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1、Mind Your Manners,Lesson 2,Free talk:,Do you think youre a person with good manners? Why?,Politeness costs nothing but gains everything.,礼貌不用花钱,却能赢得一切。,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,入乡随俗.,Proverbs,manners,good manners,bad manners,?,different cultures,Which country are these people in the photos

2、 from, Italy, Japan, Britain or the United States?,Italy,Britain,Japan,the United States,e.g. I think Americans are ,Before you start,Listening,Use the scale to classify people from these cultures. Italy, Japan, Britain, the United states,Cultures that show everything they feel,Cultures that are in

3、between,Cultures that dont show their feelings,1,showing a lot of feelings,showing no feelings,Listening Strategies,1. Dont worry if you cant understand everything. 2. Listen for important words and phrases.,show everything they feel,dont show their feelings,manner = culture,in between,?,Italy USA B

4、ritain Japan,open,closed,openly,shyer,modest,Task 1,Task 2,Pre-listening: Discuss and complete the table.,x,x,= yes, often;,X = not so often or never,Listening Strategies,1. Make sure you know what you have to do. 2. Use the headings or topics from the table to help you while youre listening. 3.Whil

5、e listening, fill in the blanks. It can help you.,Task 3,While- listening : Listen to Part 2 of the interview , and fill in the blanks.,1. People from “open” cultures, like the_, tend to use a lot of more _ movements. People in more “closed” cultures, like the _, _ Europeans and even _, dont use han

6、d movements nearly as much.,Italians,hand,Japanese,Northern,Americans,Task 4,Post listening: Discuss and complete the table (check).,Americans,x,x,x,x,x,Task 5,While listening: Listen to Part 2 of the interview , and fill in the blanks.,2. People from _ cultures usually look more _ at the person the

7、y are speaking to. The _and _often look at people to start _and then they look_. People from Eastern cultures like _, _ look directly at the other person. To look at someone very directly is extremely _.,“open”,directly,British,Japan,Americans,with,away,never,rude,Task 6,Post listening: Discuss and

8、complete the table (check).,Americans,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,Task 7,While listening: Listen to Part 2 of the interview , and fill in the blanks.,3. People from _cultures are more likely to _ or speak at the _ time as the other person. In _ cultures, one person starts speaking _ when the other has _. In a p

9、lace like _, people _ interrupt each other. They also wait for a while before _, so there is more _ _ .,“open”,interrupt,same,speaking,“closed”,never,only,stopped,Japan,silence,Task 8,Post listening: Discuss and complete the table (check).,Americans,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,Task 7,Listen to Part 2 of t

10、he interview , and fill in the blanks.,4. _and _ people seem more polite than _ and people from _ cultures. _ people usually use “please”, “Thank you” and “Im sorry” more often. In _, it is very important to say “please” and “thank you” even for the _ things. If you dont, it sounds very rude. In som

11、e other cultures, like _ cultures, to say “please” and “thank you” all the time sounds a bit false.,Japanese,Americans,British,British,Latin,Britain,smallest,Latin,Task 7,Post listening: Discuss and complete the table (check).,Americans,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,Comparing Cultures,Task 1,Liste

12、n to the dialogues and complete the Function File.,Dialogue 1: Formal,Christina: Excuse me? Could you pass the lemon and salt, (1)_ ? Man: Yes, certainly. Christina: (2)_. Man: Youre (3)_.,please,Thank you,welcome,Being polite,D,Listening Strategies: Prediction,1. Try to think of possible answers. 2

13、. Focus on the language the people use (formal or informal) . 3. Use your general knowledge to help you.,Dialogue 2: Informal,Boy: So what do you think we should do this weekend? What about going canoeing again? Girl: Yeah, last time we went it was great! Or we could take our flashlights Christina:

14、Er, Id (4)_ not, thanks. Id rather stay cosy and read my novel. Girl: All right, Or how about going to the circus?,rather,B,Dialogue 3: Formal,Christina: (5)_, Mrs Davis? Do you think I (6)_ speak to you? Mrs Davis: Yes, dear. Christina: Would you (7)_ giving me and my classmate a lift to school? We

15、 need Mrs Davis: Of course not. In about ten minutes, Ok? We can go in the jeep. Christina: Thanks a lot. Thats very (8)_ of you. Mrs Davis: Its no (9)_. Any time.,Excuse me,could,mind,kind,trouble,A,Dialogue 4: Informal,Boy: Hi, Christina. Have you got the blankets and sheets you borrowed? Christin

16、a: Oh, Ive forgotten them! Im (10)_. Boy: Thats Okay, bring them tomorrow. I need them for our camping trip. Christina: Yes, I will, I (11)_.,really sorry,promise,C,Check your memory,做某事怎么样? 让某人搭便车 我宁愿不。 宁愿做 宁愿而不愿,What /How about doing? give sb. a lift I would rather not. would rather do would rathe

17、r do sth. than do sth.,我宁可呆在温暖舒适的家里看小说。 I would rather stay cosy and read my novel. 我宁可和他分手也不跟他一起出国。 I would rather say good-bye to him than go abroad with him.,Speaking Strategies,Decide how formal or informal the situation is. 2. Decide which role you are going to play. 3. Choose some suitable exp

