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1、A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,Reading,sandstorm volcano fire flood earthquake,A,B,D,C,E,A powerful 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan province on May 12, 2008. More than 60,000 people died.,Many people believe that “it is always calm before a storm.” Now, imagine there has been a big earthquake

2、. Describe what might happen before, during and after an earthquake.,2. What strange things would happen before an earthquake?,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,The water in the wells _and_. And some deep _could be seen in the well walls. A _ gas came out the cracks.,A,rose,fell,cra

3、cks,smelly,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,B,Mice ran out of the fields_ places to hide. Fish _out of bows and ponds.,looking for,jumped,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,C,The chickens and even pigs were_ nervous _eat. The dog was _ loudly again and again.,too,to

4、,barking,D,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,People could see _ lights in the sky.,bright,1. Have you ever heard of the earthquake in Tangshan? 2. Do you know when the earthquake happened? 3. Where does the city of Tangshan lie?,San Francisco,Pacific plate,American plate,Eurasian pl

5、ate,India plate,African plate,Antarctic plate,Earthquake Happens,1. What happened before Tangshan earthquake?,2. What happened during Tangshan earthquake?,video,地震来临时,最重要的是要保持冷静,并灵活选择藏身之所:震时应就近躲避,震后迅速撤离到安全地方;室内避震时应选择易于形成三角空间的地方避震,如内墙墙根、墙角等,或躲避到厨房、厕所、储藏室等开间小的地方。震时切记不要跳楼、不要站到阳台上和窗边。,Sum up the main id

6、ea of each part of the passage. (use one word to describe),Part 1: para 1,Part 2: para 2 fish jumped out of bowls and ponds.,people saw bright lights.,cracked and burst.,Para2-3 Damage caused by the earthquake.,The city The people,It seemed as if the world was at an end.,1. At _ am, the _ earthquake

7、 of the 20th century began . 2. A huge crack _ houses, roads and canals. 3. Steam _ holes in the ground. 4. Hard hills of the rock became rivers of _. _ covered the ground like red autumn leaves. 5. Two _ and most of the bridges fell. The railway tracks were now_pieces of _. 6. _ now filled the well

8、s instead of water. Water, food, and _ were hard to get.,3:42,greatest,cut across,burst from,dirt,Bricks,dams,useless,steel,Sand,electricity,7. The suffering of the people was_. 8. _ of families were killed and many children were _. 9. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were _ under the ruins.,e

9、xtreme,Thousands,without parents,trapped,Data(数据),of the nation felt the earthquake . A huge crack that was kilometres long and metres wide cut across houses. In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. The number of people who were killed

10、 or injured reached more than . All of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone.,1/3,8,30,15,2/3,400,000,75%,90%,Para. 2-3,Para 4 Recovery after the earthquake,Army; 150, 000 soldiers,Dig out; bury,Workers; shelters,Fresh water,All the hope was not lost.,Not a

11、ll hope was lost.,What sentences can express the quake is GREAT?,It seemed that the world was at an end. It was felt in Beijing, which One-third of the nation felt it. A huge crackcut cross In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.,One of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century had

12、 begun.,Comprehending,1- -C 2- -E 3- -B 4- -D 5- -A,page 27,Read the passage carefully and join the correct parts of the sentences.,1,Explain the title “ A night the earth didnt sleep”. Then suggest another title for the text. The title means at that night, the earth didnt fall asleep as usual, but

13、became active. It is a poetic way of saying that an earthquake happened. Sample Titles: “The waking earth and the sleeping city” “Tangshans great challenge”,Group work,Read the passage again and make a timeline,For three days,water in the village wells rose and fell well walls developed deep cracks

14、a smelly gas come out of the cracks mice ran out of the fields fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds,2,At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976,bright lights appeared in the sky the sound of planes could be heard although there were no planes some water pipes burst,At 3:42 am on July 28, 1976,everything

15、 began to shake huge cracks appeared in the roads steam burst from holes i the ground rock turned into rivers of dirt 75% buildings and 90% of homes were gone more than 400,000 people killed or injured,Afternoon of July 28, 1976,a second quake almost as strong as the first one more damage to buildin

16、gs and rescuers,Soon after the quake,the army arrived shelters built for survivors water supplies brought in,Writing a summary of each part,Before the earthquake strange things began to happen but no one paid attention to them. The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan. The people were very shoc

17、ked at the destruction. The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.,3,1. What shall we do if an earthquake happens? 2. What can we do to reduce the damage of earthquakes?,Discussion,Dont be nervous and keep calm. Dont try to run out of the classroom. Protect your head by putti

18、ng your bag on your head. Squat or sit down under your desk. Leave the classroom after the earthquake.,How do you understand the real meaning of the idiom “It is always calm before a storm”? A. It is unusually quiet before a thunderstorm or hurricane hit. B. One should not trust situations that seem

19、 peaceful since bad things may happen. C. The weather is fine before a storm comes. D. You should stay calm before a storm.,Choose the best answer.,A,2. What can be inferred from the passage? If the pigs were too nervous to eat, there must be an earthquake. B. If some natural signs had not been igno

20、red, all the people in Tangshan city might have had a chance to survive. C. There wouldnt have been such a great quake if people had paid enough attention to some natural signs. D. If some natural signs had not been ignored, people might have had a chance to survive.,D,3. Which of the following is t

21、he main reason for the heavy loss of life in the quake? A. The earthquake happened in the deep night when people were sleeping deeply. B. There werent enough rescue workers. C. The building were poorly constructed and most of them were destroyed in the quake. D. People were not careful enough to not

22、ice some natural signs before the earthquake.,A,Filling the blacks with the first given letter:,Several days before July 28,1976,many s_ things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tangshan didnt think m_ of these. At 3:42am that day, the earth began to s_, whi

23、ch d_ the city.,trange,arthquake,uch,hake,estroyed,Many people including workers and doctors, came to r_ those t_ under the ruins. Later that afternoon another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or i_ and more buildings f_ down. Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers. Teams were organized to _ the trapped and b_ the dead.,escue,rapped,ell,ury,njured,dig out,


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