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1、精品文档2010年中考英语模拟试题及答案(三)来源:要中考网 文章作者:.2010-04-28 10:58:29标签:答案 试题 中考试题 英语(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分I n 川 w I n 川 w I n 川得分第一部分听力(20分)I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)()6.A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn t. C.No, the yellow is.()7.A.Have a good time. B.You re welcome. C

2、.Sure.()8.A.So do I. B.Neither do I. C.I don t know.()9.A.It s very kind of you. B.I agree with you.C. Never mind.()10.A.It doesn t matter. B.Yes, I d love to.C.The same to you.川.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读一遍。(5分)()11.A.Kangkang. B.Kangkang s father. C.Neither Kangknag nor his father.()12.A .In ternet. B

3、.The computer. C.Computer and In ternet.()13.A.The boy. B.The father. C.The mother.()14.A.White. B.Gree n. C.Yellow.()15.A.Ja ne and her father. B.Ja ne and her mother.C.Her pare nts.IV .听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)()16.Both China and the wester n world have the same drago n cultures.()17.Ch in ese emp

4、erors thought a drago n was a symbol of power.()18.Ma ny places in Chi na were n amed after drago ns.()19.The Draon Boat is one of the drago n cultures.()20.The Chin ese think that the year of drago n can bring them good luck.第二部分基础知识运用(55分)I .单项选择。(10分)()1. Which do you prefer, soda or coffee?I lik

5、eof them. Tea is my favorite.A. both B.either C.n either D.none()2. Could you tell me what it was used for?It was usedthe characters on paper.A.for print B.as print C.to print D.to printing()3. Have you ever bee n to the villageTaishit un?No. I have n ever bee n there before.A.call B.called C.to cal

6、l D.calli ng()4. Thanks a lot!your help, I can t do it so well.With pleasure.A.With B.Without C.U nder D.As()5.Mysister who works in the bank is two yearstha n I.so catsA.older; elder B.elder; older C.elder; elder D.youn ger; older()6.Cats and tigers are animals of the cat family(猫科动物),_ tigers in m

7、any ways.A.are similar to B.are similar from C.are different from D.are different to()7.Mr. Wang wasbecause he was late for work. He is out of work now.A.p uni shed B.dismissed C.discussed D.praised()8.He works hard at his less on s. I ofte n see himbooks in his classroom.A.to read B.read C.readi ng

8、 D.reads()9. Must we go there together at once?youhe goes there, only one stude nt is n eeded.A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor D.Not only; but also()10. Will the foreig ners have any problems talki ng with Chin ese people i n Chi na?I don t think so. Nowthe youngthe old are learning to speak

9、En glish.A.neither; nor B.either; or C.only; except D.not only; but alson .情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。Steve: I thi nk its very hard for foreigners to study Chinese.Kan gka ng: 11 The way of Chin ese writi ng is very differe nt from that of English writing. It s written in characters. The early charact

10、ers were a little like pictures. 12Steve: Really? Could you tell me more about them?Kangkang: OK. For example, the character of“sun” was a circle with a dot(点)in the cen ter;13Steve: How interesting! They re different from modern characters, aren tthey?Kan gka ng: No, theyaren t. 14 People could no

11、Ion ger tell what a charactermeant just by look ing at it.Steve: Although it s difficult to study, more and more people outside China are begi nning to lear n Chin ese now. 15Kangkang: Yes. It s important for us to learn Chinese. We should work harder at it tha n before.Steve: You re right. Let s he

12、lp each other to learn it.A. the character of “ man looked like a body with two legs.B. As time went on, the characters cha nged.C. Each one stood for a differe nt thing.D. It has become one of the most attractive Ianguages in the world.E. I agree with you.川.完形填空。(10分)Long long ago, man had only the

13、 sun and the moon for light. After they learned to 16 fire, they carried burning sticks to 17 their way. Later they learnedto 18 sticks into fat. The burning fat had a bright light and 19 Ion ger. Afterman learned to use a wick( 灯芯),they 20 candles, 21 were improved as time went by. People still use

