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1、前台 FRONT DESK部门 /区域:DEPARTMENT/ AREA:服务内容 /工作职责:SERVICE/ TASK:标准:STANDARD:来宾期望Guest expectation声音中带着微笑接电话Answer the telephone with a smile in the voice向客人重复留言,确认详细信息Repeat the same message to the caller to confirm the details重复来宾姓名至少两次Repeat the name of the guest at least twice清晰地告知留言Announce the me

2、ssage clearly读留言清晰准确Message to be legible accurate不要让来宾等太久时刻Do not keep the guest on hold for a long time收到留言后及时转达Messages to be delivered urgently after takenFD接待处FDRECEPTIONFD-SOP-026在电脑系统中查询来宾留言FD-SOP-026CHECKING FOR GUEST MESSAGES IN FIDELIO经常为来宾查询留言Always check messages for guest in a proper ma

3、nner as per hotel standards工作职责工作标准What toStandard of Performancedo?在 Fidelio 系统中,按 CTRL F7 键打开留言窗口In Fidelio press the CTRL F7 key to bring up the screen按字母 M 察看留言To view the message press letterM假如来宾在听电话,把信息读给她,或者假如他在柜台,则打印出来交给客人或把复印件送至其房间Read the message out if the guest is on the phone or print

4、it out if he is at the counter or send a copy of it to the room按 *表示客人差不多接到留言Press * For status to change to received the message一旦来宾接到留言,按* 键表示来宾已接收Once the guest receives the message press *key to indicate guest has received the message按 + 键打印留言To print the message press +key状态显示为已打印,表示留言已打印Status

5、 will change to printed indicating message has been printed按 键,启动房间内的信息灯Activate the message lamp in the room by pressingkey状态会改变为信息灯已亮,表示房内电话上的信息灯亮着Status will change to message lamp on indicating that the message lamp on his telephone in the room will be on.? 随时输入来宾的姓名检查有无留言1 / 3Always check for m

6、essages by entering the family name of theguest? 打印留言时应检查留言字体是否清晰When printing the message should check that they are written in clear block letters? 绝不能出现拼写错误There must not be any spelling errors? 留言时刻,日期应清晰Message time and date should be visible? 留言单上应留下接留言职员的姓名Staff initial must be visible on the

7、 message form? 留言送至房间时,应正确地标明来宾姓名和房号Message when sent to the room should be labeled correctly with guest name and room number? 信封应封好,以防其他人阅读信息Envelope should be sealed so that nobody else reads the message? 复印件应存档,以备以后查询Copy should be filed for future reference? 给立即抵店来宾的留言应登记,并附在入住登记表上,在来宾抵店时呈递给来宾Me

8、ssages for arriving guests that are still to arrive should be registered and kept attached with the registration card and given to the guest on arrival? 留言应在 20 分钟内送到房间Messages should be delivered within 20 minutes to the room? 紧急留言应在 5 分钟内送至房间Messages that are urgent should be sent to the room in f

9、ive minutes? 留言应密封在信封内,放在门下或放在房间的显眼位置如办公桌Messages should be sealed in an envelope and placed under the door or kept in side lamp table in a prominent area of the room? 送至房间前应检查来宾房号和来宾姓名Guest room number, and name to be checked for accuracy before sending to the room? 送完留言,应做好记录Messages, deliveries should be logged留言内容假如是悲伤的情况的或突然死亡、住院,应由经理处理Messages that are distressing or emergency death or hospitalization should be handled by a manager as it requires2 / 3


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