18、ressions from the Function File, e.g. Id rather not, thanks. 4. Practise saying expressions with polite intonation.,Task 2,Task 3,Make a list of the polite expressions in the Function File we use.,a) to ask for something politely,Excuse me, could you pass the lemon and salt, please?,b) to reply to s

19、omeones thanks,Youre welcome.,c) to politely refuse an invitation,Id rather not, thanks.,/ Its no trouble! Any time.,d) to make a request to someone you dont know very well,e) to thank someone for doing something for you,Do you think I could speak to you? Would you mind giving me and my classmate a

20、lift to school?,Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you.,f) to apologize to a friend,Oh, Ive forgotten them ! Im really sorry.,Choose one of the following situations and make a dialogue with your partner . 1: Ask a stranger to close a window on a train. 2: Decide with a friend what to do at the weekend

21、. 3: Ask a neighbour to post a parcel for you. 4: Ask a friend to return handkerchief he / she borrowed. 5. Decide where to go on holiday with a friend. 6. Ask a waiter to give you the menu.,Task 3:Role-plays,Dialogue 3,Dialogue 2,Dialogue 3,Dialogue 4,Dialogue 2,Dialogue 3,Complete the verbs in the

22、 dialogue below with these words: up with; on; back; off; up Hey, Anne? Are you going to the canteen? Well, Im going (1)_ home. Im in a bit of a hurry. Do you think you could drop me(2)_ at the mailbox? Ok, but hurry(3)_. Ive got to pick(4) _ my twin sisters in twenty minutes. Great: Hang(5)_ a seco

23、nd. Ill just get my bag. Im going to the courtyard. Catch(6)_ me there.,9,back,off,up,up,on,up with,Check your memory,匆忙/赶时间 让某人下车 开车接某人 别挂电话 赶上某人,be in a hurry drop sb. off pick sb. up hang on catch up with,Guessing games,anger,fear,joy,sorrow,contempt 轻视,surprise,disgust 厌恶,Different facial expres

24、sions show different feelings:,1,2,3,5,4,6,7,disappointed,shy,Swearing (发誓),thinking,Guessing games,Facial expressions-?,Guessing games,Thumbs up!,Thumbs down!,Bite your nails!,Kiss your hand to sb.!,Make a face!,Keep your fingers crossed!,Touch your stomach!,Do it!,Turn left and Sit down!,Action sh

25、ow,Homework,1. Write a short report to describe Chinese people. Are they open or closed? Is formal language very different from informal language? (Some information may be available on the Internet). 2. Finish Ex 9 on Page 39.,Bye-bye!,1.The teaching staff in our school consists of 50 male teachers

26、and 70 female teachers. 2. Her work stands out from the rest of the colleagues. 3. Each of us, young or old , should make contributions to our society. 4. Over the last decade, great changes have taken place in our country. 5. Do you know why he didnt participate in yesterdays sports meeting?,6. You

27、 should get to the railway station as early as possible so as not to miss the train. 7. To tell the truth, I really cant imagine living on the moon. 8. Although I failed, I never regret having taken part in the game. 9. According to the plan, the workers must finish the project before the end of thi

28、s month. 10. As long as you follow the teachers advice, your are sure to pass the test.,11. After hearing what he said, I concluded that he was lying. 12. It is likely that he will come back before 3 oclock this afternoon. 13. It is a hard decision to give up smoking. 14. Do you know how many member

29、s are in favour of the plan ? 15. You must learn to protect yourself from being hurt when playing football.,Meeting and Greeting people,1.Greeting people:,2.What you should do:,3.What you shouldnt say:,Western manners,Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening,How do you do?,Hello,How are you?,Greetin

30、g people:,Nice to meet you!,Raise his hat.,1. If a man is wearing a hat, how should he greet you?,2. When you first meet someone, what should you do?,3. If the woman doesnt offer her hand , what should you do?,Nod your head.,What you should do:,Shake his hands.,Where are you going ?,Where have you b

31、een?,Have you had your dinner?,What you shouldnt say:,handshake,kiss,embrace,shake,nod,bow,kiss your hand to sb.,Western manners,Table Manners,Western manners,10,( ) 1.Use the fork with your right hand. ( ) 2. Put your napkin(餐巾) on your lap. ( ) 3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in fro

32、nt of you. ( ) 4. Ask for a second bowl of soup. ( ) 5. Use your fingers when eating chicken. ( ) 6. Finish eating everything on your plate . ( ) 7. Talk loudly while eating. ( ) 8. Make other people drink more alcohol than they can take.,I,P,I,I,P,P,I,I,Decide which of the following behaviors are p

33、olite or impolite at a western dinner party. Write P (polite) or I (impolite) in the brackets.,A friend from Britain named Jack invites you to have dinner at his home at 7:00 pm. What will you do if you want to make a good impression on the others?,Discussion:,1.Before dinner, arrive _ _ .,2.At the dinner party, follow _ _. For example, speak _ and _ a lot.,3. When leaving, Say _ and _.,In a word, knowing the manners will help you make,a good impression on the others.,on time,table manners,thanks,goodbye,quietly,smile,What will you do if you want to make a good impression on the others?,


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