14、 22 today.Later man made many kinds of oil lamps. These lamps bur ned coal oil(煤油)and had glass chimneys(灯罩).Later the gas light which needed 23 wick nor chimneys was developed. All these lights had one thi ng in com mon they had to be lighted 24 a fire.In 1879, Thomas Edis on inven ted the light bu

15、lb. It can be 25 without a fire.()16.A.make B.do C.take D.find()17.A.do B.have C.make D.light()18.A.come B.go C.put D.take()19.A.stayed B.worked C.made D.lasted()20.A.made B.used C.invented D.did()21.A.what B.who C.which D.why()22.A.fire B.sticks C.ca ndles D.fat()23.A .n either B.either C.both D.al

16、l()24.A.as B.like C.with D.without()25.A.lighting B.lighted C.lights D.lightIV .阅读理解。(30分)(A)There are a lot of kinds of folk music in China, because China has 56 n ation alities and every group has its own style of music. There is a lot of poetry (诗意)in Chin ese folk son gs, in cludi ng ideas, feel

17、i ngs and images. But in pop son gs, there is no poetry. Each Chin ese folk song has its own pers on ality, for example, “Jasmine(茉莉花)”,“Dancing of Youth( 青春舞曲)” or “My youth has g one away like a bird and n ever comes back.”Folk songs are from the people. Folk songs are like a way of servi ng the p

18、e ople, although folk songs express the feeli ngs of the people. Chin ese folk songs express the feeli ngs, the emoti ons(感受)and the hopes of people about beingin love or how hard it is.“ The more n ati on al, the more intern ati on al.” In order to spread Chin ese folk music, a forum( 论坛)of folk so

19、ngs called“ Nanning Intern ati onal Festival ofHan HoFolk Songs Art ” is held every year. Chi nese and overseas art groups and artists ofte n perform at the ope ning ceremony, such as Chin ese mino rity sin gers ng, Teng Ge er and A Lilangs. The more widely it spreads, the more attention the music a

20、ttracts.26. 翻译第一段画横线的单词:27. 翻译文中画线句子 :根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()28.The folk songs only express the feeli ngs of the people.()29.In writer s opinion, there is no poetry in pop songs.()30.This passage( 短文)is about the culture of Chin ese folk son gs.(B)The first people who drank tea were the Chin ese, becau

21、se the bush grew wild all over the south of China. They liked the taste, and found that the drink co uld refresh( 使精力恢复)them.People living in Europe first learned about tea growing and drinking from a book printed in Italy in 1599. The writer said that tea was a wonderful medici ne. Although people

22、in Europe knew about tea in 1599, it was ano ther fifty year s before the first tea from China reached Holla nd.A few years later, tea was brought overland from China to Russia. The long difficult jour ney was made over mountains and across deserts.The new drink reached En gla nd in 1657. It was sol

23、d at one of the coffee hou ses. Only the very rich people could afford to drink.根据短文内容,回答问题。31.Who found that tea could refresh people first?32.1s tea a kind of medicine according to a book printed in Italy?33. Whe n did the people in Europe first know about tea?34. Which coun tries were men ti oned

24、 in the passage?35. Which country knew about tea earlier, England or Russia?(C)Dragon Boat Festival( 端午节)Drago n Boat Festival, also called Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on lunar M ay 5th. For thousa nds of years, the festival has bee n marked by eati ng Zong Zi and racing drago n boats. People hol

25、d the drago n boat races in memory of Qu Yu an, one of the greatest poets in China.Qu Yua n was born in Zigui of Hubei Provi nee over 2,200 years ago. Qu Yua nwas an honest( 诚实的)official of the state of Chu, during the Warring States Period (475 221 BC)(战国时期).He was upright( 正直的)and wise. He wan ted

26、 to b ring his country peace and make the state stronger, but the country was in the hands of bad officials so he failed. At last, he was very disappo in ted. He ende d his life by throwing himself into the Miluo River. It was said that people ju mped from boats into the river and tried to save him.

