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1、itest翻译题库翻译1-20Part 1 TranslationDirections: 1. Andy often manages to escape being punished whenever he breaks traffic regulations (不管什么时候他违反了交通规则).2. I didnt know his address otherwise I would have paid a visit to him (要不然我就去他家拜访了). 3. In the current society she finds it impossible to always tell t

2、he truth (她感到只说实话是不可能的).4. The college tries to make more accommodations available (提供更多的住处) for students.5. The other day I was caught in the rain (我淋雨了) on the way home.6. They spent a lot of time negotiating for better working conditions, only to get fired (结果却被辞退).7. Only through much practice c

3、an you improve your ability to write (你才能提高你的写作能力).8. Professor Wang hopes that his book will arouse readers interest in traditional culture (引起读者对传统文化的兴趣).9. It is suggested that the teacher should take the concrete needs of students into consideration (考虑学生的具体要求).10. Although the young brothers ha

4、ve many interests in common, they differ a lot in lifestyle (但是在生活方式上却有很大的不同).11. If climate change sets in and drought remains a frequent visitor, there will be far fewer people in 20 years (二十年后,人就会少多了).12. People living in areas where winter storms are likely (居住在冬季可能有暴风雪区域的人们) should carry emerg

5、ency supplies in their vehicle. 13. School administrators point out that texts may be free online, but students need a way to access them (需要一个获取他们的方式).14. The embarrassing truth is that Ive always just accepted what my parents have done for me (我父母为我做的事).15. He dropped out of school (他退学了) at young

6、 age and went straight into a job.16. Only if you have been in the deepest valley (只有你曾置身于最深的山谷), can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain. 17. Jack told himself that he would try his best not to let his parents down (他会尽力不使父母失望).18. If Mary doesnt work hard, its impossi

7、ble for her to live up to peoples expectations (达到人们对她的期望).19. Its the game/match held by the basketball club (是篮球俱乐部举行的比赛) that Im going to take part in.20. He asserts that we must learn science by observing and experimenting on the things around us (通过对周围事物进行观察和实验).翻译21-40Part 1 TranslationDirecti

8、ons: 1. It is hoped that in the new job his talents will be better utilized than before (他的才干能得到比以往更好地发挥).2. We are trying to encourage people to learn English, because we think that is a good way to achieve aspirations (因为我们认为学英语是实现抱负的一种好途径).3. It is an electronic babysittera wristwatch-like device

9、 that lets parents know where their children are at all times (让父母随时知道他们的小孩在什么地方). 4. To my great disappointment, despite all that I have said, he never remembers to behave himself in public (他总是记不住在公共场合要行为规矩).5. Only by actively involving yourself in social practice (只有积极投身于.实践) can you accumulate

10、enough working experience.6. She felt depressed because she was well aware that her beloved dog would never return (她充分意识到她心爱的小狗再也不会回来了). 7. Not knowing the language and having no friends or relatives here (既不懂当地的语言,在这里又没有亲戚朋友), the girl found it impossible to get a job.8. The agreement says that th

11、e ultimate objective is the removal of the extreme poverty in the world (最终目标是消除世界的极度贫困).9. In my opinion, a mans first duty is to find a way of supporting himself, therefore relieving other people of the burden of supporting him (以免除别人对他生活的负担). 10. All of us have read thrilling stories in which the

12、 hero has only a limited time to live (故事中的主人公只能再活一段有限的时光).11. Mary couldnt have come by bicycle (玛丽一定不是骑车来的), for I saw her on the bus to school.12. It is now known that this illness is not confined to any group in the society (不限于.上任何群体).13. Recently, we have invested our money in the training of

13、the workers, but in the long term, we hope to make large profits (但从长远来说,我们希望赚大钱).14. The company changed some of its practices in response to the criticism by government inspectors (作为对政府检查员批评的回应).15. I dont think it would be right for them to have direct access to patients information (直接接触病人的信息).

