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1、优质教案教 案2021年Whatwouldyoulike英语教案五篇学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021年Whatwouldyoulike英语教案五篇教学是一种创造性劳动。写一份优秀教案是设计者教育思想、智慧、动机、经验、个性和教学艺术性的综合体现。下面就是整理的What would you like教案,希望大家喜欢。What would you like教案1重点:句型:Can I have some , please? Sure. Here you are.单词:rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, veget

2、able难点:能够正确读单词vegetable。教具准备:1.教师准备有关食物、饮料的图片。2.教材相配套的教学录音带第一册Unit 5 Lets sing/A 和本册Unit 5 Lets learn/A3.学生准备一套有关食物、饮料的卡片。4.单词卡教学过程 :(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Sing a song教师放录音使用本套教材第一册Unit 5, Lets sing/A部分,师生一起唱歌曲“Lets havea picnic today”.2.Listen and do教师发布口令,学生听到之后做出相应的动作。(可借助于学生自己的单词卡)Pour the

3、water.Smell the coffee.Taste the tea.Show me the milk.Drink the juice.Cut the bread.Make the cake.Eat the hot dog.Show me the hamburger.Smell the chicken.Make the cake.Pass me the French fries.(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1.教师出示Lets learn部分的挂图,让学生说出图上食物和饮料的名称。教师指图并越指越快,学生要迅速地说出被指食物和饮料的名称。此项活动也可由学生轮流完成。2.导入

4、 新单词。教师与学生进行会话:T: So many foods and drinks. I like humburger. Do you like it?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.T: What do you like?S: I like 教师指着图片soup和vegetable问学生:Do you like soup/vegetable?让学生两人一组用上述句型进行对话。并教读单词soup和vegetable。教学中要特别注意vegetable的发音。3.教师做饥饿状:Im hungry. Can I have some rice, please? 让学生听懂之后,到

5、黑板上取下相对应的图片给教师:Sure. Here you are. 教师说:Thank you.4.让学生使用自己的学习卡片,模仿着来做这组对话。(可与Lets play部分相结合)Can I have some rice/ fish/beef/soup/noodles/vegetable, please?Sure. Here you are.5.听录音,跟读单词和对话。6.教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词。7.教师指着黑板上的图片说: Look! Ererythings ready. Id like some rice and fish for dinner.What would you l

6、ike ? 引导学生说出:Id like some and(三)趣味操练 (Practice)1.The food and drink game把食物和饮料的卡片贴在教室的不同地方,卡片之间保持一定的距离。教师对学生说:“Chicken”。所有的学生必须走向单词卡chicken 。重复以上步骤,直到练习完所有单词。2.猜一猜,说一说让一位学生站在教室前面,将自己喜欢的食品的卡片放在背后,大家猜他喜欢的是哪种食品。猜的学生说:“Rice”,如果没猜中,站在前面的学生说:“No .”如果猜中了,站在前面的学生说:“Yes .”猜中的学生站在前面,大家继续猜。3.What is missing ?把

7、本单元的单词卡片放在地板或桌子上,学生围着卡片坐一圈,以便能看清图片。教师指卡片,让学生说食物或饮料的名称。让学生背对卡片,教师将一张卡片抽出,放在自己背后。学生转过来,观察卡片,说出被抽出卡片的名称。教师向学生展示被抽的卡片,肯定或否定他们的答案。让学生45人为一小组做游戏。一个学生将自己的一套卡片放在桌子上,抽出一张,其他学生猜被抽出的卡片。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)让学生表演三人短剧。其中两个学生是朋友,他们在食品店中见面,要买食品。另一个人是售货员,在卖东西。1.教师引导学生回忆所学过的打招呼的话语:Hello, Hi .2.告诉学生,买东西的人要说出他们喜欢的食

8、物,如:I like (ice-cream ) 。3.买东西的人要对售货员说:Can I have some , please?4.扮演售货员的学生要说:Sure. Here you are. 并假装递给他们所要的食物。5.买东西的学生要问:How much?6.卖东西的学生要根据每样东西的价签,告诉对方实际的价格。7.买东西的人付钱时可象征性地拍一下对方的手。并要谢谢售货员,引出词组:Thank you .8.给学生时间让他们练习,让每个学生都有机会表演。9.让各小组布置自己的情景(如:用课桌当柜台,用卡片代替食品),排练话剧。10.鼓励学生在全班同学面前表演短剧What would you