27、 But it was too late. Also, they were very.They threw rice into the water to feed the dragons in the river. They hoped that the drago ns would eat Zong Zi in stead of the poet s body.Now we often read his poem Li Sao which is filled with deep love for his co un try. We can see the drag on boat races

28、 and have a kind of Chin ese food n amed Z ong Zi during the Dragon Boat Festival.36. What are the two importa nt things on the Drago n Boat Festival?37. 改写画线部分,remember Qu Yuan, people hold the drag on-boat races every year.38. 写出画线部分的同义词39. 在画线部分的空白处填上适当的词 40. 列举出文中描写屈原品质的词 第三部分写作(25分)I .词汇。(10分)(

29、A) 根据句意及首字母提示填空。41. The photos can bring back lots of good m.42. Mr.Gree n pus to have a pic nic this Friday.43. People inven ted Chin ese cin memory of the famous battle betwee nXia ng Yu and Liu Bang.44. He hasn t had anything to eat for a long time, so he s very hnow.45. Ma ny new dwere made with

30、 the help of a compass.(B) 根据句意用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。be good for, fight aga in st, depe nd on, in order to, play an importa nt partin46. He is the pers on we canforever.47. Yao Mi ngthe basketball games in NBA.48. We should build up our body, and try our best toSARS.49.She arrived earlyget a good seat.5O.

31、Eati ng more vegetablesyour health.n .句型转换。(5分)51.1 don t like rice. Wang Rui doesnIWang Rui likes rice.52. Both Jane and Maria draw it well.(Jane draws itwellMaria.53. The flowers are very beautiful.(flowers!54. This is a machine. It can tell us time.(This is a machi ne55. Cai Lun developed this ki

32、nd of paper.(This kind of paper川.书面表达。(10分)t like it, either.(同义句转换)同义句转换)改为感叹句)tell us time.by Cai Lun.改为含定语从句的复合句)改为被动语态)造纸术不仅是中国古代的伟大发明,同时也促进了世界文明的发展。请根据下面表格里所提示的内容,以 One of the Most Helpful Inventions为题写一篇短文。词数60-80之间。Inven ti on PaperTime Western Han dyn astyInven tor Cai LunMaterials bark, rop

33、es, rags and so onUses writing, painting, printing books and so onOne of the Most Helpful Inventions2010年中考英语模拟试题(三)听力材料I .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。1.It was a great gift to the world from ancient China. Sailors could depend on it to find direct ion.2. He was a great explorer from Italy. He came to China i

34、n the Yuan dyn asty.3. What gra nd buildi ngs! Most of them have yellow roofs.4.It was one of the importa nt Chin ese exports a thousa nd years ago.5.It was built i n Zhaozhou, ancient China, by Li Chun .It is still sta nding there.n .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。t it?6. The drago n is a symbol of the Chin es

35、e n ati on, isn7. Could you please tell me someth ing about Huabiao?8.1 like play ing Chin ese chess, how about you?9.1 think drinking tea daily is good for our health.10. What grand buildi ngs! Would you like to visit them with me?川.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读一遍。11. W: Kan gka ng, do you like Chin ese p

36、ain ti ng?M: Yeah, but I can t paint as well as my father.Q: Who is good at Chin ese pain ti ng?12. A: Do you know who inven ted the first computer?B: I m sorry I ve no idea. Let s search the Internet to find it out.Q: What kind of inven ti on are they talk ing about?13. W: Can you play Chin ese che

37、ss?M: Yes, but I can t play it as well as my mother. And my father plays best in my family.Q: Who plays Chin ese chess best?14. M: Miss Zhang, the Chin ese emperors were so stra nge. Why did they prefer yellow to gree n, white and so on?W: Because they thought this kind of color meant imperial power

38、.Q: What was the emperors favorite color?15. M: Jane, do you like Chi nese Ku ng Fu?W: Both my father and I like it very much. But my mother doesn t like it at all.Q: Who likes Chi nese Ku ngFu in Jane s family?IV .听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。Dragon cultures live not only in the eastern world but also in t

39、he westernworld. However, the western drago ns look very differe nt from the Chin ese on es.In ancient China, emperors thought they were real drago ns. A drago n was a s ymbol of imperial power.In China, there were many stories, plays, music, and pain ti ngs about drag ons. Now, the names of mountai