14、16. Under no circumstances would he admit (在任何情况下,他都不会承认) that he was the one who wrote the love letter to her.17. If you cannot solve it properly, you will run the risk of committing the same mistake (有重蹈覆辙的危险).18. The champion was likely to attribute his success to hard training (把他的成功归因于努力训练) and

15、 a little luck.19. Its time that the government dealt with the traffic problem (政府处理交通问题) in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing and so on.20. None of us expected the chairman to turn/show up (我们没有人料到.会出现) at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.考点:固定搭配题解析:“出现”用固定搭配turn up或者show up表示,“没有人”用n

16、one of表达。 翻译41-60Part 1 TranslationDirections: 1. Believe it or not, Sandys doctor attributed it to her firm belief in the future (把此归因于她对未来的坚定信念) when she recovered from cancer.考点:固定搭配题解析:“把归因于”用固定搭配attribute to表示,“坚定的信念”表达为firm belief。2. Some women could have made a good salary in a job instead of

17、 staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family (为了家庭的缘故).考点:固定搭配题解析:“为了的缘故”用固定搭配for the sake of表示。 3. Buying clothes is often a very time-consuming job, because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that/which fit him or her (适合他/她的那些).考点:定语从句题解析:此处需要一个定语从句,先行

18、词为the ones,关系代词可用that或which;适合用fit表示。 4. How close parents are to their children has a strong influence on (有很强的作用) the character building of their children.考点:固定搭配题解析:“对有作用”可用固定搭配have an influence on sth表示,“强烈的”用strong表示。5. Extreme climate change can affect your work performance by making you unabl

19、e to concentrate (让你无法集中精力).考点:语法结构题解析:介词宾语用动名词形式。“集中精力”用concentrate表示。6. There is still a long way to go before we can entirely adapt our education system to (使我们的教育体制适应) the demands of society.考点:固定搭配题解析:“适应”用adapt sth. or sb. to.表示;“体制”用system表示。注意空格前是情态动词,所以空格处的动词应用原形。7. Thanks to the help of vo

20、lunteers (多亏志愿者的帮助), we finally found the right way to the National Stadium.考点:固定搭配题解析:“多亏”用thanks to表示;“志愿者”用volunteer表示。8. The transport sector which relies almost entirely on oil (几乎完全依赖石油) is projected to account for a large part of Chinas new demand for oil.考点:固定搭配题解析:“依赖”用rely on 或者depend on表示

21、。还要注意两个程度副词的表达。9. The open invitation for talent has attracted nearly 100 outstanding / excellent scholars from home and abroad (海内外杰出学者) to hold senior positions in teaching and management at the university.考点:语法结构题解析:空格处的中心词是学者(scholars),在句中作宾语成分。“杰出的”和“海内外”是两定语用来修饰这个名词,注意它们的位置关系和表达。“杰出的”可用outstan

22、ding / excellent表达;“海内外”用from home and abroad表达。10. It goes without saying that the eye-catching development of the Internet makes many people believe that it is a cure-all solution (它是万能良药).11. Nowadays many small satellites are named after people who have made outstanding contributions to society

23、(那些为.做出杰出贡献的).12. There is no doubt that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be (不像以前那么亲密).13. So prevailing is the Internet that nobody can avoid being influenced by it (没有人可以不受到它的影响).14. It is conceivable that students taking part-time jobs can cultivate their ind

24、ependence and team-work spirit (培养他们的独立性和团队合作精神).15. Despite his old age/Though he was advanced in years (尽管年事已高), my father still tried his best to learn a new language.16. If you had gone to bed earlier last night, you would not be so sleepy now (你现在就不会那么困了).17. What amazed us was (令我们惊讶的是) that h

25、e still looked energetic after that long journey.18. He hurried back home only to find his house burned down (结果发现房子被烧毁了).19. As a little kid, he could not bear to part from his family (无法忍受与家人分开).20. The harder one tries (一个人越努力地去尝试), the less likely he will fail again.考点:固定句型题解析:“The+比较级,the+比较级”的

26、句子结构表示“越越”。“努力尝试”用try hard表示,注意try的时态,应用一般现在时。翻译60-75+10个外选Part 1 TranslationDirections: 1. Only in an emergency are people allowed to push this door open (才允许人们推开这扇门).考点:倒装句题解析:“only+状语”置于句首时后面的句子要倒装。“允许某人做某事”用allow sb. to do sth.表达,通常用其被动形式。“推开门”用push the door open。2. It is suggested that the gove

