? 10. Nothing can make him be angry, _ _? 11. Lets go home, _ _? 12. Let us go home, _ _? 13. I dont think she knows all, _ _?,did he,can it,shall we,will you,does she,单项选择: 1. We have never asked him a question, _? A. have we

17、B. havent we C. do we D. dont we 2. There isnt anything wrong with the radio, _? A. does there B. is it C. does it D. is there,A,D,3. Lets do the exercises by ourselves, _? A. will you B. shant we C. shall we D. will we 4. They have to study a lot, _? A. dont they B. havent they C. did they D. hadnt

18、 they,C,A,链 接 中 考,5. I hear the boy sitting under the tree is your new neighbour. Hes from Canada, _? (2007年 广州) A. has he B. isnt he C. does he D. hasnt he,B,链 接 中 考,6. At the meeting Mr. King didnt say a word from beginning to end, _? (2008年 广州) A. didnt Mr. King B. did he C. did Mr. King D. didnt he,B,链 接 中 考,7. Sally has returned to Guangzhou, _? (2009年 广州) A. did she B. didnt she C. has she D. hasnt she,D,链 接 中 考,8. I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is your new classmate. Shes from America, _? (2011年 广州) A. has she B. isnt she C. hasnt she D. does she,B,


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