40、ns, rivers and places with dragons are countless inChina. Also we can call a year“ the year of the drago n ” .In South China, theDrag on Boat Festival is an importa nt festival.Nowadays, a drag on no Ion ger sta nds for imperial power. It has become the symbol of the Chinese nation. However, people

41、still believe it can bring them good luck.2010年中考英语模拟试题(三)参考答案第一部分听力I .1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.Dn .6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B川.11.B 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.AV .16.F 17.T 18.F 19.F 20.T第二部分基础知识运用I . 1.C 考查both, neither, either和none的不同用法。both的意思是两者都”;either的意思是两者之中有一个”;n either 的意思是两者都不” ;none 是三者或三者以上“全都不”。根据句意是两者都不喜欢

42、。故选Co2. C “被用来”可用 be used .来表达,be used for后面通常跟动名词,beused to后跟动词原形。故选CO3. B考查过去分词作后置定语的用法,过去分词作定语表示被动,这里的意思是“被称为,被叫做”。故选Bo4. B考查固定短语。with one s help 在某人帮助下,without one s help 没有某人的帮助。本句可译为“没有你的帮助,我不会做得这么好。”故选B。5. B elder只能用作定语,不能单独用作表语,主要用于表示家庭成员出生的先后。此外,elder还可用作名词“长者,前辈,不能用 older来代替。older既可用作定语,又

43、可用作表语。故选D。6. A be similar to .与相似;be different from .与不同;B 和 D语法结构错误。猫和老虎同属猫科动物,因此它们有许多相似之处。故选A。7. B punish惩罚;dismiss 解雇;discuss 讨论;praise 表扬。他现在失业了,说明他是被解雇了。故选Co8. C考查see的复合宾语结构。see sb. doing sth. 表示“看见某人在做某事”,强调 动作在进行中;see sb. do sth. 表示“看见某人做(了)某事”,强调动作的全过程或一次性 动作。故选Co9. B考查并列连词的用法。both . and .表示

44、两者都,后面谓语动词用复数形式;either . or .表示两者中的一个 ;neither . nor.表示两者都不 ;not only .but also .不仅而且,后三者谓语动词跟最近的主语保持一致。由题意可知,只需要一名同学。故选Bo10. D neither . n or.既不也不cept . 除了之夕卜;not only . but also .都在学习说英语。故选Do;either . or .要么要么 ;ex不但而且。年轻人和老年人n .11.E 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D川.16.A句意是“在他们学会生火之后”,17. D句意是“他们用点燃的木棍照亮路”make

45、 fire 生火。故选A。,light在此为动词,意为“照亮”。故选Db18. C put . i nto把插入里。此句译为“他们学会把木棍插入油脂里”,come into 进来;go into 从事,调查。故选Co19. D句意是“油脂燃烧发出的光更明亮且持续时间更长”。四个选项中stay意为“停留,逗留,留下” ;work意为“工作”;made意为“使” ;last 意为“持续,延续”。故选Do20.C根据句意“他们发明了蜡烛”。故选Co21. C此句为非限定性定语从句,用关系代词which。故选Co22. C根据上下文及常识可知人们直到现在都使用的是蜡烛。故选Co既不也不with表示“以

46、某种方23. A根据句意以及提示词 nor可知应使用neither . nor. 故选Ao24. C句意是“它们都要用火来点燃”。在四个选项中,只有式,用”。故选Co25. B句意是“电灯不用火就可以被点亮”。电灯与点亮是被动关系,用动词的过去分 词。故选B。W .(A)26. 民族27. 我的青春像鸟一样一去不复返。28. F由第二段最后一句可知题干错误。29. T由第一段第三句可知题干正确。30. T全文讲述了中国的民族音乐文化。题干正确。(B)31. The Chi nese. 32.Yes, it is. 33.In 1599. 34.Chi na, Italy, Holla nd, Russia and En gla nd.35. Russia.(C)36. Eati ng Zong Zi and raci ng drago n boats.37.ln order to38. more tha n39. sad/un happy4O.h on est, upright and wise第三部分写作I .(A)41.memories 42.promised 43.chess 44.hungry 45.discoveries(B)46.depe nd on 47.plays an importa nt part in 48.fight aga inst


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