27、rnment (should) take into consideration the needs of common people (政府应该将普通民众的需要考虑在内).考点:虚拟语气题解析:suggest 表示建议时,后面的从句要用虚拟语气,由“should + 动词原形”构成,其中should 可以省略。“将考虑在内”用take sth. into consideration / account 表达,needs 最好用复数形式。3. Those who devote their lives to education (那些毕生致力于教育的人) are making great cont

28、ributions to our country.考点:定语从句题解析:空格处缺主语,中心词是“那些人”,用those指代。“毕生致力于教育的”是定语,可以采用定语从句的形式,也可以采用现在分词短语的形式。“致力于”用devote / dedicate to来表示。4. If she had gone over her notes earlier (如果她早点复习笔记的话), she could have finished her preparation before the exam.考点:虚拟语气题解析:从整个句子的语义可以判断是虚拟语气的句子,再从题干后半部分的“could have f

29、inished”得知此句是对过去事实的推测,因此if条件句中应用had+动词的过去分词的形式。“复习”用go over或者review表示。5. Youd better take some warm clothes with you in case it gets cold (以防天气变冷).6. Because of the delegates disagreement on the key issue, the president made a proposal that the meeting should be postponed (会议延期).7. I should say John

30、 is not so much a writer as (与其说是个作家不如说是) a reporter.8. As almost everything is ready, the problem now is where we can get the necessary funds (我们从哪可获得必需的资金).9. Other things being the same (其他条件相同的情况下), a man who is dressed neatly is more likely to leave a better impression on the people around him.

31、10. Whatever type of speech youre giving (无论你做哪种类型的演讲), the basic skills needed are the same, with some of these skills technical and some just common sense.考点:让步状语从句解析:特殊疑问词加上ever和no matter加上特殊疑问词在引导让步状语从句时用法和意思基本相同,但是特殊疑问词加上ever可以引导名词性从句,本句中whatever引导让步状语从句并且在从句中作宾语。11. Most of the stories bring u

32、s closer to each other (让我们彼此更靠近) because we all have stories that happened in our own life.考点:固定搭配解析:be close to意思是“与紧密、贴近”,其中to是介词,后面加名词或者动名词。本句中活用该短语,bring是谓语动词,us是宾语,close to是宾语补足语。12. We learned so much about the women and their lives, their tolerance in the face of difficulties (面对困境的隐忍), thei

33、r strengths and weaknesses, and their hopes and dreams for their children.考点:句子成分与固定搭配解析:本句中we是主语,learn是谓语动词,about是介词,后面是由and连接的多个并列宾语,且都为名词性短语,此处用名词tolerance,表示“隐忍”,in the face of为固定搭配,意思是“面对”。13. A secondary goal of the program was to reach the preschool children and offer educational books and su

34、pplies to facilitate learning (提供教育书籍和用品促进学习).考点:动词不定式解析:本句中A secondary goal of the program是主语,was是系动词,后面为动词不定式作表语,由and连接两个并列的表语,后面不定式省略了to,所以此处用动词原形offer,to facilitate learning是动词不定式作目的状语。14. The biggest problem language learners find (语言学习者发现的最大问题) when they start talking to local people is that n

35、o one understands their painstaking efforts to communicate.考点:定语从句解析:本句包含一个由when引导的时间状语从句,主语是the biggest problem,is是系动词,后面是由that引导的表语从句。根据语法,由which或者that引导定语从句修饰problem,因为关系代词在定语从句中作find的宾语,所以此处省略关系代词。15. The bank refused to loan him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house (他不得不推迟买房).16. I w

36、ould have arrived on time if I had not been caught in the traffic (如果我没有遇到交通阻塞).17. She is working hard for fear that she should lag behind others (唯恐落在了别人后面).18. The secretary made a note of it in case she should forget (以免她忘记).考点:虚拟语气题解析:“以免”用in case表示。依据语法,在in case引导的目的状语从句中,谓语动词用should+动词原形。19.

37、The most convincing evidence/proof is not what you have said (最有说服力的证据不是你说过什么), but what you have done in the past several years.20. When it comes to some philosophical ideas (当谈到一些哲学思想时), I think they are just as difficult as mathematical formulas to understand. 考点:从句题解析:“当谈到”的英文表达为when it comes to sth。


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