9、 like教案2the fifth periodteaching contents: part b lets talk lets chantteaching aims:1. enable the students to say the sentences: i can use chopsticks. lets try. help yourself. let me show you. mm.yummy. i like chinese food. we had a good time. see you tomorrow. good night.2. understand the dictation

10、 and do the same action.difficulties and importance:1. enable the students to understand the meaning of the passage.2. enable them say “i can use chopsticks. help yourself.preparation:food pictures.teaching procedure:(1) warm-up.lets chant.put your notebook under your bag. put your pencil-case on yo

11、ur chair, put your pencil in your desk, put your eraser near your pencil-case, put your english book on your head.lets chant.how many english books do you have? 30how many story-books do you have? 40how many picture books do you have? 50(2) preview.lets do.give me a spoon. pass me a fork. wash the p

12、lates. use the chopsticks. cut with the knife.(3) presentation.i have many foods here. what do you like? chinese food or english food?but how can i eat them? look, here are some tools. can you call their names? show them plate, knife, spoon, fork, chopsticks. can you use them?i can use. (teach it)ot

13、herwise, let me show you.(4) listen and read.listen to the tape and catch the main idea.read it follow the tape.read after me and explain for them.(5) lets chant.pass me the forkWhat would you like教案3target and command:1. enable ss to master the new words: rice, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable, fish.

14、2. enable ss to use these words for communication.3. learn the new song what would you like.teaching aids:prepare a tape recorder and the pictures of food.course:step1. warm-up1. sing the song lets have a picnic today.2. free talk.step2. presentation1. t: i like hamburgers, what do you like?s: i lik

15、e t: do you like ?s: yes. /no.2. give the pictures of food to the ss.t: im hungry, can i have some rice?s: sure, here you are. (choose the right picture to teacher)t: thank you. (drill this word: rice)3. teach the other words in the same way.(emphasize the pronunciation of “vegetable”)step3. practic

16、e1. play the game: find the picture.hide a picture in one students desk, one student try to find it out, others say the words loud or lightly according to the distance between the finder and the picture.2. listen to the tape and read the words and sentences.3. paste the pictures on the blackboard, t

17、eacher acts like a shop assistant.s: can i have some , please?t: sure, here you are.then choose some students to act like the assistant.4. learn to sing the new song what would you like.What would you like教案4target and command:1. enable ss to communicate with the sentences “what would you like” and

18、“id like some ”.2. master the words the ss have learned.3. know what dessert is.teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and some pictures of food.course:step1. warm-up1. sing the song what would you like.2. review the words.3. t: can i have some ?s: sure, here you are.(let one student be the assistan

19、t, others be the customers.)step2. presentation1. t: do you know whats for dinner today?s: chicken?t: oh, id like some chicken and vegetables, what would you like?(write down the sentence on the bb)s: id like some (help ss say out “id like some ”)2. drill: what would you like? id like some and 3. pr

20、actise saying these sentences, with the group work below.s1: what would you like for dinner?s2: id like some (s1 tick or cross in the blanks)feedback.4. t: ok, we dont know whats for dinner, so please wait and see.(write: wait and see)step3. practice1. t: open your books to page 59, are you ready?s:

21、 yes.t: you can say “everythings ready.”ss be able to know whats the meaning.2. read after and tape.3. read by individual or by group.4. practise with partners and act out.step4. good to knowread the dialogue and understand what dessert is.step5. strengthendo the activity book.What would you like教案5

22、target and command:1. master the spelling of these words: bread, egg, milk, water.2. learn the new words: knife, chopsticks, plate, spoon, fork.teaching aids: prepare a tape recorder and some pictures of the tableware.course:step1. warm-up1. sing the song.2. review the words of the food.3. s1: what

23、would you like for dinner?s2: id like some step2. presentation1. t: what would you like for breakfast?s: id like some eggs.t: how to spell egg?s: e, g, g, egg.2. teach the other words in the same way, let them try to memorize how to spell these words.3. play the game: concentration.4. write and say.5. t: whats this? (show them the picture of a plate)s: plate.t: good. (drill it)6. use the same way to present the other four words.step3. practice1. read after the tape.2. review the new words together.3. play the game: knock it.4. if theres time left, copy the words.优质文档13


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